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madaboutmoose的日记, 2010年09月19日

I'm sad and a little baffled. A long time buddy of mine took me off their buddy list. I am hoping we can clear up whatever the confusion and/or misunderstanding is ... I don't know what I did or didn't do but obviously ... there must have been something for my buddy to 'de-buddy' me.

I guess it sort of fits for a rainy day. Raining too hard today to go out and cut wood. We actually have a fire going, it is that chilly!! I suppose I could use a "down" day so I'll be grateful for it. I can exercise, get the laundry done, and internet connection permitting figure out why I can't play the new Pilates workout I paid for to download yesterday!! LOL!!

We were able to do quite a bit yesterday. I think we brought down 4 truckloads (small pick-up truck) of wood. Then we decided on dinner and a movie!!! There is a local restaurant that has a special, 2 steak dinners with salad, baked potato, cornbread, beverage, and a slice of pie for $20.00!!! And it is good!!! We saw The Town ... enjoyed the movie, worth seeing, but of course ate way too much popcorn ... LOL!!!

So ... I guess I don't really have much else to say. Feeling a little down about losing my friend. I guess it happens. Still I am sad and confused.

I am grateful for ...

1. the hope that my buddy and I will be able to clear up any misunderstanding we have ...

2. another good night's sleep ... two in a row is awesome!!!

3. getting a lot done yesterday, wood wise, which means I am less concerned about not being able to work outside today ...

4. watching the flames in the woodstove ... always calming for me ...

5. ..... life .... it has its ups and downs but I am grateful for it!!!

So ... I guess I better really practice kindness today towards myself!! Have a good day.

Sounds like you were pretty busy yesterday. I am so sorry you are feeling so sad and hoping that you can resolve the issue. I am pulling for you. Hugs! 
2010年09月19日 会员:: chattycathy1955
I can tell you without any doubt it was nothing you did my friend Moose. This happened to me around 13 years ago when I was friends with a co-worker named Donna. I shared thoughts and feelings open an honestly and something in her upbringing told her I was evil. I know huh? I was baffled, hurt, and didn't understand. Turns out her fundamental way of thinking changed when she realized that what I believed in didn't make me an evil person. She knew in her heart I was a good person. Happy to say her heart opened and found the man of her dreams who came from Jewish faith. Truly an amazing story. Donna still follows the path she knows but opened her heart and found Love of so many. She is a beautiful soul. Can't say what happened to your buddy but we all have the free will to find our own way... Rain is in our forecast too, I am glad you are keeping warm as all your hard work is paying off! TOWANDA!!!!  
2010年09月19日 会员:: Lisa Online
Lisa ... I hope you are right but I always have to be open to the possibility that maybe I err. This place as been such a help to me ... and this person has been an integral part of my journey. I just don't want to overlook something ... kindness to others is as important as kindness to myself. 
2010年09月19日 会员:: madaboutmoose
I was de buddied recently by someone who has been my buddy forvever and I wrote them and asked them what was up and the next thing I knew we were buddies again and all was well. It was never explained but I am thinking blame the computer. 
2010年09月19日 会员:: sharonfriz
On here or on FB? Its happened to me a few times on FB that someone unbuddies me, and then all of the sudden, they are right back again. I've asked them what happened, and they said they did nothing. And its true, because they would have had to re-send the request to re-instate me as a buddy, and that never happened. Hope you get to the bottom of it soon though! 
2010年09月19日 会员:: MomofTwoGirls
Hi Carol! 4 truckloads in one day is quite a bit lol!! I'm glad you enjoyed your night out, I too like it very much after a long working day to have dinner served and no dishes to wash. I'm sorry about your buddy, I hope it's only a misunderstanding and things will get back to normal very soon. Have a great day!  
2010年09月19日 会员:: jessyline
I've often clicked on a buddy's profile when I've been away for a few days...to get to their *full journals* - the remove from buddy icon is right about it - I've *almost* clicked on that instead! I hope it's something as simple as that Carol darlin'...I cannot imagine anyone not wanting to be blessed by your journals...Chin up...and GREAT job on the wood...been there - done that...and I honestly LOVE the physical work! Have a really good evening....hugggggies 
2010年09月19日 会员:: drd3775
Just to clarify ... my sadness is resolved. The buddy didn't accidentally delete me ... this buddy for their own reasons no longer wants to be my buddy. I'm okay ... I wish this person well ... no more will be said as you may be buddies with this person too!!! Life takes strange twists and turns ... even on Fat Secret!!!  
2010年09月19日 会员:: madaboutmoose
That's weird because I find you to be one of the most honest and positive people here!!even if I don't always comment on your journals..I do always read that!! Just for the gentle reminded to be good to myself!!!!  
2010年09月19日 会员:: amy1flite
Aww, sorry to hear this, Moose. It's sad that there's even drama on Fat Secret.  
2010年09月19日 会员:: suechru
Moose, we can't always understand people and their actions. You are a good soul. Even when I'm having the most stressful chaotic of days I can read your thoughts and know-It's ok. I'll get through it,and try to appreciate what things are...usually lessons. I am sending you a hug over the internet. Have a great week and smile. 
2010年09月19日 会员:: Junebug7210
Carol, I don't know what happened with this buddy, but as you said, life takes strange twists and turns. 4 truckloads of wood is a lot!! and here I thought I was doing well to get 2 trees cut up! WOW, you are a truly amazing woman!! And also have to say that like Junebug, I truly enjoy reading your journal entries. They alwya make me think and invariably leave me with a smile. So, just in case I haven't told you before, thank you! Have a great week!! 
2010年09月19日 会员:: ctlss
Hi Carol, just checking in. Havne't been on FS much over the past few days. Didn't want you to think I'd forgotten you! Glad you had a fab week-end - you certainly deserved it. Not too restful but nice to be with your hubby and get house chores done. Hope this week isn't too manic. Be well.  
2010年09月20日 会员:: sarahsmum
I also see you changed your status to "buddies only" Was there a particular reason?  
2010年09月20日 会员:: sarahsmum
I changed to buddies only due to the recent buddy events here ... I didn't really want to because I like newbies to be able to read ... in the hopes that maybe there might be a tidbit or two they would find helpful. Unfortunately, I am not comfortable with my former buddy having access to my journal when I do not have access to theirs ... silly stuff but for now I think it is best. Folks will have to send a buddy request ... such is life. 
2010年09月20日 会员:: madaboutmoose
Glad you found out why even though it might not make sense! 
2010年09月20日 会员:: abbadabba
I'm very surprised this would happen to you! I've never read anything even remotely controversial in your journals... unless this person has something against practicing kindness toward yourself? Oh well, to each his/her own I guess. I've been de-buddied before and it hurt my feelings too. Seemed a bit juvenile to me, but then again, I can be somewhat opinionated so I guess I understand that some don't like to hear it. However, YOU seem to be extremely aware of not wanting to upset or offend anyone (perhaps more than is necessary, but that's another story) so that really surprises me. Oh well, don't blame yourself. You are one of my favorite buddies, so unless YOU boot ME, I am here to stay :) 
2010年09月20日 会员:: k8yk





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