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Snowwhite100的日记, 2021年03月7日

My life changed yesterday. I am now finally afraid of my husband. That makes it harder to enjoy him when he is nice because I don't know when he will explode or if I can “be perfect”. He has abused me for at least 55 years. He did not, and has not, hit me in the last 50 years, but did twice before that, and one of the times I had a concussion. We were separated 3 times. He said the reason he never gave me a penny to help feed the children was so I couldn't make it on my own. With my health problems and a very bad back, when he promised to change, I went back “for the children”, plus I loved him, and believed it was the right and Christian thing to do. He didn't change. A couple of days ago he wanted me to make an appointment with the DMV for him to take the written test to renew his Driver's License, and we saw they are giving automatic 1-year extensions because of Covid. He was thrilled he wouldn't have to study for it, and neither of us knew if he could pass. He had seen the e-mail from the DMV and had asked me to change his password, and even picked out the new one. Yesterday I helped him on the computer for about an hour in 2 different sessions. I was laying down to take a nap and he again called me as he usually does to come to help him on the computer. He expects me to come running where ever he is and where ever I am, no matter the inconvenience, and it better be quick. He saw the e-mail from the DMV about the change in password, but now was confused about it, and felt he had to wake me up immediately to find out what it was. I should confess to you I sleepily said no when he called out to me. He got very angry (as usual) came into the bedroom, forcefully moved my legs to the floor, and pulled me up to drag me into the room where he has his computer, and threatened to smash my laptop. I don't understand how he expects to hear me reply to him from another room or even from another floor, it isn't logical. He is very hard of hearing even with his strong expensive hearing aids and that eventually affects anyone's brain. He now doesn't recognize most words that start with a consonant. His audiologist said in a hearing test when they turned the sound all the way up, in one ear he only has 15% hearing, and out of 25 words that started with a consonant he only understood 3. If I call back to him to whatever room he is in, he usually can't hear me and gets very angry before he starts calling the second time. He has not eaten at the table with me in perhaps 30 years, unless on rare occasions outside. If he yells for this or that from his TV, or wants help on the computer, and also if he sees anything interesting on the TV or computer, he wants me to come to see it. He basically can only do Facebook and maps, but recently learned to use YouTube.

Once, he did not acknowledge my presence for 6 months, and punishing me is just a common theme. He has always been very controlling and wanted me to treat him like God or “a god”. Now I remember many years ago he demanded I sit next to him on the couch while he was watching wrestling (which I hate) but I was not allowed to speak. Most would say I should have divorced him. Yes, I had moral grounds, but most of the Christian community would say if he wasn't “hitting”, a person should stay hoping to win him to Christ. I was in a Bible Study years ago, and one gal that was being hit went to the pastor of a church of thousands and was told she should stay as long as the children were not being hit. I disagree. She was younger and her children were young. Personally, I was abused as a child, so my husband said he was never responsible for any of my hurt feelings. I reasoned, I begged, I hoped, and I prayed. For 60 years, he said he didn't care that he hurt my feelings, but I didn't even know what Narcissism was until two weeks ago, or that it can become a mental disorder. He took part of my meager meal (2 al la carte meatballs) this week in a deli, even though he had a very big meal, and threw part of mine away rather than letting me have it back. He had breakfast, I did not. I just walked away, as I have started doing at home when he yells at me, but it's not working. At home, he grabs me if I walk away. He also said this week that I should only sleep at night after he goes to bed, whatever time that is. Part of me thinks it is escalating, and part of me just hasn't admitted how bad it has been part of the time. Of course, he doesn't see it or admit it, that is part of the illness. I have to learn to not confront him, show any defensiveness, or disagree because he just gets furious, but now it is becoming dangerous. How can I be perfect to do everything he wants? If he shoves me around I dare not resist or show displeasure. I am afraid to resist when he is overpowering me. It depresses me to think of jumping up and running after him instantly all day long, and he can't live alone. We only have one car. I get less than $500. a month Social Security. Yes, I can go to a woman's shelter if necessary. For how long? Should I leave him the car, and have none? He already throws my belongings away. I think he would throw everything of mine in the trash, and ½ of the house. If I leave our home, some legal decisions have said the “party” that leaves, abandons the home. He is very vindictive. I am afraid to leave for more than a couple of hours, or the marriage will be over.

