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cerobit的日记, 2018年01月2日

So, I endured the Mexican Riviera Holiday cruise with my son, his mom and grandma. Many solo moments of meditation by the Pacific water, moving by in a near constant blur. The Baja Peninsula. Being. With my boy...basketball, banter, fun and love.

First post cruise weigh in at 210#, not bad at all after the endless food. I drank only a few beers. (And lots of cappuccinos— Didcount drink card courtesy of boy’s mom. He enjoyed the hot drinks too.

Then upon return, news of my 85 y/o mom, falling and breaking her hip and femur. She is cross country. This will be difficult. But, I must continue.

Anyway, today is my 56th birthday. I’m in such a different place today, so different from just 1 year ago. I’ve met a guide. Several, really. And I’m moving towards a more centered life. Allowing for the swings of emotion, the fuckups I own, The ecstasis of being.

95.4 公斤 最近减少: 7.6 公斤.    还有: 3.4 公斤.    饮食准则: 合理的.
一个星期减少0.4 公斤

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