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kingkeld的日记, 2012年09月3日

Good morning!

I'm sorry I have been quiet in the community this weekend - much more then normally.

I've been busy being out having fun in the real world!

There's been some awesome events, and a lot of things to do.

I don't really want to get into all of it, but rest assured it was fun! :)

One thing worth mentioning was a visit to the Zoo. It's been a few years since we went last time, and we loved it. I took a ton of good pictures, long live the zoom lens, and I will share them here now and then.

What's much more on my mind today is this:

Today I start teaching my weight loss class! :)

It's a super exciting day for me today. I have been awake for a few hours through the night thinking of what I should start out with today.

I want my class to make an impact, and I want to share SO MANY things, but I want to make sure it doesn't just become a huge mess of confusion.

I want it to be as streamlined and organized as I can - which is really difficult. It almost feels like I know too many things to share them organized. What do I talk about at what point?

My thought is to start in a gentle way.

When people come into the class room, my before picture will be on the big screen. This way they can make comparisons while we wait for everyone.

Then, I will basically introduce myself and tell my story. How I was always the XL kid, how it got worse through my years in the US and what motivated me to take the weight loss journey.

I will then introduce them to the Danish version of Fatsecret, www.madlog.dk (madlog means food log, nobody's mad!), and Fatsecret.

I will talk about the value of counting calories, and also deal with those who might not want to/be able to count calories online.

I will talk to them about little techniques to eat better, slower and enjoy the foods more.

Man, there are so many things to squeeze in there.

I want to talk about breakfast. I want to talk about water.

So, throughout the day I will get all these thoughts straightened out. I can do this. :)

I know, it sounds like I am not prepared, but I really am. I have it all in my head, it will come out just right - I know it.

I have had so many of these sessions with people - friends, family, coworkers etc. - already. So many come ask, and I will treat this as an expanded version of that, where I dig much deeper.

Count on me asking all kinds of silly questions here the next couple of months, for inspiration.

Let's start with this one:

What are the most essential things about a weight loss journey for you? What is the easiest part and the hardest part?

What is the most important thing you have learned about your food habits that you truly didn't know already?

I can't wait to log on here tomorrow and tell you guys how it went.

You know what? Life is frickin' good! :)

查看饮食日历, 2012年09月3日:
1067 千卡 脂肪: 40.64克 | 蛋白质: 85.97克 | 碳水物: 88.79克.   早餐: French or Vienna Bread (Includes Sourdough), Sliced Ham (Extra Lean), Egg. 午餐: Beef or Meat Gravy, Pickled Beets (Solids and Liquids, Canned), White Potatoes (Flesh and Skin), Chicken Leg. 晚餐: Mixed Vegetables (Frozen), Chicken Leg. 更多的......
2966 千卡 运动: 站立 - 2 小时 和 30 分钟, 步行(中等的) - 5公里/小时 - 20 分钟, 睡眠 - 8 小时, 坐着 - 7 小时 和 40 分钟, 案头工作(例如办公室的工作,坐着) - 5 小时 和 30 分钟. 更多的......