I had written March 2nd about how he angrily grabbed my clothing at my neck and swung me back and forth recently. He has threatened me for years, either to smash me in the face, throw me physically out the door, or once he said he could cut off my legs. I had written last year about an incident years ago where he very forcefully held my hand over the burner on the stove and threatened to turn it on and put my hand down on it if I didn't “listen” to him, which in his economy means to agree with him. When I told someone, they dismissed it since he didn't go through with it and later told me I was playing the victim. It seems threats, and terrible words don't count. Several years ago after one big threat, I asked our daughter if I should call the police if he hits me? She had been married to an abuser years ago and had left him. She advised that if I called the police I would suffer for it afterward, with him being vindictive. She's right, he would be. He is a narcissist, I'm guessing halfway towards NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). He has memory loss, probably due to a lack of oxygen to the brain from untreated severe sleep apnea. By the time he was willing to treat it with a c-pap machine about 6 years ago, he would stop breathing when sleeping 63 times an hour. He also may have had additional memory loss from general anesthesia from two surgeries when he was 77 years old, coronary artery disease, lung damage from having had blood clots in his lungs, and heart failure. He will be 85 in a couple of weeks. He has had many TIA's (mini-strokes), brain bleeds, and 2 “small” strokes. That can change your personality, or exacerbate ongoing problems. He is very fragile and is developing another aneurysm in the aorta near his heart. He had 2 repaired 8 years ago but cannot go under general anesthesia unless it is a life-threatening emergency. They wouldn't even give him enough anesthesia for a colonoscopy when he was bleeding rectally because of his heart failure.

I tell you all this because many here on FS have said I should leave him when I complained. I would say it's too late. My husband also uses oxygen at night and until his last hospitalization he used it some during the day. His dizziness has been a problem for at least 5 years, and he has fallen several times. As he gets weaker he is less stable on his feet but won't take physical therapy. He still drives some when he is not dizzy. I suppose with age, memory loss, strokes, needing oxygen, heart failure, COPD, emphysema, and sleep apnea his brain is deteriorating. He has been in the hospital 6 times in the last year and a half, the last time in October with severe kidney failure. I don't know how he has lived so long. The other day he felt an electric shock go through his body. This can be from not taking his meds on time, or just his heart having trouble getting oxygen to his brain. He does not help keep the house or with meals, if I'm lucky he leaves things on the kitchen counter for me. There is no way he can make it on his own. Up to yesterday I always said I can't leave, and he wouldn't allow any other help for him or the house. In August and September he was seriously talking suicide, even writing notes and leaving money for our daughter and nephew. Sure I could have him committed for 72 hours. But he would be even more dangerous when he came out. Jail would be the only thing that would hold him, and he would die very quickly. Yes, I believe he is capable of murder and suicide. Because he is so charming, almost no one knows what our life is like behind closed doors. Certainly not our nephews and families. Our daughter knows some, but has no idea of the extent of it, and couldn't wrap her head around it if she did know. Do I dare send her a copy of this? She has stage 4 cancer and lives in another state. It seems very unkind to send it to her. I haven't seen my nephews in a couple of years and am not in their lives. They know nothing of this, and their disabled, mentally ill mother died two weeks ago, and the funeral home had to scrape her off the floor. They and their wives are dealing with the house of a hoarder, and are on their 5th dumpster just with the papers. I'm thinking of sending this to one of them, but it breaks my heart. If I knew my husband would kill me, and commit suicide, I wouldn't bother them. There is no one else. Okay, I will admit it, I suppose my husband's brain is getting worse. I wasn't afraid till yesterday. Yes, you are right, I am just as sick as he is, but in a different way. I will be 80 this year and am disabled. I don't want to tell him anything to anger him, or even to depress him. It could be catastrophic. I will not tell him what I am thinking. I have two very small bank accounts and will go take his name off and put on our daughter's name with mine. I don't think I can get to any of his. Oh, that makes me want to tell you that when I was 30, my mother died and left me $20,000. He took it and put it in an account in only his name, and I was not allowed access to it. Also, he took the car I earned in a multi-level marketing business. Because he liked it. He let me borrow it sometimes. You don't know what goes on behind closed doors. And the perpetrators are so charming, you probably wouldn't believe the mental and emotional abuse. Yes, I've been to counseling. Yes, he went with me a couple of times, but he will not listen to ANYONE. Divorce is the only solution. I didn't know what it would be like to be afraid, and he would become more and more demanding. If the tone of my voice isn't perfect, or if he thinks I have a funny look on my face, he gets furious. There is no “home” that could hold him. Some probably think I am over-reacting but I have been watching Dr. Ramani on YouTube these last 2 weeks and am starting to learn what I am dealing with. Why haven't I ever heard of this before? Now I understand why he wants to commit suicide, he doesn't want to bother with old age, disability, and not being able to have relations each and every day.

