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kingkeld的日记, 2012年04月27日

I'm amazed that I stayed (pretty much) the same weight today. Here's why:

Wife. Damn wife. Damn her cakes. LOL. I love her to death, but especially her chocolate cakes are killing me. They are so damn good.

We had a big meeting yesterday, and Wife was supplying the treats for everyone. She made four different cakes, and of course I had to try the chocolate one. They are to die for. Trouble is, they are so loaded with sugar that once I have a taste I don't want to stop, I want to snack all frickin' day - and I tend to do so.

I actually had a talk with her this morning about that. I have politely asked her to NOT make that one at home any more - I can't control it. :/ I hate that it's like that, but it is what it is. She understands, and she's agreeing.

So, the end result was that we had way too much cake, probably more than I realize, and we shared a pizza for dinner. Yup. Pizza. Hey, at least we were reasonable enough to SHARE. :) Actually, the calories on half a pizza here in Denmark is not much worse than so many other dinner meals I eat. It's easy and convenient, but it does mess up my stomach for a while. Not as bad as when I eat a whole one though. I have learned that. It's RARE that we eat pizza, and when we do now - it's only half. That makes me feel a lot better about the whole thing.

So end result is that I'm up 100 grams, still under 80 and still perfectly happy with it.

So, today is the day of the big night. Tonight, my band will be performing live again - first time in some months. We haven't done any shows since Christmas. We're all looking forward to it, and I think we're pretty prepared for it. It'll be a blast.

I'd like to say thanks for the nice comments on the song yesterday - and it definitely motivates me to post more. I have a few more from that same rehearsal session, and I figured that I'd post another one today. I hope you like it!

<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="http://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F44495042&show_artwork=true"></iframe>

It's gonna be a long, long day today. I got up at 4 AM, I'm going to work and then after work straight to the party hall where we're gonna set up gear, do sound check and all that. It's days like these that I wish I was famous and had roadies. :) However, the work is all on us, and even more on me as I am not just bassman, but also sound guy. I am the one setting it all up right, getting the sound as good as possible. It's tricky when you play at the same time, but we can only do so much.

We're doing three 45-minute sets tonight. Longest show ever - and first time that we are splitting it up into three parts. Last time we did two one hour sets, but we've got a few extra songs now and it's time to go a little further. This of course also requires more effort from us - three sets are pretty demanding physically, even if we don't run around Iron Maiden style.

I generally don't stand still when I play. I make sure to be into the music, move around as much as I can, and keep contact with the audience. It makes it more fun for them, and definitely more fun for me. The connection is important.

I'm planning on stopping by the store sometime today, to get a few nutrition bars. I'm thinking that a "pre-workout" high carb bar inbetween sets might be valuable for my energy levels. Maybe even a protein one after the last set, to refuel a little. What do you guys think? I know the show will be hours after we have dinner, and I want to make sure that I have energy.

Dinner will be light - a pita bread with lettuce and chicken. I don't want to feel stuffed and bloated, and I don't want to be hungry either. This would fit just fine, I think.

If I go over my calories today, so be it. I'm still not up for bicycling, so that won't happen. I feel kind of drained on my calories these days.

Speaking of that, it feels like I'm still losing fat, though I'm not losing weight. I literally feel my skin getting looser. I wonder if that really is so? I've changed something foods around from what I'm normally doing, and it's kind of hard to determine what's going on. I know I am weight stabile. I know I'm not losing or gaining anything really worth mentioning. I just FEEL different.

I think next week I will try running a more strict regimen compared to what I've done this week, and see if I can shed water weight, and what ever else might be weighing me down. It could be interesting to see where I end up.

Tomorrow, there will probably be VERY little journaling. Wife and I are getting up early (I'm gonna be pretty sleepy, I think), going to Copenhagen for a "date day". Just her and I, with no real plans other than that we're going to the largest movie theatre in Scandinavia and the Nordic countries to see the new Avengers 3D movie. It'll be fun, and I'm looking forward to hanging with Wife all day. I'll probably have to nap on the train to make sure the napping won't happen at the theater. :)

We will probably hit a buffet for dinner and a cafe for lunch/coffee. I will NOT make it Indulgence Day, I will NOT make it a free-for-all, but I will not be overly strict on myself either. I will simply try to be reasonable.

Sunday, I'll be on track, and do good all the way to next Saturday. At least, that's the plan. :)

Today, I'm thankful for:
- The Black Peanut getting live jobs, and us being ready to do them!
- Morning coffee. It's WAY too early for me to be awake today. I'm ready to go back to bed.
- Tickets for tomorrow's movie. Haven't been at the movies for ages (most theaters suck around here, so we watch our movies at home).
- Kitty cat being all snuggly and cozy.

Smile, folks! The weekend is upon us! The Black Peanut is alive and well! Live is ROCKIN' good!
79.6 公斤 最近减少: 75.4 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 低.

查看饮食日历, 2012年04月27日:
1037 千卡 脂肪: 32.15克 | 蛋白质: 67.76克 | 碳水物: 114.41克.   早餐: Chicken La Paz, Egg, Rye Bread, Sliced Ham (Extra Lean). 晚餐: Lettuce Salad with Assorted Vegetables, Chicken (Skin Not Eaten), Pita Bread. 小食/其他: Baby Carrots. 更多的......
一星期增加0.7 公斤

Everyone in my office loved your song! 
2012年04月27日 会员:: NewSarah!
Crank it up, Sarah! Thanks! :) 
2012年04月27日 会员:: kingkeld
I have a banana about 40 minutes before a show, usually. I totally sympathise on wnting roadies! So many upstairs bar/venues here, and helping Carla lug her bass rig up the stairs is a nightmare! Worse when it's a hall and we have to bring the whole PA! 
2012年04月27日 会员:: ferlengheti
Cake AND pizza ooops..... I bet you'll drop some weight tomorrow, after that type of food, and then following it with a lighter day and your gig tonight. Know what you mean about "feeling" different. I am not particularly loosing weight - but I 'feel' different. I too think am loosing fat - some of it is my 5K training - but my BF% goes down after a 'rest' day - odd. Have a great 'date day' with your DW tomorrow  
2012年04月27日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
Sophie - I definitely feel with you. These days I bring a 40 kg (80+ lbs) bass amp. It's super heavy. On occasion, I go all digital and just use a little box. Then it's a tiny 1 lb carry-on. However, it just doesn't give that same wall-shaking oomph. Playing on a five string bass requires WALL SHAKING OOOOOOMPH! :) 
2012年04月27日 会员:: kingkeld
I like Clif shot blocks for energy rather than nutrition bars. Shot bloks are pure carbs. I like nutrition bars to help fill up when hungry and then I like Kind bars. It's so crazy how much nutrition bars differ in terms of content. I looked at a Clif bar the other day and a Kind bar and, with near equivalent protein, the Clif bar was 41g carbs compared to the Kind 14g carbs. Amazing. 
2012年04月27日 会员:: Helewis





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