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DairyKing的日记, 2021年08月17日

I thought for sure when I got on the scale this morning I was going to be about 10 pounds heavier. I've only lost a pound, but believe me, I'll take it. I have been stress eating for two weeks, but apparently not often enough to gain. I noticed I have had to tighten my belt. Ordination was on August 7th, and our biggest church event of the year - Annual Family Fun Day - was this past Saturday. Time to chill a bit. But of course, things are broken down on the homefront that need fixing. Always something going on. Toodles!
110.0 公斤 最近减少: 5.4 公斤.    还有: 23.9 公斤.    饮食准则: 低.
一个星期减少0.1 公斤

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Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. Heb 12:1 I’m not really religious but this is good encouragement. 
2021年08月17日 会员:: HK3
Happy to see a post from you. Good for you! Tightening s belt is a great NSV. Hope you get the home front issue fixed. 
2021年08月21日 会员:: kattay
2021年11月8日 会员:: kattay
I’m sorry, Kattay. I’m fine; I’m in great shape for the shape I’m in. LOL! Just been a lot going on, and while my diet hasn’t totally been destroyed, I have lost a little ground. I weighed in at 256 this morning - not what I was hoping to see at this time. Wifey is home but struggling with a kidney stint, so there has been some stress and chaos that has sabotaged my routine. Things are starting to get back on track. Thanks for thinking of me.  
2021年11月9日 会员:: DairyKing





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