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kingkeld的日记, 2011年12月26日

Wow. I put a LOT of effort into this yesterday. I'm glad to see it paid off. After our Christmas dinner on the 24th, I gained 2.8 kgs (around 6 lbs!). Of course, it was also Indulgence Day, so it was a good day to do this. Normally, I have a 2nd day of weight gain, but this time I decided to see if I could do something to avoid that.

I had plans to go walking with Wife, but she wasn't feeling well. I decided to stay home with her and get on the exercise bike instead. I just got on it, not too much weight on it, but just enough to feel resistance. I didn't want to wear myself out, but I did want it to have an impact.

Well, I went on for 150 minutes! Two and a half frickin' hours! Time just zommed by, and I figured that as long as I wasn't tired, I might as well keep going. It was fun too.

Another thing I did was to REALLY stay on top of my water intake. I'm great a remembering to drink my water at work. It's a whole different game at home. I tend to forget, and just not get to drink enough. well, I decided to put a timer to remind me every hour, and then go get a large glass of water. I did this all day. I even had to stop my biking twice for potty breaks and "refueling". LOL!

The result, you ask? Well, instead of having a 2nd day of gain, I lost 1.3 kgs since yesterday, and I am now on my way towards a new low. It's pretty far away still, 1.4 kgs, and there is a LONG way to reach my self-imposted new year goal of 80 kgs or less, but I am working on it. Let's see if I make it. It's quite a challenge, but I haven't given up, though the goal IS kinda far away.

So, yesterday I teased a little about an awesome Christmas present. It's actually several things in one.

Daughter, who really is my stepdaughter, is a very gifted artist. She does digital drawings and also hand drawn sketches,and she has crazy talent. She will lock herself up in her room for a week and come out with a masterpiece. I posted one of a little rocker boy the other day. I'm amazed.

Anyways, as our Christmas present, she did a portrait of Wife and I. And not only did she capture us perfectly, and with some cool modifications, but she made them in the style of our ancestry. I love this. She made me a Viking, and she made Wife in the Mexican Dia de la Muertas tradition.

When I saw it, it REALLY made me happy. I can't believe the details she puts in these things, and the face that she made this for us is overwhelming. It will be printed on canvas and hung in the living room.

Now, here is another thing that made me incredibly happy about this:

When Daughter introduces us, she always says "my mom and step dad". Which is true. I know she thinks of me as family, and I see her as family, and of course she has her real daddy out there in the world. When she does stuff for us, names files etc. she always writes our names.

Not this time. This time, the file name of the file she sent me, was "parents.jpg". I can't describe the warmth that gave me. This is the first time she has actually referred to me as parent like that. She's a great girl, and I know she never thinks of me as anything less than a dad, but this is the first time it's actually insinuated. I'm sure you parents and step parents out there can relate to this.

So, I'm guessing by now you'd like to see what she did? :)

This is it, low resolution, to fit this page. I put a link to a high resolution version here.

I just love the warmth, the colors and the way she has captures the essence of us in this painting. Thanks, Dee Dee!

So, what's in store for today?

Wife and I will be going for our walk shortly. We have plans to make an attempt of doing low calorie Egg Nogg if we can find the ingredients. Sadly, you can't buy egg nogg in Denmark, and we miss it! I am curious how it will taste in a modified version. We'll see. I'll make sure to let you guys know.

It's still Christmas in Denmark. Today is what we call 2nd Christmas Day, and it's a bank holiday. Everything but a few store are closed, and it's a another family day.

We are just gonna hang out at home after our walk, and enjoy ourselves. Maybe a few other movies, and I will probably watch at least one of the from the exercise bike.

Today I am thankful
- for Daughter calling Wife and I "parents" for the first time.
- That AMAZING painting she did.
- Wife wanting to go for a walk.
- Wife trying out my exercise DVD for the first time, and liking it! I'm hoping she'll keep coming back. It's good for her.
- Coffee!
- Christmas vacation!

Take care, my friends. Life is good.
83.4 公斤 最近减少: 71.6 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.

