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cocobutt的日记, 2011年08月26日

Wild fluctuation. I did drink a lot of water yesterday, so maybe it flushed me out.

I made a second attempt at a recipe called cauliflower popcorn. The first time I tried it, the online recipe was waaaay off and there was too much olive oil, so it turned out soggy. The second recipe by Mrs. Dash was a lot better, but I used only enough olive oil to barely coat the pieces and my own seasonings. Cut the cooking time down to 450 degrees for 25 minutes, then flipped them over, turned off the oven and let them sit there for another 15 minutes. They burned a little, but that made them more deliciously crispy.
69.4 公斤 最近减少: 26.8 公斤.    还有: 1.4 公斤.    饮食准则: 合理的.
一个星期减少7.0 公斤

That sounds yummy. I made a cauliflower kugel one time. It was in a no carb cookbook. I guess kugels are a traditional Jewish fair. I had never heard of it before but I digress.. anyway you cooked in the oven with cheese and such.. freaking good. Turned me on to cauliflower.. but I only like it in cheese soup or roasted in the oven.. I will never eat boiled cauliflower ever again. (that is the only way my mom made it) So it took like 30 years but I found out that if you dont boil it to mush it can actually be pretty tasty. :) 
2011年08月26日 会员:: Ceebee
Ceebee, I am with you on roasting instead of boiling. I've gotten to where I hate any boiled veggies, except for things that require it, like lima beans. My mom is actually a great cook, but she used to buy that frozen pack of mixed vegetables and serve it boiled to mush when we were kids. Blech!  
2011年08月26日 会员:: cocobutt
heh.. boiled mush so tasty!! so roasted asparagus is another one that I discovered I love! So much better than boiled.. or shudder... canned :P 
2011年08月26日 会员:: Ceebee





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