I was so worried about his driving for many years, and he is so stubborn that I didn't know what to do about it. His van burned up 2 ½ years ago and I avoided replacing it. About a year ago he was getting dizzy more often and now lets me drive more than 95% of the time unless of course, he thinks I want to. Three years ago he said he would never turn his head to look in his blind spot, and he never has. He can't hear other cars honking at him when he pulls into them. For years he thinks he doesn't have to stop for stop signs if someone else is going through, he doesn't have to stop. That is not dementia, it is arrogance. He doesn't believe the rules apply to him. He will take the left-hand turn lane for the people going the opposite direction to pull into to wait for traffic. He goes through red lights. He tells me to shut the fuck up, and even to get out of the car, at 90 miles an hour if I don't like it. It terrifies me. He would drive without a license anyway if he were to lose it, and with no license, he would have no insurance. With an accident, they could take our house and everything we have.

Years ago, a small retail carpet store took our money ($3,000.00) and filed for bankruptcy the next day. When my husband went into the store to get our money back, evidently he got into a physical fight with a young man in the store who threw him to the floor. My husband was so mad, that he couldn't even talk to me for 6 months. He said he couldn't talk because he was controlling himself, to not go down and kill the young man. There is another man in our life who we only see at a distance a couple of times a year, who my husband doesn't like something the man is doing. The man is completely in the right, and my husband is in the wrong, but my husband has said numerous times that he would like to shoot him. By the way, there is no gun available. This man does not know this, and I don't think they have ever had even a little argument. I do my best to keep my husband away from him and my husband has not expressed animosity for him for a couple of years. But I know very well if my husband was around him, the problem would come right back. Is he worse? I don't know. Maybe he has less control. I'm tired, depressed, and now I am ready to die. I hope it's quick when it comes. With the Lord's help, I will not commit suicide. No, I want to go to Heaven more than anything.
56.9 公斤 最近减少: 0 公斤.    还有: 5.6 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.
一个星期减少3.5 公斤

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I don’t know what to say. You have chosen to continue on a difficult path.  
2021年03月7日 会员:: Kenna Morton
1-800-799-SAFE. Domestic Abuse Hotline. www.thehotline.org 
2021年03月7日 会员:: Katsolo
I pray for your deliverance from this abusive situation. God, in His wisdom, knows what needs to happen to bring that to pass. May He comfort and guide you into His best plan for your life. 
2021年03月7日 会员:: Debbie Cousins
I will pray for you. I am sorry that you are going through a rough patch right now. Having an abusive relationship is not good for anyone, and to be honest seeking help from a therapist may help you while you are dealing with this. But definitely seek the hotline number. You need all the help you can get to get out of this situation. 
2021年03月7日 会员:: morganstuart
It is never too late to make a change. I pray that you find peace 
2021年03月7日 会员:: Rckc
I wish I didn’t read this. How much more will you take? GET OUT ALIVE. God gives us wisdom, the wise use it. The worse situation out is better than the best in. 