查看饮食日历, 2011年12月26日:
1243 千卡 脂肪: 59.63克 | 蛋白质: 66.63克 | 碳水物: 104.40克.   早餐: becel, Rye Bread (Reduced Calorie), Sliced Ham (Extra Lean), Egg. 午餐: fat free ranch dressing, extra lean ham, garden salad. 晚餐: pickled beets, eggs, Hash (350g). 小食/其他: Carrots, Chocolate Covered Coconut Candy, kakaois. 更多的......
3247 千卡 运动: 步行(慢步的) - 3公里/小时 - 1 小时 和 30 分钟, 自行车(悠闲) - <16公里/小时 - 1 小时 和 47 分钟, 健美操(轻型的,例如居家运动) - 30 分钟, 站立 - 1 小时 和 30 分钟, 睡眠 - 8 小时, 坐着 - 10 小时 和 43 分钟. 更多的......
一个星期减少9.1 公斤

Wow KingKeld 150 minutes!!! Awesome, just shows how fit you are now. Can you imagine doing that at the beginning of your journey? - don't know about you, but just getting ON the bike would have worn me out LOL. Fantastic that you haven't had a 2nd gain day ..... I can see you have really got an end of year target you want to beat :-). Such a beautiful piece of artwork, your daughter has done for you and your wife.... So talented. :-) she must love you dearly, you can see it the way she has constructed your eyes - such a "soft" look. You will see from my journal I have had a small weight gain.... No worries - BUT it WILL make me stop and think about what I am putting in my mouth. "I am choosing, NOT to be fat". Have an enjoyable but healthy 2nd celebration 
2011年12月26日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
I like that quote, "I am choosing NOT to be fat". That is what we need to chose, and do. Everything in life is pretty much down to choices, when you think of it. I'm glad you planted this thought in my head. Thank you. 
2011年12月26日 会员:: kingkeld
Good God, your Dee Dee is talented. Amazing. What a gift. I've see her mom's blogs and it is an amazing likeness of both of you. And what more of a statement could "parents" be. Very nice, Keld.    
2011年12月26日 会员:: Helewis
And well done on the exercise and weightloss front. You should write a book; you're very good at this. Congrats all around. 
2011年12月26日 会员:: Helewis
OMG, Keld, that is an awesome gift and the "parents" file name means so much. I know she touched your heart ... I felt it too. I think her artwork expresses what an "insightful" person she is and I do believe she is proud of you both. What an awesome gift. It's amazing how strong your legs are. I know you will achieve those goals this year if you keep working those muscles. You have superman legs!! Well done!  
2011年12月26日 会员:: Mom2Boxers
LOL I'm not sure about Superman legs... however, I've always been good at walking. I can walk for hours and hours without wearing out. I can tell more of a strain on me when I'm on the bike. I put on a little weight, so it's not ALL easy, but I don't make it hard enough to be "challenging". This way I feel that I can keep going for quite a long time, stay in motion and simply do this instead of just sitting down by my laptop (which is what I'm doing now). It feels good to watch a movie from the bike spot, I feel that I am fully enjoying the show and that I'm not "wasting my time".  
2011年12月26日 会员:: kingkeld
Whoop whooop, for your mammoth cycle and the fab picture...but mostly the glow at being a called a parent. I remember the way hubby felt when my daughter did something similar, almost brings a tear to the eye......BTW how do you post pictures on your journal???? I have tried but am computer clueless....please please tell me, though like you would to a complete moron, I was going to say a 3 year old...but they'd get it..lol. Looking forward to following you into the New Year, warmest regards to the whole family XXX 
2011年12月26日 会员:: Di Happy
Di Happy - I made a little tutorial for you and everyone else in the forum. Please try it out and let me know if it needs clarification. Here is a link: http://tinyurl.com/bopjcev 
2011年12月26日 会员:: kingkeld
i can tell you are having a wonderfull 2nd day of xmas... i wish we could feel that euforia every day... 
2011年12月26日 会员:: puhpine
Awww, I know how much the "parents thing" means to you...had to have been the best present EVER! Your daughter is insanely talented and I know she will take it far... Great job with the exercising, I did my DVD this morning but that's about it...will go for a walk later on and of course, my indulging finally caught up with me, I'm back up in weight (last time I've weighted this much was Thanksgiving). But party time is over now and I'm back on track. Thanks for sharing your journal and making my day every time I read it and double-thanks for sharing this awesome drawing your daughter made. Wow!  
2011年12月26日 会员:: SoLosingIt
That is one awesome piece of art...your very blessed indeed that she thinks of you as her parent and actually said so in writing...so happy for you buddy...150 minutes on the bike is mind boggling...so proud of you and your wife for working to gether on your selves...happy day to you...:O) 
2011年12月26日 会员:: BHA
The painting is wonderful, and so are all the sentiments it embodies, your daughter clearly loves you both very much. My daughters are currently making choc chip cookies and puff pastry breakfast bites stuffed with sausage and cheese - both to take to school in the morning for class breakfasts, but my kitchen smells gorgeous - I won't be tempted! 
2011年12月26日 会员:: Earthlady
KK- your daughter's artistry is absolutely beautiful. What a talented young woman!!! All the rest... is gravy! (so to speak :) 
2011年12月26日 会员:: jsfantome





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