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madaboutmoose的日记, 2013年02月13日

A good nights sleep makes a big difference. I am ready to face the day though last night I wished I old call in sick! That's good news.

I've not been doing great on the evening eating forefront. I finished off the cashews last night and the cookies. Good! I have learned I have a harder time with snacking when DH is home. I will need to work on that. I also I have a harder time with snacking when I am very tired which I was last night, both physically and emotionally. Things to pay attention to and address.

Yesterday, on my drive back to the office I managed to spill my green juice in my work bag. Oh what a disaster. I ruined the cover for my iPad, it's case and got green juice on my files. That was part of my stress. And I didn't get to drink all of my green juice! Yikes.

Thank you Isabel for your heart and kindness no worries you aren't here every day. I am never alone though I feel like it sometimes, it is only a feeling and I know decisions should never be made on feelings alone.

DH is back work and I have the next 3 nights to myself in the house. That is a good thing for me. He is definitely talking more, though still not about us, but that will come. I will not let this all get swept under the rug, I will learn to speak up and talk about what I am feeling and thinking, not swallow it all which is how I got to where I am.

I may not make 199 by Friday and that too is okay. Considering, I've done quite well this past week and I will simply stay on my journey and embrace it.

So grateful this morning I am ... For

Sleeping all night without waking.
A brighter more positive outlook today.
For being brave enough to ask for help.
not feeling as much like a douche bag who deserves to be miserable.
not ruining my iPad, just the cover and case.
And another day of life.

Kindness and staying mindful are very important. While I am incredibly strong I am not I unbreakable. I am not superwoman. Thank you for your kindness, your encouragement, your support. Much appreciated! Take care. You all make a difference in my life.

Oh bummer about the juice spilling..I think your quite well with it all..and in a way you are a super woman...Hugs...:O) 
2013年02月13日 会员:: BHA
You sound really great. A good night sleep is good medicine!!! Glad you are getting some carol time over the next few days : )  
2013年02月13日 会员:: sharonfriz
Congrats on staying so positive despite challenges. Sorry to hear about the mess in your bag - yikes indeed - what a mess. Enjoy the three nights of solitude (well not quite, you have Blue). Sometimes its easier to be alone than to be alone when someone is there. And you are doing well on the eating front despite a few slips. We both know it could have been a disaster :) 
2013年02月13日 会员:: sarahsmum
Sorry that you got green juice all over your bag, files, and iPad cover...thank goodness it didn't hurt the Pad! I am glad that you are feeling better today. Sleep always helps. I hid the darned cashews, almonds, and pistachios (well, at least they are out of sight, although they still have a voice and call to me ever so sweetly, "EAT ME...EAT ME!"). I need to separate them into serving size bags and dole them out slowly. If I eat them out of the bag, I'll eat the whole darned thing! Oh, nuts, why must you be so danged tasty! Now cookies...I don't even allow them in the house. For church, they go out as soon as they are made, as I know one little slip is all it takes to start me down the path to destruction! I tend to swallow my feelings and usually it is with foods that I really shouldn't eat. I AM AN EMOTIONAL EATER...maybe we need to form EEA for those of us who have this disorder. If I could turn back time...well, we all know that isn't possible, but boy are there some things I would change. Anyway, I have rambled on enough. Enjoy your day, Carol...remember, you are who God made you to be, and He makes no mistakes! Love you, my wonderful, awesome, amazing friend!  
2013年02月13日 会员:: ctlss
PHew! At least it didn't wreck your iPad. My daughter swished my iPhone in the toilet (that my son had just used and not flushed) a few months ago. It did not survive. You sound so much better! But I think a lot of us swallow things--emotions and then, as a result, food.  
2013年02月13日 会员:: beets_yum
Carol, nuts are my downfall. So hard when they've got such great nutritional value, but it's like impossible to quit eating them. I've also done the separating into snack bags think like Stef. What a disaster about the juice. What a Heather thing to do. Sorry for that. Have a couple of quiet, quality nights with Carol. HUGS. 
2013年02月13日 会员:: Helewis
So glad to read your words, you sound better and more positive. Also glad that your ipad is safe!  
2013年02月13日 会员:: barbabella





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