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kingkeld的日记, 2011年12月23日

Ahhhhh... it's 6:03 am and I have NOT done my workout yet. It'll be done after I write this journal. See, the thing is - I have PLENTY of time. Why, you ask? Oh, I'll tell you why: I AM ON CHRISTMAS BREAK! YAAAAY! LOL!

I have been looking forward to this break for so long. I have been hustling at work to get EVERYTHING done, to the best of my abilities. Absolutely NO work is waiting for me when I come back on January 2nd. Desk is cleared completely, calender for 2012 is on my desk too, and I even washed my coffee mug! :)

We got a bottle of red wine from management as a Christmas present. Not a big deal, but nice. Looks like a good bottle too. With it came a little bag of chocolate covered almonds. They're good! I split them with Wife, made sure to register them all. They fit perfectly into my RDI AND my belly!

Can you tell that I'm in a good mood this morning? It's pretty nice to not have much to do for once. My mornings are always busy, and even if I like them like that, they're still a handful sometimes.

My daughter loves to draw and paint. Lately, she has REALLY worked on her style and her ability to make things pop. I'm so amazed with her latest work, and I wanted to share it with you guys.

I'd post a full resolution version, but since it's HER work, I can't do that. All I can post is a low res, but trust me when I say that it's a million times better when you see this up close. It's all digital painting, but done the hard way - stroke for stroke. I'm simply baffled that she can do this.

Meanwhile, this is about as good as I get:

This is my plan for today:

NOW: Journal
In a few: Workout
10 AM: Doctor's appointment. Nothing bad, just a checkup.
10:30 AM: Wife will join me, last shopping will commence, then a light lunch out.
Later: Gym
Tonight: Harry Potter 4.

Did you notice that nowhere in my plans is the word "Work"? :)

Sounds like an awesome day, doesn't it? I know I'll be looking forward to it.

Kitty cat is feeling better, and she was quiet most of the night. I, however, had way too much coffee last night and woke up around 1:30 am and never fell asleep again. That's okay. It was a good night to be awake, not one of those where you get desperate because you can't sleep. I was reading an e-book on my phone, and just relaxing. It wasn't bad. I'll probably fall asleep early tonight though.

So, my weight is coming down again. I'm at 82.6 - 400 grams (1 lb) from my lowest. This means I need a 3 lbs drop for tomorrow to be on schedule for my goal. I wonder if I'll make it. It has happened before, but I am not sure it will. I'll do what I can, but that's ALL I can.

I see all you guys doing Christmas greetings. I will wait until tomorrow to do that. Tomorrow is Christmas eve in Denmark, and this is when we celebrate Christmas. Then, we have Christmas Day and 2nd Christmas day in the days after. Days off from work, everything closed.

Speaking of Christmas, I came across this online - it cracked me up!

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/17985665?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/17985665">Happy Holidays</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/danieldaniel">DANIELS</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

Who knows what those presents under YOUR tree are up to when you sleep...?

Today I am thankful
- Getting up early no matter, and make something of my day.
- Coffee in the morning
- Kitty cat feeling better
- A day out with Wife when she's out of work (and on break too)
- my workout DVD. I'm really starting to like it. :)

So, folks, I think it's time to pull out the yoga mat and get going on my workout, isn't it? I think I feel like getting going.

It's Friday, and weekend and the holidays are upon us! Have a great time, everyone!

Life is GOOD!

82.6 公斤 最近减少: 72.4 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.

查看饮食日历, 2011年12月23日:
1531 千卡 脂肪: 58.33克 | 蛋白质: 86.92克 | 碳水物: 154.98克.   早餐: Rye Bread, Sliced Ham (Extra Lean), Egg. 午餐: Shrimp, Tuna in Water (Canned), Lettuce Salad with Assorted Vegetables. 晚餐: brown gravy, Frikadelle (200g), Dill Pickles (Sliced), Rødbeder, White Potatoes (Flesh and Skin). 小食/其他: chocolate, kakaois. 更多的......
2957 千卡 运动: 坐着 - 5 小时, 站立 - 1 小时, 睡眠 - 8 小时, 玩乐器 - 4 小时, 案头工作(例如办公室的工作,坐着) - 5 小时 和 30 分钟, 步行(中等的) - 5公里/小时 - 30 分钟. 更多的......
一个星期减少4.9 公斤

Wow, Keld, you're daughter is amazing. Congrats on you loss. Enjoy your break without the work. Silly vid. Have a great day. 
2011年12月22日 会员:: Helewis
Wanted to share a tip with you as far as fat burn and running/jogging.... If you fluctuate your heart rate while running- like sprints or space out running w speed walking and add in occasional sprints you will burn more fat then just keeping a level heart rate, even if it is elevated. A tip learned from my trainer and it works well! Cheers to you and heres hoping I can get back on the cardio wagon soon. This respitory stuff is just kicking my butt and I dont like it- either does my back, its very unhappy with my lack of mobility. Hope you enjoy your time off from work! I'm off the 28 and 29th. Counting down! 
2011年12月23日 会员:: NewSarah!
Bloody hell, that's AMAZING!! No shit, digital painting is hardcore, and there's an almost photographic realism to that picture! Your daughter is so talented! And welcome to the holiday!!! =) 
2011年12月23日 会员:: ferlengheti
Awesome picture by your daughter King! I enjoy being a night prowler sometimes too. Our bodies have ways of making sure we get the rest we need, its nothing to fret over. Enjoy your time off work, i too am off the next 7 days. Then I work two days and am off until Jan 3rd I think. No worries. Thanks for inspiring me to live life and have fun the next few days too. I will be close to FS to make sure I stay within my journey even though i am overindulging in food/drink. hehe 
2011年12月23日 会员:: posterchild66
Fantastic work by your daughter.... My youngest daughter is a graphic designer, and works on computers - not that type of work though - she produces brochures, corporate images, promotional material etc. I just love to watch someone produce stuff like that :-). love the video.... Thanks for posting - bit scary LOL. Enjoy your "work free" days :-) 
2011年12月23日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
Very talented in deed my friend..and I love the donald duck too..LOL I am now very afraid to open my gifts..and thank goodness my tree is only 4ft tall..I think I can over power it..before it can do any damage...LOL...Enjoy your time off buddy...:O) 
2011年12月23日 会员:: BHA
HA! HA! I didn't expect all that to happen in the video! Sick Chritmas humor... I like that! ;) Thanks for making me LOL! Your daughter is extremely talented. Kids can do anything! Enjoy your time off, Keld! You deserve it! I was up wandering last night too... I just played cards on the computer. The dogs heard something and they woke us up. Poor hubby got up an hour early for work... and he has to try to stay awake at the party tonight. LOL! We country people go to bed early... they posted the party as lasting until 2 AM. Crazy Brit (giving the party) doesn't realize that he is in the Boonies now. Lights out by 9 PM. LOL! My hubby is British, too, so this ought to be fun! Have a merry little Christmas, Keld, if I don't get to talk to you again. :) 
2011年12月23日 会员:: Mom2Boxers
Your daughter's picture is awesome, she's very talented. 
2011年12月23日 会员:: Earthlady
King, in real life I was an illustrator. Your daughter's work BLEW MY MIND! What an amazing talent. You have more than a right to be a very proud papa. I think you're an absolutely wonderful man and I thank you for sharing your lovely life with us all. Have the most wonderful holiday and I will see you back on here on Monday. There are so many of my friends on here that I would dearly love to meet! You are one of them. 
2011年12月23日 会员:: Johanne





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