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madaboutmoose的日记, 2013年01月16日

Oh dear. Life got ahead of me and you've all probably been wondering if I was in a ditch! I'm fine. I've had a couple of not good eating days. Been on a binge. I feel like crap! LOL! Today I'm back to my healthier new me. Damn that sugar is not good for me. DH and I finished off the ice cream we had in the freezer. Why, you might ask didn't we simply throw it away? Good question. Waste not want not? LOL. Oh well. Whatever damage ice done can be undone by getting back to taking care of me. By the way. Sugar seems to increase my hot flashes. I've had a few but not nearly as intense since I started juicing. The past 2 days? Oh my goodness I thought I might melt!

I had been looking so forward to seeing my dearest friend next week and found out she has to go to Florida instead of up here for her work meeting. So I had myself a pity party via crappy food last night. Dumb I know. She has a really good reason, her stepdad is dying. So I can't be upset. But I was so looking forward to seeing her. Oh well such is life. Now it's time to quit feeling sorry for myself and being mean to myself and get back on track! I am such a silly creature!

So high ho, high ho it's off to work I go! Grapefruit-orange juice and green juice in tow (kale, spinach, parsley, celery, carrots, lemon, and apple!) in my lunch bag. Commitment to being kind to myself renewed, not weighing till Saturday!

Our batteries aren't installed yet. First we are charging them up on a special charger our neighbor/handyman Jon has. We are okay on power for now with the patch he installed. We are thinking about going to a cooking class together next week at a local restaurant. It sounds like a lot of fun and we both love the food at this place. Will see if they still have room on the list come Friday when we get paid.

Grateful today ...

That I am back on track! (The power of positive statements!)
For buddies who miss me when I am absent!
Clothes starting to fit better ... Oh I'm so excited!
Boots! I love my boots!
My iPad! How did I ever live without one? LOL
And finally ... Life ... I am grateful for the life I have, challenging as it is at times I am truly blessed!

Have a wondrous day my friends. Be kind to yourselves ... You each deserve to be taken care of as well as you take care of others!

Good Morning Carol!! Glad to find your journal here. So sorry you will not get to see your girlfriend. A cooking class sounds like lots of fun and you will get to take all the goodies home..lol A healthy cooking class I am presuming. I've had some good eating days myself, since Saturday and that's a good start for me. I bought some of those weight watcher ice cream sandwiches for my treat. They are new and improved..only 140 calories I think and 2grams of fat...but a great treat and much better than what I have been eating. 
2013年01月16日 会员:: chattycathy1955
We have a few solar panels but they don't produce enough juice, especially during the winter months. Our batteries are a part of our power system. We do not have "on-the-grid" electricity ... we make our own. We have a battery system, propane generator, and inverter which creates 110 electricity for our home. When we have "good" batteries (they are the deep cycle variety ... BIG) we usually charge for a couple hours once or twice a day, depending on how much we've used. High draw items like toasters, hair dryers, microwave, basically any electrical appliance we run straight off the generator. For the most part it's a "normal" house ... just a few things we have to do differently. No one on our road has grid power. Costs more than 14 grand to bring it to the house. Just don't have that kind of cash!! LOL!! 
2013年01月16日 会员:: madaboutmoose
So sorry your friend can't go see you..but maybe some time in better weather would be good too..I don't know if I could throw out the ice cream either...my favorite is Butter pecan..and having lose clothes are a plus on any given day...:O) 
2013年01月16日 会员:: BHA
I know what you mean about that sugar! It tastes so good going down, but later in it makes you feel so bad! I have finished off foods that I should have thrown away MANY times. Hate to waste food. But I guess I shouldn't have bought it in the first place..lol. Kudos to you for packing that healthy food for your lunch. And thanks for your comment on my journal. I appreciate it. :) 
2013年01月17日 会员:: mbhpro
Very excited about your new batteries. I hope that will mean no worries for the future!! All things sugar...straight from a devils kitchen. You did well yo get off the slippery slope and back to juice. I have no idea why I eat and enjoy food that makes me feel awful. 
2013年01月17日 会员:: sharonfriz
Feel better soon, Carol. I think we can all relate.  
2013年01月17日 会员:: Helewis
Hey Carol! Thank goodness for TODAY! Because TODAY is a brand new day...you can't go backwards, but you can learn from your experiences! I too have increased hot flashes, etc w/ an increase in sugar. Weird? I thought I was the only one :) I actually don't like the way my body feels when I fall head first into a batch of cookies or a half gallon of ice cream! One would think I would stop the behaviors - particularly if I focused on the aftermath instead of the yummy goodness going in. It's soooo momentary. Then 2-3 days of feeling like crap! It's taken me quite some time to actually figure this out...that I really am finally starting to get to the mental decision, my body doesn't really want those foods. My MIND does. Because it equates them w/ comfort. WHY? I was quite comfortable before even considering the 'treats'... but we shove all kinds of emotional stuff down inside us...and it leaks up to the surface - and then our brain recognizes it will be unpleasant to deal w/ 'stuff'... then it triggers a craving. At least for me. Anyway - stay focused on TODAY, and stay out of the freezer section at the store. :) 
2013年01月17日 会员:: jsfantome
Glad you are back, did miss you and yes was worried. Sorry your friend isn't coming to see you and sorry that you gave in to the sugar cravings but you are back and here we go again. It's life isn't it, one forward two back. Glad to have you back here. Take care of yourself, first and foremost.  
2013年01月17日 会员:: sarahsmum
Oops... binge over, back to normal. I hope you will meet your friend very soon, I know how it feels... And I know how food can get in the way when we feel lonely and miss our loved ones! Have a great Thursday, batteries charged and snow free! 
2013年01月17日 会员:: barbabella





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