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kingkeld的日记, 2013年01月22日

Good morning!

Sorry, I'm late - my morning was a bit chaotic, so I am writing this from work. I'll keep it brief - I think. You know how I am horrible at short journals. :)


This is one of those journals that is NOT that fun to report. I am up in weight a full kilo, and it's all my fault.

Yesterday, I had insane cravings again, and they were hard to get under control. I ended up eating way too much food, the wrong foods and all that jazz. Wife had been so sweet to make veggie minestrone, and it's super low cal, to make it a good day for me, and I messed it up with everything I ate.

I ended up about 1000 cals ABOVE my RDI. Booo! Of course, long term, no real damage done. I think I still burned more calories than I consumed, but still, I'm heavy because of the food, I'm feeling bad because of the dumbass choices.

So, today I'm compensating a little, without doing it in a stupid way. I am taking a reasonably low calorie day. I have it all calculated, and I have both breakfast, lunch and dinner, large portions that will fill me up, and I'm gonna consume about 650 calories. Not too shabby. I know I will not be hungry with what I have, so it should be all good.

Tomorrow is a new day, and I hope I will see a drop in weight. I feel that I am on my mission again, and the scary high number on the scale this morning really made me see that I need to focus on this.

So, today, I am focusing. Also, I took my first helping of probiotics today. Let's see if that makes any difference for me. Not really sure what to expect or feel?

I have a lot on my plate (so to speak) at work today, which is another reason I won't be writing too much. I better get going.

Today, I am thankful for:
- Focus!

Life is good!
91.9 公斤 最近减少: 63.1 公斤.    还有: 6.9 公斤.    饮食准则: 低.
一星期增加6.3 公斤

Keld... So sorry you are still struggling with the cravings. I am assuming, you are still trying the Paul McKenna videos, and have tried eliminating sugar altogether. Is there another of his videos you could try? I can't remember if you have the one for reducing cravings or the one "I an make you thin". Good luck for today x 
2013年01月22日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
hey, it's 4am here, I say your early :-) sorry about your struggle. I was reading a lot of articles last night about exercise and hunger. there was one I think you would relate to, if I find it I will pass it on. the cravings could be from changing/adding workouts. one suggested a 200 calorie protein meal like a small turkey sandwich after lifting. I wish I had better advice, be tough, you can do it! 
2013年01月22日 会员:: Lizzygracemusic
Lizzy, I appreciate it. I think my big challenge when it comes to cravings is more in the vicinity of "Man the heck up". LOL. Pam, I do have the "make you thin", videos, and you're right, I should probably whip 'em out. I think I will do that ASAP. :) 
2013年01月22日 会员:: kingkeld
You'll be fine Keld :-) You can burn a lot a cals doing your Nelson laugh at me - I had a mad woman craving yesterday and binged on ....CELERY!!! weird huh? One day does not a life make. Chin up&cheer up! 
2013年01月22日 会员:: FullaBella
Dang. You'll pull it back under control. You always do Keld. Hope today is a wonderfully successful back on track sort of day for you and you begin to see the scale decline with your morning weigh in!! 
2013年01月22日 会员:: madaboutmoose
Of all the peeps out there--YOU GOT THIS. You have your moments of weakness, (we all do-we are human!) but you'll get back on that horse and kick it into submission. IDK about cutting out all sugar, unless that's part of your overall plan, maybe use pure unrefined/unbleached, etc. instead? Much of what we're here to do is to "MAN up" as it were. Steady as she goes...  
2013年01月22日 会员:: ZippyDani
I also fell of the wagon! :) I find it a bit harder to come back each time (the routine and so) Anyways, good luck.  
2013年01月23日 会员:: Ryan75





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