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kingkeld的日记, 2013年01月15日

Good morning, friends!

"Maxillary sinusitis". This is what the good doctor thinks is wrong with me. It's in infection that affects the sinuses, and gives pretty much the symptoms that I experience. Without being a doctor, I'd say it makes sense. I am now on penicillin, with doctor's orders to stay home today and rest (Oh, the horror of having to stay home and watch movies all day! How will I ever survive! lol), and hopefully I will see myself getting better in a few days.

I'm down 700 grams over the last two days. Not bad. This means I am on schedule to meet my weight loss goal for February 22nd. That is, if I keep losing weight like this - which I probably won't. I probably have to consider this a new "start phase" where everything goes faster. Then again, never say never, right?

Yesterday went great. I went through the day on 1000 calories. I was aiming for 400, but I just didn't feel like all the food. lol. It's so weird to get to write that. Who knew this would EVER be a problem?!?

It's a good thing, though, that I'm low on calories. I'm gonna need a few extra ones this weekend, and I'm planning on doing a full Indulgence Day, and probably splurge a little extra on Sunday. I will feel a LOT better doing this if I am low a few days, so I can "save up some" for Sunday. 400 in the bank already, but I don't think I'm gonna need that much more if I plan it right.

See, my dear old friend from when I was a teenager is visiting. I haven't seen him in AGES, but we do stay in touch on Facebook. We used to play music together, along with the drummer I play with in Burnin' Live, and we have a fun weekend planned.

Of course, being in small town Denmark, the options for going out are limitied, but we're gonna do our best and just enjoy the days.

The plan is to have a light (VERY light for me) breakfast Saturday, just enough to keep me "alive" until 12:30, when Friend arrives by train. Then we're gonna go to our usual buffet with Wife. I know I'll be hungry - traditionally we go eat there at 11, and my inner clock will be objecting to this untimely delay. Still, I'm pretty certain I won't starve to death. Maybe I will simply skip breakfast and decide to be okay with that. We'll see.

Then, Wife will be cooking her AWESOME Mexican food. Not sure what dishes later, but I know it'll include home made corn tortillas and beans.

Then, I'm pretty sure, a few beers will be consumed, and probably snacks too. I'll try to stay away from the snacks, they are often the ones killing my calorie budget.

Sunday, Friend is still gonna be here. Wife wants to treat with Mexican breakfast, with refried beans, omelettes, tortillas, home made salsa, the works. This is where I need the saved up calories.

After that, if anyone is hungry around lunch time (which we might not even be), a light lunch. I'm planning on not doing too much here.

Then we're gonna go practice with Burnin' Live. I'm thinking that we might jam a few of the "good old songs" that none of us have played in decades, just for the hell of it. It will be fun.

Not sure how long Friend is staying over Sunday, but I will make damn sure that dinner is light and low cal, to minimize the damage.

I think I can do this within a reasonable amount of calories, if I plan ahead and play my cards right. We shall see.


So, I'm one pound from being out of the 90 kilo range. I can't wait to see that 8x.xx number. I REALLY hope it'll be this week. Maybe already tomorrow? Or is that hoping too much?


Wife and I finished the Flash Forward show. The ending wasn't THAT abrupt. It was a good finale for a season one, I think, but obviously with cliffhangers and teasers for a season two. It's a shame that they didn't continue it, but on the other side I'm not sure if a second season would be as interesting, now that we've kind of already gone through it all.

We really enjoyed it though, and we're looking at new shows to watch. There's this new show called "Banshee", has anyone seen it? It has Danish actor Ulrik Thomsen in there, so there is a little extra interest in it. I think we're gonna check that one out, see if it's something for us.

Today, I'm thankful for:
- A day off from work, and feeling better.
- Morning coffee.
- Spending the morning with Wife.
- New shows!

Life is good!
90.4 公斤 最近减少: 64.6 公斤.    还有: 5.4 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.
一个星期减少2.5 公斤

Fingers crossed for the 8 number. It's a hard life, having to stop off work and watch films LOL..... Hope the medication kicks in soon. 
2013年01月15日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
Sounds a bit like my last weekend. I bet your excited, and hopefully you will be feeling better. Everyone needs to "burn" a weekend like that now and then. I cant think of anything better than with old friends.  
2013年01月15日 会员:: posterchild66
Hope your feeling better soon...So sorry you have to watch those movies but I am sure you will survive..enjoy that mexican food..I love it my self...:O) 
2013年01月15日 会员:: BHA
Ugh, diagnosis sounds terrible. Feel better soon. Congrats on the weightloss and calories down. Enjoy your Mexican food. Did I ever tell you, my family lives in Mexico? Imagine how difficult it is to be vegetarian there. haha. Enjoy! 
2013年01月15日 会员:: Helewis
Diagnoses always sound bad, don't they? Lol. I'm actually feeling a LOT better with the penicillin already. Nose isn't nearly as stuffy, and general well-bring is up. Only thing is, of course, that I get tired from the penicillin fighting the baddies. That's okay. A couple of days and I should be okay with that. MASSIVELY counting on hitting the gym again tomorrow morning, sick or not.  
2013年01月15日 会员:: kingkeld
Glad you are feeling better and have a day off to rest! Your upcoming weekend sounds so nice. It is great of you to open your home to weekend visits from friends. My DH thinks Burnin Live is great! 
2013年01月15日 会员:: Neptunebch
Thanks Neptunebch! :) And yeah - I'm looking forward to the weekend. A lot! 
2013年01月15日 会员:: kingkeld
Hope the antibiotics do the trick ... sure would be nice to feel better!! Your weekend sounds like a blast. I'm drooling with the idea of homemade mexican food ... my fav!!! 
2013年01月16日 会员:: madaboutmoose





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