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DairyKing的日记, 2013年09月28日

A funny thing happened last week. I went to work and felt like I had tied one on the night before. I mean I felt like a terrible hangover. However, I hadn't had anything to drink. It kept up so I left work early with what I considered flu-like symptoms. I'd had a flu shot just two weeks prior, and I thought, "Oh, crap, here we go again!" That night, I had fever and chills, felt like crap, and just figured I better settle in for the long haul. A couple days later I notice my ankle is red and sore. Then the next day, redness is spreading up my leg - and I knew. Oh crap, it's back! Apparently all the scratches on my legs from working the brush, and working until I needed Tylenol to even move around the house, brought Mr. Cellulitis back again. I guess I can't let my defenses down like that. Anyway, a few hours in the ER and an IV of antibiotics, and I avoided a week-long hospital stay, and they sent me home with some oral antibiotics. I went in before my white blood count got out of control. I'm doing pretty well, but I can't get released to go back to work until I see the doctor on Tuesday. Hopefully, by then the antibiotics will have done their job. So, crap, crap, crap! Two steps forward, one step back. So, just in case any of you was thinking I was backsliding - well, this is just as good an excuse as any. Hope everyone has a great week. Toodles!

I hope you get better soon.... Thoughts and prayers for you and yours! Once your better you will be back at it and making progress again. Best thing is to take care of your self and be healthy. 
2013年09月28日 会员:: MsDustin
Thank you, MsDustin! BTW, I think you are doing very well your first week.  
2013年09月28日 会员:: DairyKing
Oh my! I hope you feel better soon. Take care! 
2013年09月28日 会员:: youngsturgeon
:-( so sorry to hear that DK. Such a 'bummer' after you were building up your jogging again.  
2013年09月29日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
Get well soon buddy...:O) 
2013年09月29日 会员:: BHA
Hate that for you bu glad that you caught it when you did. Is it a type of MERSA?  
2013年09月29日 会员:: BuffyBear
MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcusaureus) can cause potentially fatal staph infections. Infections caused by MRSA include cellulitis, boils, carbuncles, folliculitis and impetigo. I think that the difference is that, even though MRSA can cause cellulitis, I'm pretty sure you can get cellulitis without having MRSA. The nurses tell me that cellulitis is the most common ailment they treat in the hospital, but if you have MRSA, they are wearing masks and quarantining you. From what I've heard, most people get MRSA when they have been opened up, and get a staff infection. They've never isolated me or taken any special precautions when treating me. 
2013年09月29日 会员:: DairyKing
Feel better soon, DK 
2013年09月29日 会员:: HCB
2 of the football players at the college where I coach volleyball got MRSA this month and everyone was freaking out about it spreading around... glad you don't have that!!! :) Hope you're better soon.. 
2013年09月29日 会员:: erika2633
My thoughts and prayers are with you...did you wear long pants when you were cleaning out the brush? 
2013年09月30日 会员:: AJHR
Oh my! Looks as if you will be prone to get this so please take care of yourself. Glad you got it looked after so quickly too. This time around, you will bounce back faster. Hate this happened. I get bugs bites all the time that turn into nasty sores. I guess I am allergic to them and the scarring is horrible as I get older. We'll blame all this on aging. Dang aging! 
2013年09月30日 会员:: Mom2Boxers
Thanks for the education. Whatever it is - hope it leaves you soon!  
2013年09月30日 会员:: BuffyBear
So sorry this got you again. Hope you will be cleared today by your doctor. Take care - I'm sending lots of healing prayers your way. 
2013年10月1日 会员:: Neptunebch
Well, I am fine; life is good. The doctor put me on another 27 days of antibiotics, I guess in hopes that this crap will go away once and for all. The redness is just about gone, still a little sore around the ankle, but not bad. The most painful thing I had was wearing that stupid white pressure hose. I only lasted wearing it for two days, and then quit. I didn't look good in the high heels anyway. Haven't been very good at watching what I ate. Been back to work since last Thursday and see the doctor for the follow-up visit Tuesday, but it's just for the routine cholesterol check anyway - not for the cellulitis, although I'm sure he will ask me how I'm doing. Worked on the tractor today and straightened up out in the gym a bit. Was getting a little stir crazy. Thanks for all the well wishes, hope to be more disciplined again about logging in the future. Toodles! 
2013年10月6日 会员:: DairyKing
I am so glad to hear you are recovering...high heels LOL! Glad to read you have not lost your sense of humor! 
2013年10月6日 会员:: HCB
So pleased to hear from you... I was beginning to wonder where you had gone :-) 
2013年10月7日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
How've you been, DK? 
2013年10月29日 会员:: erika2633
2013年11月5日 会员:: Rpalmst
Setembe 28th DK? Really?  
2013年12月18日 会员:: Rpalmst
Haha - I just came to check up on DK too - looks like you beat me to it, Ryan! 
2013年12月18日 会员:: erika2633





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