Good luck today Keld. I am not feeling as good as you, but maybe you will rub off on me! Sounds like a good plan in your class. Enjoy it. I like teaching stuff too.  
2012年09月2日 会员:: posterchild66
Hi Keld! Good luck teaching tonight! I am sure it's going to be a good class! :) 
2012年09月3日 会员:: Lizzie983
Most essential thing is ...this is never gonna end, so even if I have a bad day or week or what ever, it hasn't ended, I just need to regather myself and get back on track. The easiest part has been choosing salads over fries...I really like it! The hardest part has been choosing good choices when I eat out otherwise, especially as the journey gets longer and I have gone without those favorite foods for longer and longer. The most important part about food choices is the amount of sodium in pre-prepaired foods, and how that affects weight. I can go up like 5 pounds overnight with the wrong salt infested food! 
2012年09月3日 会员:: JenKatja
JenKatja, thank you so much for your input.  
2012年09月3日 会员:: kingkeld
How exciting... Hope it all goes well... Remember to let them do some of the talking and opinion expressing.... When you know most of the answers/problem areas, it is sometimes hard not to always be 'telling' rather than asking. If they think of some of the answers and come up with their own solutions, it will be easier for them to put them into operation. After all, we all think, that the best idea is the one we have come up with ourselves.... Therefore if you let them come up with the ideas (with a little coaxing and questioning skills, so they are coming up with the idea / solution you want them too) they are more likely to go with it and be successful. Training /coaching is more about asking the right QUESTIONS, so that people find the solutions themselves, rather than telling :-) 
2012年09月3日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
Sorry Kingkeld.... Did that sound a bit patronising.... I don't mean it to. It's just that I have seen and trained, so many people who are new to training. Most of them think it is all about standing there are 'dumping' all their knowledge on the delegates.... And it really is a skill, to 'hold back' your enthusiasm.... And coax people into coming up with the answers and solutions themselves.... E.g. What value do you think you get from drinking water?, how much water do you think you should be drinking? What effect do you think it has on your body? How do you think it helps with fat loss? What about other liquids, do they have the same effect? Why is that? ...... It's the who, what, when, how, where questions that really get them conversing and THINKING about WHY they should drink water.... It just doesn't go in, if you just tell them the answers.... They HAVE to THINK about it... And come up with their own answers.... If someone says something stupid.. I always used to say "that's interesting, what does anyone else think?". It is sometimes a HUGE exercise in patience, while you coax and question until they come up with the right answer..... Good luck :-) 
2012年09月3日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
I think the thing that has helped me the most in my journey is to commit...truly commit...to one change at a time. There are so many things we can try and implement at once to lose weight, but I have found the things that I now can sustain with the greatest ease, were the things that implemented as my primary focus. Whether it is a change in exercise (for instance your increase by a minute/day on the bike), or diet (cutting out artificial sweeteners, or HFCS for example), or lifestyle (parking further away, taking stairs, or drinking water)....picking one thing to be the central focus can lead to a greater sense of success. And each person can select the goal that is personally one they are motivated to change. It can take a few weeks to integrate any change, so making one primary can help make that change more permanent. After that is solidified, then decided what to tackle next. Over time, you build a strong foundation of a new, healthier way of living. Look forward to hearing how your class goes! 
2012年09月3日 会员:: yduj57
Good Morning ! That you have taken the time to share your experiences here at FS has been a great help to me. You have a way about you that is positive and caring. If I might help you by answering a few questions, I’ll be happy to. Ask away! Your questions: The most essential part of my weight loss journey is- I've lost the guilt and fear. I don't mean that I blame anyone or anything, I mean I've learned. I don't know what the easiest part is, but I do have a best part- and that is that I've found a plan I can live with like you did. I don't have to forsake forever all the food that is supposedly bad for me to be in shape, healthy and lose weight. I've lost the guilt. I do high carb days like your Indulgence days, a little different but close, but it’s part of the diet! It rocks! I can do this forever and will. The skeptic in me didn’t believe this would work. The rebel (against the mainstream diet mindset) and experimenter in me did it anyway. The hardest part has been keeping at it when I get side tracked, as when life happens, something out of the ordinary. I don't always stay on the plan I'm on but the difference is this time is I have been getting back to it again, which is a key for me and mostly it's been because of fat secret and people like you. I don't despair and just quit. Support is important, and from a peer group. Also, going to the gym, just making myself exercise. That's hard for me, but I've been getting stronger and it feels good. That took a while too. The most important thing for me that I've learned about my food habits is how much I'm eating, calorie and carb wise. Keeping track has shown me that the bite here and there does count. And that I can watch my calories and carbs and have enough to eat. It got rid of the fear and guilt that I have to do without and be hungry to lose weight. Kingkeld, YOU are inspiring and you are right- fatsecret has been so much help. You are a great teacher, your story has taught me that I just need to keep at it, not to worry so much when I don't lose much but that it will happen, and not overnight. I will love reading about your class, congratulations on that, that you are taking the time to help others in that way is wonderful. It took me years to discover the Indulgence, spiking, high/low diet (whatever it’s called), if I’d had access to someone like you and not the guilt farm of the WW and a few others like it I might have found it long ago. Your class is going to be great.  
2012年09月3日 会员:: Katred12





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