2021年03月7日 会员:: wifey9707
You must reach out to someone to advise/ help you. If you have no family that can help contact the closest women's shelter. You need to be able to be/ feel safe.  
2021年03月7日 会员:: SherryeB
I lived in an abusive marriage for 16 years. My ex made it very hard for me as well. I Pray that you strat to Value yourself and you get help for this situation. You are Loved and Valued! Don't ever forget that! Call a help line, seek help. For you and your children. I pray that you receive peace. Take care write soon 🙏 
2021年03月7日 会员:: lorieb23
sweetheart, I'm so sorry. i left my husband last summer and never looked back. He uses to hold a gun to me and then say he was just kidding. I secretly saved money to buy my own place two hours away. He's too lazy to go anywhere, let alone drive 2 hours. He said he is glad I left, so it's a win-win. In fact, I couldn't start my healthy lifestyle until I was away from him. Please don't let yourself be abused anymore. You deserve better.  
2021年03月7日 会员:: OldSandy Blonde
wow you need prayer and shelter from this. I can relate won't go into detail. my husband borders on narcissistic personality and its not pretty. I believe in the power of God and answered prayer so I choose to stay. your situation is horrible. Let's pray for divine wisdom first along with God's intervention.  
2021年03月7日 会员:: Iikat
SnowWhite: Only you can make the decision as to whether to go or stay, and that is often a very complex decision. Basic concerns like having enough money, having transportation, having safety from retaliation if your husband tries to find you, having a safe place to go, having people around you who can protect you -- these are not small matters!! If you have no money, or not enough money, no car, no place to go, no way to support yourself if you leave, it can make it impossible to just grab your toothbrush and walk! However, this does not mean you are powerless. You do have options. First, start by thinking. Think about who you can trust. Not necessarily to take you in, but just to talk to. For example -- can you go to the Social Security office and talk to someone about what benefits you can be entitled to and how to get them IF you were to leave your husband. Another example -- can you go down to a bank (a different bank from where your husband does business) and open an account in your own name that only you can have access to, and only you know about. Tell the bank employee (who doesn't know you or your husband) that you are thinking about leaving your husband, and that you need an account that he does not know about and cannot touch. Some states have "community property laws" that mean you, as a married woman, cannot usually open an account by yourself without your husband's knowledge. However, there are exceptions for women who are abused, separated, abandoned, or divorcing, so it will still be possible -- you just have to ask. Second, start taking your trusted friends into your confidence. Can you talk to your pastor, priest, or other clergy person? Your church may have resources. They may have a "safe house" that you could go to until you can make more permanent arrangements. Start letting your trusted network of friends that you are planning to leave and to let you know if they hear of a person or a place where you can go. Third, most communities have a Legal Aid Society where you can get free legal advice. You will need to talk to someone about what rights you have under the law, and what resources are available to protect you. For example, if your husband is very ill and needs assistance, they can put you in touch with a Social Service Agency who can set up care for your husband (which makes him less dependent on you). Every state has different laws about divorce, separation, property, etc., so you need to know your rights. Fourth, call an abused women's hotline. At least it will give you someone to talk to who can suppport you. At this point, you aren't doing anything except thinking and talking to people. You haven't DONE anything yet. But as you talk to people, a plan will start to form in your mind. Remember, you need to create your own safety net of money, shelter, friends, and legal protection that will serve as a protective shell around you for the day you decide to leave -- if you decide to leave. Again, leaving may not be the answer. Perhaps getting in-home helpers (paid for by the state!) who can come in for a few hours a day to help with housekeeping, cooking, nursing care for your husband, etc. Just having another person in the house (maybe even a sturdy male-type person -- it doesn't have to necessarily be a woman) can help protect you. Most abusers like to work in secret, and having a witness in the house who might "rat him out" will likelyi deter your husband from hurting you or bullying you. And especially if you frame it as this person is there to help you take care of HIM, it kind of smooths it over. So, you see, you don't necessarily have to LEAVE in order to change your situation. But start by thinking, and by talking to people you can trust, or to anonymous strangers (like the people at Social Security, a bank that doesn't know your husband, the Legal Aid Society maybe in another town). You need to work out a plan that works for YOU, and that fits YOUR situation, and that fits the resources you have available to you. Leaving is not always the best answer for everyone. Oh, and one other thing. One person you should definitely talk to is your husband's doctor. I'm sort of noticing things in your story that could be symptoms of cognitive decline. If he can't pass a driving test, can't remember that he asked you to change a password, forgets that he asked you to do things aroun the house, he may be experiencing a physical illness and not just being a jerk. If this is the case, whether it's from Alzheimer's Disease, or diabetic dementia, there are people who can help him get the care that he needs. Sometimes a person with cognitive decline will deteriorate to the point where their loved ones cannot care for them at home anymore (like when a tiny woman needs to lift a big husband out of bed to bathe him or take him to the toilet -- and he doesn't want to go). At that point, there are agencies and people who can step in to get your husband the care that he needs, which will also benefit you a great deal. 
