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kingkeld的日记, 2012年05月14日

Good morning, friends and buddies!

It's Monday morning, and I'm in a great mood. I went to bed last night with headphones and the SLEEP LIKE A LOG CD. And yes - I slept like a log. It's been a long time since I've woken up feeling this rested.

This weekend I've been low on calories every day. This is not a good thing, but it's quite a change from struggling with snacks and candies and chocolates all the time, and having my mind dancing around that topic constantly. After watching the Paul McKenna Will Make You Thin show and listened to the CD, it has really changed something in me. It's completely taken my mind off off and snacks, and I love it. I will keep listening to these disks, since they in three days took out literally ALL my troubles doing this. I hope it's a lasting effect.

Of course, it's an effect that needs to be maintained. I'll have to listen to the CDs on a regular basis to remind myself, but that's a pretty reasonable sacrifice, I'd say.

Through The weekend i have burned 9000 calories, lost almost 5 lbs and consumed 3000 calories. Mind you, my indulgence day alone - which I skipped, as I didn't feel like stuffing myself - is 3200 calories and often pushes itself into Sundays.

These new tricks are definitely doing something for me. I love it.

Today, my legs are still hurting. Probably from getting on the bike Saturday morning, and afterwards doing three hours of yard work. I had to give up biking yesterday. I was actually on the bike, but it exhausted me in less than a minute. No fun. Today, I'm still sore, but nothing like yesterday. Today, I'm motivated, have the drive that I feel that I need to get going today.

Today, though, I have my heart set on biking 30 minutes only. I want to do a few other things before work. One being listening to the weight loss CD. I think it's a much better investment to motivate me to stay away from a 500 calories candy than to burn another 250 calories. Right?

Today, I'm thankful for :
- sleeping like a log.
- a more positive outlook on maintenance.
- Morning coffee.
- Wife watching the shows with me. It gave me someone to talk to about them, and I think it makes itnsink in even more.

Happy Monday, people! It's gonna be another day with no weight loss worries, and with the King being in total control. Life is good!

I really feel that the game has changed for me. I have new tools at hand and try really help me out.

78.7 公斤 最近减少: 76.3 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.

查看饮食日历, 2012年05月14日:
1057 千卡 脂肪: 47.62克 | 蛋白质: 69.25克 | 碳水物: 92.36克.   早餐: gouda cheese, Rye Bread (Reduced Calorie), Sliced Ham (Extra Lean), Egg. 午餐: Pasta with Meat Sauce. 晚餐: White Potatoes (Flesh and Skin), Carrots, Onions, pork chops. 小食/其他: beef frank. 更多的......
2924 千卡 运动: 自行车(慢速的) - 18公里/小时 - 30 分钟, 站立 - 4 小时, 步行(中等的) - 5公里/小时 - 20 分钟, 睡眠 - 8 小时, 坐着 - 6 小时 和 40 分钟, 案头工作(例如办公室的工作,坐着) - 4 小时 和 30 分钟. 更多的......
一个星期减少1.4 公斤

Hi Kingkeld - I watched the craving video that you put a link to and I was really pleasantly surprised. I thought Paul McKenna was just a hypnotherapist but the technique he shows us in this video is EFT or tapping. Serendipity has brought the idea of tapping into my life more than once in the last few weeks and it looks like it's time I started to listen! There's currently a 'world tapping summit' event taking place on the internet with daily audios on using tapping to change all sorts of things in your life. It's not free, but here's the link to the intro http://www.thetappingsolution.com. So gladd it's working for you and I'm definitely gonna try it when I want a beer this week - I'll let you know. Have a great week :) 
2012年05月13日 会员:: Earthlady
Thank you, Earthlady. I'll take a look when I come home. No need to buy beer - you may as well save the money. Tapping will most certainly do it for you instead. I still can't get my head around the fact that this works.  
2012年05月14日 会员:: kingkeld
At this rate you will be hitting a new low by the end of the week :-) 
2012年05月14日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
Pam, I was gonna comment with an "I Wish". However, for the first time I really don't want a new low. It was great to reach 75.8 on April 8th, but at the same time it is too low, I feel. If I can get a little closer (under?) my golden 77, I'm more than happy. Let the 75.x kgs be a now and then, and not fully on purpose. At least not until I see my post-surgery weight. I'm still curious how much I'll weigh after they remove the skin. I'm guessing a few kgs less, 3 the most. But of course, you never know. One more month to go. 
2012年05月14日 会员:: kingkeld
:-) it's great that you are aware of the "golden" weight for yourself..... Which will of course change after surgery.... I wonder if they will be able to tell you, how much the skin they are taking off weighed. That would be useful... You can then re-calculate, your "golden" weight. I imagine after surgery, your weight will be a bit 'all over the place' because of water retention /post surgery trauma. Somit would be good to have a ball park figure. I am sure weighing what they take off, must be part of the process. 
2012年05月14日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
It's definitely something I'm gonna ask about.  
2012年05月14日 会员:: kingkeld





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