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bonthronm的日记, 2012年08月30日

Wow so close to being under 300lbs. Very happy about that. Every lb I lose makes me even more motivated. For the longest time I thought I could never do this and NO its not my fault I gained weight. I made nothing but excuses. But now that I am taking resposiblity for my actions I can now see changes ahead. At one point I even thought of getting the lap band surgury done so that it would make it easier to lose the weight. Not saying its not a good thing for some ppl but a person like me I was just looking for the easy way out. Now my father on the other hand that has several health problems and if he dont lose weight fast it may cost him his life so in his case weight lose surgury is the best option

查看饮食日历, 2012年08月30日:
941 千卡 脂肪: 23.25克 | 蛋白质: 48.57克 | 碳水物: 137.27克.   早餐: special k fruit & yogurt. 晚餐: onions, lettuce,  american cheese, deli turkey, Costanzos Wheat Sub Roll. 更多的......

Some poeple end up gaining all the weight back after weight loss surgery. Without the permanent changes to your eating habits nothing works. You are doing great and will be under 300 soon. 
2012年08月30日 会员:: fatoldlady
So close and you have a great attitude! You'll be under 300 before you know it :) 
2012年08月30日 会员:: lilypad1647
2012年08月30日 会员:: bonthronm
You are doing great at staying motivated, trying again even if you do fall off track, and realizing that this is a long process that will be full of ups and downs and a lot of learning about yourself as you go. I can't wait to see you make it under 300 and keep rocking it! You are really setting a good example for your kids. 
2012年08月30日 会员:: misunshyne
Keep up the great work. I read a lot about weight loss surgery and spoke with a lot of people that have had it done and it definitely has to be the right thing for you to do. It seems like it would be the easy way, but from what I've learned it's still very difficult. If you don't change habits, you will gain the weight back even if you have weight loss surgery. Some people say the surgery was unsuccessful when in fact the person was not committed to the behavioral changes required. I asked others why they decided to do the surgery when they were being successful with dieting and they all told me that they had lost weight before and then gained weight again. The weight loss surgery just helps them stay on track--kind of a gentle reminder. Sorry to hear about your Dad. He may need the extra help in losing weight. I will pray for him. Julie 
2012年08月30日 会员:: worm2butterfly2012
thanks julie for the prayers 
2012年08月31日 会员:: bonthronm
You are very close!! I can't wait to see you get under that first big goal and reach the 200s! Keep up the good work. :) 
2012年08月31日 会员:: kimjinxie





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