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kingkeld的日记, 2014年01月6日

Good morning!

My numbers are pretty much back to what they were Saturday morning. It's much more expected than the BRILLIANT weigh-in yesterday.

It's okay, though, I feel like I am doing good.

The numbers are really no different, and there isn't all that much to comment on. It seems like my averages are still going slightly in the wrong direction, but I think it's still just numbers adjusting after surgery.

The surgery bumped my weight down to a chunk below 80, gave me a ridiculously low body fat percentage (down to 7!), and this is what makes my numbers keep looking "bad".

They are, of course, not bad at all. Draglist posted a chart the other day, in regards to body fat, and I am already in the "athletic" category, close to what they call "only the essential fat". I don't want to end up there, just think it'd be nice to be under 10. :)

It might end up being an unsustainable place to be, I'm not sure. If I can stay a little higher, but consistently, then that's just as good. It's not all that important.

Still, that doesn't mean that I can't try, right?


I was supposed to go back to work today. I'm not, though.

I have appointments at the hospital for my heart thing several days this week, and I can tell that I am stressing over it.

The flyers that I got in the letter from the hospital explains it all pretty well, and supposedly there isn't all that much to worry about, but it is the whole "stepping into the unknown" that I don't like. I don't know what's gonna happen, and that makes me uncertain.

It's just something that has to be done so I can move on.

Supposedly there shouldn't be much more to it. I hope this is true - I want to get back in my usual routine, and get moving on living healthy, building business, getting back in top shape.


So, today my focus will be on doing right and taking care of myself. I will ensure that I reach my goal of 3000 calories burned, and that I am mentally relaxed. I truly can tell that the whole hospital thing is bothering me today. Maybe because it's suddenly THIS week? I don't know.

Sometimes these things get a LOT scarier when they're up close, right?


One thing I do have to be careful with today is the eating patterns. I know that when I stress, then I want to eat.

I have an allowance of 2500 calories today. I can easily fit proper meals into it, and I can easily do good. I just have to not get into bad foods.

I'll manage.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- A good night's sleep. I'm thankful that the stress didn't kill my sleep.
- Morning coffee!
- Wife!
- Getting the damn heart thing done and overwith this week. I want to move on!

Life is good!
82.7 公斤 最近减少: 72.3 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.
一个星期减少7.7 公斤

Good luck with your heart thing Keld... Xx 
2014年01月6日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
Good morning Keld, just popping in to let you know I am still here, still reading, still supportive :) 
2014年01月6日 会员:: sarahsmum
Praying the best for you with your heart restart and for peace within you and your wife.  
2014年01月6日 会员:: iamachristianjesusfreak
No point in saying not to worry, I would be worried too. Hugs. 
2014年01月6日 会员:: sarahsmum
Try to enjoy your extra week off - I'm sure Kitty Cat will love it! 
2014年01月6日 会员:: Neptunebch
Yeah, it's gonna be a long week. It's ok. I'll manage.  
2014年01月6日 会员:: kingkeld
Draglist - Rehearsal went well! I could tell I got tired faster than usual, still healing and all, and the relatively heavy lifting of the bass all afternoon, but we did good. We got the rough outline of a new song done. Original material this time. We're talking about heading in that direction. :) 
2014年01月6日 会员:: kingkeld
I'd be stressed too - only natural. Wishing you only the best and will send a prayer your way. 
2014年01月6日 会员:: Lynn1958
Your comment about stepping into the unknown made me think of this song: https://play.spotify.com/track/1G6eFFDRaLr9EbThnhzMBD Stress is normal under the circumstances, but you've got good doctors, right? Put it in their hands... 
2014年01月6日 会员:: zebdavison
Zeb, the link isn't working... gah! I would love to hear! :) 
2014年01月6日 会员:: kingkeld
It doesn't want to let me enter the url - try this: http://tinyurl.com/p4d4cfb 
2014年01月6日 会员:: zebdavison





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