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lotus2009的日记, 2010年10月31日

I think I will start losing weight again...Because I lost my appetite...And dont feel like eating.If it was true that we gain weight or dont lose when body goes in so-called starvation mode,none would die of hunger in Africa.I feel ashamed of being fat,when many people don't have enough food to eat...I see dreams...If I wrote them and published ,it would be a best seller horror story series...An everlasting series.Life is progressively tiring...We should focus on good things in our life,not on things in others life that we don't have...Or anything that we have but don't want to have...Or anything that we can't change...I used meditation and visualization.But not a single thing that I visualized happened so far.I dont want to fool myself anymore...

be careful lotus i hear a lot of pain and self sabotage creeping in to your post, hun don't let yourself pull you down we are often hardest on our self and tell our self we are not worthy of the things we want. hang in there and try to find something fun to do to day outside of your normal activity give your self a treat try going to the mall and just people watch you will be amazed when you open your eyes and see the world with open eyes how you will see you are not so dissimular to them. 
2010年10月31日 会员:: restlesshope
Lotus 2009, Love is the key here. The shift begins within ourself. As we are healing ourself we learn to love ourself. We intuitively know what is loving so to reach out into our world with love not guilt or a sense of duty. I must agree with restlesshope and as a true friend ask you to please watch your thoughts as they are very powerful but can easily be changed from the negative to the positive. Thanks for sharing your intimate thoughts with us today. You are a very compassionate person and are just worried for our world. I understand this too. Change your thoughts, change your body, change your mind, change your world...With Love,Lisa. Towanda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
2010年10月31日 会员:: Lisa Online
Change your thoughts, change your habits, change your mind, change your body, change your life, change the world. "I was trying to recite these words to you from memory and left out a few wise words that came from the dear buddy whom I thought was you:) I added and change your world because with your skills and intelligence you have so much to offer my friend:) TOWANDA!!!!!!  
2010年10月31日 会员:: Lisa Online
I Finally found a post I want to share with you, I found it through a F.S. buddy named K8yk who has really show a lot of us the way. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. TOWANDA! A Pledge to My Body I hereby agree from this day forward to fully participate in life on earth. I agree to inhabit the appropriate vehicle for participation…a body. As a requisite for the sustaining of that body, I agree to eat consciously. This agreement fully binds me for the duration of my stay on earth. As an eater, I agree to hone my hunger, eating when I feel hungry and stopping when I feel full. I recognize that as the biological need to eat is fulfilled with greater awareness, the benefits of well being will increase. Because the essence of my participation in life is one of learning and exploration, I agree to experience uncertainty in my eating. I recognize that my relationship to food is a learning process and I will inevitably make mistakes. Therefore, I agree to accept my humanness and imperfections and not blame and judge myself. As an eater, I accept pain, I recognize that I may suffer pain when my body is disturbed by my choice of food or eating habits. I may also experience pain when emotional and spiritual hungers are confused with physical hunger. During these times I agree to sit with and hold a safe place inside myself in which to explore painful and difficult feelings. I recognize that to be fully alive I must be willing to heave the courage to sit with a full range of emotions. I agree to work on finding the time and energy necessary to feed and care for my body. I pledge to speak lovingly and kindly to myself and to incorporate movement into my life in fun and joyful ways. I further agree to accept that I have a woman’s body; a body that is imperfect and vulnerable, curved, and rounded. Because I am giving up the need to be perfect, I am willing to accept m body at its natural weight. I realize that my female body has qualities that mark my womanhood and that have a profound role and effect on human kind. I recognize that eating joins me to all humanity and at its deepest level is an affirmation of life. Each time I eat, I agree somewhere inside to continue life on earth. This choice to eat is a fundamental act of love and nourishment, a true celebration of my existence. I choose life again and again and again. - Wellons, L, Celebrating the Body (1997), Austin, TX 
2010年10月31日 会员:: Lisa Online
Restlesshope-thank you for comment.I am really trying to deal with my unstable emotions and find a balance inside myself. 
2010年10月31日 会员:: lotus2009
Lisa thank you for all the comments.I really appreciate.I want to celebrate life and live it to the full.I don't want to feel miserable.Just things around me seem to overwhelming and I can't cope with all the pressure on me .Pray that I find a way to the life I desire...You are a big source of positive energy.Thanks 
2010年10月31日 会员:: lotus2009
I am hoping you slept well and are ready for this new day. I am indeed praying for you and am glad that we are each others support team:) TOWANDA!! 
2010年10月31日 会员:: Lisa Online
Maria a very dear buddy posted this wonderful quote in another one of our dear buddies journals this evening and I needed to share it with you before I head off for bed. "When we stay [in the painful moments without escaping via food, alcohol, work, money, drugs, etc.], we question what we've never questioned: the "I" that we think we are. The "I" that is not our past, not our habits, not our obssessions. That's when ANYTHING is possible. Even living through extraordinary pain." ~ G. Roth. The journey is a gift. This is very meaningful to me and I hope you will get from it the same thing I am, Be well my friend. 
2010年11月1日 会员:: Lisa Online





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