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cerobit的日记, 2016年09月29日

Well! I have finally achieved 230 pounds for the first time in the modern era! It's striking to look at my body and imagine 50 extra pounds that I used to carry on my body frame. I know it may not be possible or even healthy but I'm going to try to get to my goal weight of 225 by next Friday, October 7. I leave for LA shortly there after and I know it will be more of a struggle to maintain the weight there. But I think it would be psychologically helpful to attain the weight, so I will continue what I'm doing here in Florida.

So my diet plan here has been Adhering to a 16/8 fast schedule. Good sleep maintenance is a requirement. I awake and have 2 to 3 cups of coffee with butter, take my pill prescriptions, supplements and then Vape A couple hits of medical marijuana. I am using a mostly sativa hybrid blend, rascal, that is of Kush lineage and find it easy and even helpful during the daytime as it helps me focus and complete tasks. It's not a typical buzz or high that I used to think marijuana always gave. No paranoia, no stuck in the couch and it doesn't put me to sleep unless I vapor little extra later in the afternoon when I used to nap anyway. A bit of research I conducted indicates that the Kush lineage is good for seizures and epilepsy, though I will consult with The supplier, my epileptologist and my oncology team to verify strains that are most helpful for seizure threshold maintenance.

I've been off of my Vimpat seizure medication for about two weeks now and I feel rather "rogue" coming off of this important seizure med without consulting my epileptologist. I need to make appointments with her and all my Florida healthcare providers including my counselor who have not seen in months. I still take a few other seizure meds but find the being off the Vimpat has allowed me to have more energy, and to not be a seizure "zombie".

I've always been and informed medical patient, often trying therapies and protocols that demonstrate efficacy in research trials,yet May not yet the mainstream, but I've always been very transparent with my providers. Coming off of seizure medications and substituting with medical marijuana that is currently illegal in the state of Florida is a bit different though. I am becoming more bold though and proclaiming my usage of medical marijuana, even making some public Facebook posts explaining my usage and the wonderful benefits while lamenting the crimes that I am committing. It's friggin insanity that I am committing felonies to help heal my broken body, but whatever.

Anyway back to life got plenty of things to do today I'm working slowly on tasks also trying to work on my relationship issues with wifey and my elderly mom thing as well.and, I miss my son greatly.

So I sign off with this US Navy SEAL philosophy: "The only easy day was yesterday "
104.1 公斤 最近减少: 0 公斤.    还有: 12.2 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.
一个星期减少1.3 公斤





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