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Snowwhite100的日记, 2020年03月7日

I've never put up an image of myself before. This picture is about 4 years old, perhaps even 5 now. I guess I didn't want my daughter to find me, but recently I told her most of what is going on in my life. She asked me once what my user name was, and I blurted it out, but without the 100. I have mentioned on FS a couple of harsh things that she has said to me. I may or may not take them out. They are certainly true. Probably I am too thin-skinned. I don't know if she is right when she criticizes me. I don't know much of anything anymore.

The relationship with my husband is hard. He is angry a lot of the time and lashes out. It's been years since I have shut down emotionally this much. For five weeks: he barely speaks to me, does not touch me, kiss me, hold hands, or say anything sweet. You young ones (and some not so young) here will speak harshly and tell me I should leave (as you said before). I am 78 years old and have a bad back. Should I really leave my home? He won't. He needs help, and he has me do most of the driving now, since last fall, when he almost died in September, and then had the TIA's (mini-strokes) in October and November. Besides I want to finish my course with honor. He has many health problems plus memory loss, and probably can't live without me. Fifty-eight years ago I promised, “for better or worse”. There's all kinds of worse. This isn't the worst of the worst. If I died, our daughter (who has stage 4 cancer) and her husband would come and clean out the house, sell it, and move him (unwillingly) to Arizona. I want to die, I just don't want pain before.

Maybe I brought it on myself. One of the things he “has” shared is that he says I called him a liar. I sure don't remember that and keep telling him that and apologized if I had, but he keeps bringing it up. It's true that I believe he would have no compunction in lying to me.

He told me 5 weeks ago “SHUT UP YOUR F---ING MOUTH. DON'T EVEN OPEN YOUR MOUTH.” So I've tried not to. I'm trying not to be a martyr, and I freely speak about household goings-on. But I try to not chit chat. Sometimes I say good morning, the rest of the time I wave. I told him the other day, I was trying to submit to him (dirty word for most young people) and he said I have never submitted to anyone my whole life, and that I do exactly what I want to do. In one way of thinking I guess it is correct that mostly we do what we want. I am choosing to try to be kind and to submit. I'm not sure I forgive “good enough”. I choose to and want to submit to God, but I don't know if I do it good enough. I don't know the wrongness of my heart. I am in a quandary about Biblical submission. Actually it's worse than a quandary. I am obsessing on it. He would say I am playing games.

The more he watches hard porn the more I become ashamed of letting him see my old body. Just last night at dinner he took ice cream away from me, and asked how much weight have I gained. Yes, I have gained 20 pounds, and now am at the grand total of 125. I had related here before that a year ago when I weighed 118 he told me I was fat, and at 113 he said I was letting myself go.

I can't compare with all the young bodies he spends his time watching. I got tired of walking in on it, but a year ago or so I decided not to say anything about it ever again. But I guess 5 weeks ago after he repeatedly hurt me emotionally, when I saw he watched it all day: morning, afternoon, and evening, I said he was committing adultery in his heart, and that he “made his choice”. We haven't talked about it since, but then we hardly talk. He doesn't tell me when he takes the car and leaves, or when he goes to bed at night. He has not approached me since then. After 5 weeks, my stance has soften, but he's just angry at me most of the time.

A couple of years ago, he told me I was using too much water, and our water bills are very high. We have a lot of roses and a water conditioner. Plus I think he wastes a lot of water. So I started trying to take only one shower a week and using wet wipes most of the rest of the time. Maybe that “is” playing games because he didn't tell me to do that. I don't even know. I'm so confused when we are supposed to do our husbands good. I don't use the dishwasher any more and did other radical things to save water. About 6 months ago when I mentioned the one shower a week, he said: “You should take two showers a week”. Now that is direct instruction, and I tried to follow it, and did, about 98% of the time. Well, maybe 90 to 95% in the summer. I know this sounds so compulsive, but I'm really trying here. A couple of weeks ago when I mentioned it, he got furious and told me to take a shower whenever I want. Wow, I am going to accept that, even though it was said in anger.

Should I tell you the story of the last 6 weeks about the chiropractor? How “I” should find a cheaper one than our $30.00 co-pay when I said I would like to go also. (he's going: I guess I'm not worth it). Then saying “I” should find one closer to home so “I” don't use so much gas. This chiropractor is 1.2 miles farther than our regular one. Last week, we were ½ hour early, so he said for us to drive down into Hollywood to just drive around to waste time.

A couple of week ago I told my pastor about the porn and the shower thing and asked him about submission, because isn't it right to do what my husband directs me to (2x week shower). He asked if we had money problems, and I answered no. Then he said my husband must be cheap. Maybe I told him about the chiropractor (see below) or maybe I didn't. The pastor told me that I should ask my husband what I have done that offended him? I know most everything I do offends him.

