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kingkeld的日记, 2013年09月19日

Good morning! :)

Yesterday went WAY better than Tuesday.

It was a hectic day - and I had activities all day - from 5:45 AM and all the way until 9:15 PM. Phew. What a day.

I got to sit down for lunch (about 20 minutes) and dinner (about 10 minutes), and on the workout machines in the morning. Other than that I was on my feet ALL day.

This shows on my calorie burn. Fitbit claims that I burned 3800 calories. I did 18,000 steps. Mind you, I skipped my five kilometer walk as I didn't feel I really had the time.

My food intake was low, but that's just how it ended up. I had pita breads for both lunch and dinner, respectively a large and a medium, with plenty of meat. It was good, but kinda boring. Still, they're way better food choices than anything else I can buy at a store here, I think. I get actual food, meat.

I ended up 1,000 calories low - but I figure this is just fine considering that I was WAY too high in calorie intake Tuesday. This is good compensation - both the fewer calories consumed and the extra movement and standing. We're probably even.

The scale show it too. Today I am down 1.8 kilos.

Since I was geeking the numbers yesterday, I think I need to make another observation. Losing the fluid from my body that came along with the excess carb eating, shows different results today. My muscle mass is back down to 70.5. Yesterday - with the excess fluid - it said 72.3, and the day before it was 70.6. It makes sense that it's back to 70.6, but I don't really like that excess fluid shows up as muscle weight. Oh well, I just have to learn to read the numbers. It's not like I can really change them anyways.


Today is Thursday. It's my long day at work - nine hours. On top of that, I came in one hour early, as I am planning on having the day off tomorrow. I need to rest a little, and I don't really have any work that is urgent. I just might stay home and relax.


It is of course also "Cake Day" here at work. Wife is gonna make the P-Tærte cake, that she had planned a few weeks back. At least, this is the last I have heard.

I will skip it entirely.

You see, we have guests coming tonight. Our friend - the one that lived with us a couple of years ago and whom I nicknamed "Lodger" here - will be visiting from Amsterdam. She's staying with us until Saturday.

I'm glad I don't need to change anything food related, but Wife was considering making an extra cake for tonight, and I know that if I have cake here in the afternoon, then I can't justify having any tonight.

I'd rather have it tonight.

This is all about playing my cards right.

Dinner tonight will be whole wheat lasagna, with home made meat sauce. It's gonna be somewhat high in calories, but this is compensated for in lunch, which is shrimp ettoufée (please spell check that for me, will you?). Lunch is a nice large portion and only 200 calories.

I should be able to reach 7 PM tonight without excess calorie intake.


No news about Daughter's internship just yet. I hope the jungle drums are right and she did get the position, but nothing is official. I hope she hears something today - she is super nervous about it, of course.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Morning Coffee!
- Wife!
- Visitors!
- Possibly last work day of the week. :)

Happy Thursday! Life is good!
82.5 公斤 最近减少: 72.5 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.
一个星期减少12.6 公斤

Have a nice day, Keld! :) 
2013年09月19日 会员:: Lizzie983
2013年09月19日 会员:: coffeebiscuit
Morning. I agree that the calorie deficit is likely a good thing given the carnage of the day before :) Hope though that the calorie deficit doesn't cause a problem with your work out today. You sometimes find that if you are low on stuff you are more tired but you didn't mention feeling tired so perhaps you feel great as usual. Cake at home - OMG - I couldn't do it. If you can have one piece and no more you are a stronger person that me. You have a long day ahead of you today, I'm exhausted just thinking about it :) Have a good one, enjoy your company, always nice to catch up with good friends.  
2013年09月19日 会员:: sarahsmum
Good luck with your day, buddy!  
2013年09月19日 会员:: Doominus
I actually woke this morning and said 'it's cake day' before I even read your journal. Which day is steamed veggie day again? LOL :-) Have a great day. 
2013年09月19日 会员:: FullaBella
D'oh! That's what I'm missing! LOL. 
2013年09月19日 会员:: kingkeld





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