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kingkeld的日记, 2014年02月23日

Good morning!

Whoa! What a fluid gain!

I have zero regrets, though.

I have gained 3.2 kilos since yesterday. It's NOT fat, obviously, it's all fluid. In fact, I have NO fat gain, which is a good thing.

As much as it pains me to see a weigh-in past 90 kilos - which is in absolutely no way acceptable - we had a blast last night.

It was generally a nice and relaxing day, and I needed one of those. I stayed with a lower calorie intake than calorie burn - well, they evened each other out - and it's all good.

The food choices? Well, that's a whole different story. Not the best choices, though I did ensure that my macro requirements were met.

Here's the thing:

I had planned a very light dinner, and a few protein-heavy snacks, to make up for lunch buffet. It was all planned and ready. Then life got in the way.

Daughter wanted to make Krabby Patties. Yup, the Spongebob ones. She has been wanting to do this for maybe a year, but never really took the plunch to go and actually do it.

Well, we had a couple of friends over yesterday, and she wanted to make it for them. How can I say no to that?

The food was GREAT. Essentially, it was burgers with fish patties and horse radish dressing. Really not all that bad. They had too much salt and soy, thogh, and so did the oven baked fries.

It's fine, though. Like I said, no regrets. I'm back in the game today.


The real bad side is that I can't stated the feeling of being bloated and heavy. I'm so tired of it.

I'm seriously considering a fast day or 5, just to get rid of it. Maybe this should be my mission this week. I'm not sure I can do it, though. I'm mentally not in the right place for it.

Today is a great starting day, though. It would be very easy.

I have leftover patties from yesterday's burgers. Three, to be exact.

I'm gonna rehearse with the band from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm. That's most of the day anyways. I can bring one patty for lunch there, have one in the afternoon, and one for dinner.


I think I will make this my calorie intake goal for today. If I need more, I have veggie soups from my last fast frenzy in the freezer.

It would make me feel good and accomplished to do this today, I think.


It was another sleepless night. I went to bed around 9 pm, and woke up again about quarter till one am. Haven't slept since, and it's not quarter till 4.


Wife is up too. She can't sleep either. Probably my fault.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- A GREAT evening!
- Company even when I'm up in the middle of the night.
- Pumpkin spice coffee.

Life is good!

<iframe width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/135328102&amp;auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;visual=true"></iframe>
90.5 公斤 最近减少: 64.5 公斤.    还有: 5.5 公斤.    饮食准则: 合理的.
一星期增加23.1 公斤

Any new songs? 
2014年02月22日 会员:: ClassicRocker
We've written a few things lately, CR. It's coming together nicely. Also, we picked up Black Night (Deep Purple). Doing well with it. I'll post a rehearsal play of it one of these days.  
2014年02月22日 会员:: kingkeld
Well, we decided to call off rehearsal today. I can't say I mind. I am SO tired. However, just to give you guys (and especially you, ClassicRocker) something from us, I posted a recording from last week and the end of my journal entry. It's VERY early stage, but a great song. This is the first day we play this, and probably 3rd or 4th runthrough.  
2014年02月23日 会员:: kingkeld
oh, i know bloated... i went to china last year for 3 weeks, and boy do they know how to cook! I had two full meals a day and in the last few days i was begging my friends to stop feeding me (*lol*) I couldn't stop eating though because we went to a friend of hers and it is very impolite if you go to the most expensive restaurant of shang hai and not eat untill you are ... well i was bloated for almost two weeks after i was back and gained 5 kilos (*lol*) drink lost of fluids my dear and stay near a toilet and you will be fine (*lol*) maud. 
2014年02月23日 会员:: puhpine
Already on that mission, Maud. :-)  
2014年02月23日 会员:: kingkeld
Hey Keld.....Thanks for sharing your new song.....Great tune!!! 
2014年02月23日 会员:: namgrunt51
:~) Thanks. 
2014年02月23日 会员:: ClassicRocker
Just to make clear - this IS a cover song. Deep Purple's Black Night. :) 
2014年02月23日 会员:: kingkeld
I find your journals very encouraging. Hang in there Good luck to you in all your endeavours Love your music. Nameste. 
2014年02月23日 会员:: Copperbucket
Your band sounds great, Keld! And that's only the 3rd or 4th run? Solid! 
2014年02月23日 会员:: zebdavison
great sound Keld, and a great song 
2014年02月23日 会员:: Kingstephen





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