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DairyKing的日记, 2014年03月29日

Good Morning, FS Warriors! The DGD gets married this evening one block away in our little country church. Finally, there won't be artificial flowers scattered over every square inch of our family room, and I can get back to actually doing something constructive. Well, we went out to eat again last night; I am trying to do things in moderation, but I don't know if the walleye, French fries and apple salad were very moderate. I've just given up on trying to be too diet focused until things settle down around here. I hope the rest of them stay old maids if marrying them off is so much work.

Got to bed late last night. Woke up about 6:30 and guess what? Went back to bed. Got up again at 9:30. Woo hoo! Still went down and did my run/walk program. Each 14 minute run seemed to go on forever, in spite of the fact that I got plenty of sleep last night. I wanted to quit, but kept reminding myself that this is why you need to build a base, and keep going no matter what. There are going to be days that you just don't feel like working out, and it is those days, that you need to do it anyway. You'll know why the first time you get in a race, and after about 5 minutes into your run, you want to quit, you'll be conditioned to be able to persevere in spite of your feelings. You know, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." That doesn't happen by accident. And even if you never get in a race or any kind of competition, you won't be a slave to the old defeatist attitude that put you in the shape that you were in. Suck it up! Get moving! Hoo Rah!

Well, DW is only going to let me screw off for so long today, so I'd better get moving, shower up, and wait for my next set of orders. There is light at the end of the tunnel; just hope that it isn't a train coming at me! Hmmm, I wonder if the other DGD would be interested in becoming a Nun. Three hots and a cot every day; job security. Well, that's fodder for another day. Have a great weekend, everyone. Toodles!

查看饮食日历, 2014年03月29日:
3106 千卡 运动: 步行(中等的) - 5公里/小时 - 12 分钟, 跑步(慢跑) - 8公里/小时 - 28 分钟, 休息 - 18 小时 和 20 分钟, 睡眠 - 5 小时. 更多的......

Enjoy the wedding. 
2014年03月29日 会员:: tunalw
Hang in there buddy...:O) 
2014年03月29日 会员:: BHA
LOL! Hope the wedding is beautiful and the other DGD becomes a nun. :) You made me realize that I haven't been on my elliptical machine in weeks. I am heading that way now. Thanks.  
2014年03月30日 会员:: Mom2Boxers
You and your granddaughter look great! I love me some walleye too. We can only hope that your other DGDs take a visit to the local convent. 
2014年03月30日 会员:: rockytu
Great picture! Hope all was lots of fun and worth the mess! 
2014年03月31日 会员:: Neptunebch
Ditto ~ Fab picture :-) Thank you for sharing. 
2014年03月31日 会员:: FullaBella





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