There have been other things going on in the last 5 or 6 weeks and I will share more, probably just to get it off my chest, but that's more than enough for today. I keep making false starts to get on the straight and narrow again. I have mostly done intermittent fasting while I have been gone, otherwise, the damage would be worse. I'm hoping to at least weigh in and log my IF (intermittent fasting). I hat to start measuring everything again, but obviously he wants me to lose weight. But then, nothing ever satisfied him anyway. Yes, yes, you will say to do it for me. Yes, and my brain, which I still worry about. I just don't know if it's normal aging.

Hi, Snowwhite. At what point in your life do you deserve some measure of comfort and happiness? If he's going to be horrible to you no matter what you do and is busy doing his thing all the time, why not do your own thing? You deserve to take a shower every day and after you've been working in the garden, you deserve a second shower. Cleanliness is next to Godliness, right? You deserve to find ways to entertain yourself and enjoy your days. I'm sure it's harder now that everyone is quarantined, but I hope you can go for a walk, sit by your roses with a glass of something and a good book, watch a program you like, listen to some music you enjoy, etc. Headphones and music are wonderful--you can immerse yourself in your own bubble and tune out that which you don't need to hear. My heart hurts for you every time I see your posts. You're a beautiful woman. You deserve to find some happiness in your days. You are worthy. If you can't leave him or force him into a care facility, then you deserve to carve out space in your life and days for yourself. If not now, when? Best wishes to you always. 
2020年03月27日 会员:: kpwcalories
This actually sounds like a dementia type issue or a brain dysfunction related to his stroke. Have you had a conversation with his doctor? 
2020年03月27日 会员:: Kenna Morton
I hardly know where to start! This post breaks my heart. You mention forgiveness, but the Bible clearly tells us that without repentance there is no forgiveness. Now that doesn't mean to carry grudges around with us because that just weighs us down, but you shouldn't feel guilty remembering his hurtful behavior and doing what you can to protect yourself from it. As for submitting to your husband it is true we are instructed to do so, but men are instructed to love their wives like Christ loves the church. Your husband is breaking his marriage vows by both his behavior toward you and is adultery with the porn, and yes it is adultery as described in the bible. If separation is not possible then you must do what you can to protect yourself emotionally from him. I don't know if your entire married life has been this way or if it is just since his health has deteriorated, but I hope and pray you can work out ways to create some measure of happiness in your day to day life. In Christian love.. Rhonda 
2020年03月27日 会员:: rhontique
Hope you are doing fine 
2020年03月27日 会员:: liv001
Some men can be temperamental...and if you deal with the temperamental type, you need way more courage. It is hard not to victimize yourself because a part of you must believe the things he says and does to you. You have to value yourself more, understand what it means to have unconditional love for self and have way more self-care. You need to look in the mirror and accept you and stop looking for acceptance from him. And the whole "submit to your husband" thing is a load of garbage. Learn women's history. Read some women's history books and learn why waaaayyy back when that concept applied. We are industrialized today. Women work and contribute to labor in the home. They are not an expense. Come into modern times and learn your history and stop allowing someone to oppress you! 
2020年03月27日 会员:: AboutMyTribe
Dear Snow. First of all, your post broke my heart. You don't deserve to be treated like that, despite what the bible says about submitting, what about his obligations to protect you and cherish you (even if just emotionally, if he isn't capable physically). I think there are just men like this (some women too, but they are fewer and more far between) - we all get older and age out of the perfextion of youth, My God, the audacity of your husband to be comparing you negatively to those bodies in Porn, when he himself is no spring chicken. The irony of it. I feel your anger and your despair. I THIS community(FS) is supposed to be about us becoming healthy and feel good about ourselves, butI think alot more of us hate ourselves and have self-esteem so low that noamount of weight loss will fix, because it comes from the heart and soul. I think it's something we don't love to admit to eachother or ourselves. But your husband isWRONG! You ARE beautiful, and god you are definitely not fat. I'd love to be your weight, even if things aren't perfect(when are they ever perfect!). I can't tell you to stay or to leave him, but you do deserve respectand love, after all your devotion and love and effort and sacrifices. At the very least you deserve to not be beating yourself up. These things are his issues and about him, not you. You are a good Christian, and a good person and a good wife. I feel you are in an awkward position between the present and the park. I've read some comments saying to stay because of your commitment you made (so long ago), others saying 'be a modern woman and leave that bastard!' I sense how torn you are. Just know that whatever you do you are not a bad person. You do deserve to be happy, though. Bless you Snow. I hope things get better. In the meantime, use this community to bitch, moan, whatever you need. Don't apologise and dont feel bad. We all need support.  
2020年12月3日 会员:: Baby Monkeh
What a beautiful, slim, slender, skinny woman!  
2022年01月31日 会员:: uglyhatemachine0





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