2021年03月7日 会员:: ReneeJoan
Thank you all for your support. I didn't say in this journal that I will be 80 years old this year. He is 85. So children are not an issue. We are both disabled. Should I leave my 2-story house and sleep in my car with my fractures in L5, and bulging disks. You have no idea how much pain I live with. I can't leave him without a car to get groceries, go to the hospital or doctors. On my less than $500. a month Social Security, should I live on the street in a tent and sleep on the ground? It would be better to just lay on the couch and stop eating. I know most don't like my attitude, and I don't like it either. So you can pray for both of us. I know I am feeling negative today. I'm sorry.  
2021年03月7日 会员:: Snowwhite100
You should write a book about your life. It would be a bestseller & you’d make a lot of money 💰 
2021年03月7日 会员:: LambiePi
I'm sorry for what you have endured all these years. Please seek help. It is never too late. As long as you have breath in your lungs, there is a reason to fight for your happiness.  
2021年03月7日 会员:: Selflovesundae
I went to my pastor and told him my husband watches porn every day and sometimes for a long time, and is angry at me all the time. His answer was for me to ask my husband what I had done to offend him! Our church is extremely small and very poor. I live in California so yes, we are community property. But I will see about an account. I didn't know one's husband is supposed to know. I'll speak to them, but it's only a small amount. Probably I could open an account in my daughter's name and sign on it too. Since he was a government employee (retired early) he does have a retirement but his Social Security is only $200. a month. Maybe he could have passed the written DMV test, maybe not, but he will not accept anyone in the house, is very mobile, walks a half-mile a day, and is still "married relations" active. There are a lot of good ideas here, but I have no "trusted network of friends". I couldn't have people "over" and have been very isolated for a very long time. Part of this is my fault for not going out this last 20 years and making friends and doing things. My brain, emotions, and bad back are good excuses. The week before our 21-year-old son was killed by the drunk driver, my husband said I was not allowed to have $5.00 a week discretionary money to spend as I wanted. That (or before) was the time to leave. If he hits me, I'll leave, and sleep in the car.  
2021年03月7日 会员:: Snowwhite100
First of all, you need to believe in your worth as a human being. You are worth more than this terrifying existence. NO ONE will advocate for you if you dont ask for help. It starts with you. Please start by talking to your husbands doctor, then call the abuse hotline. If you have a pastor or church, or even close friends that can help, or even listen and give some kind of advice on how to proceed, please talk to them. Yes, you will have hurdles ahead of you. Ask yourself this, would you rather TRY and find a way out and to something better, or continue to live in a fearful and miserable existence for what could be the rest of your life? I hope that you can find some kind of peace and happiness, whatever path you choose. No one should have to live like that, and especially not for most of their life. 
2021年03月7日 会员:: Gforcemama
@JustBananas You're right and I'm sorry. I didn't think I had any other place. Yes, I whine and complain. Yes, probably I am mentally ill. I'm sorry to have bothered you. I'm sorry I was inappropriate. And any others like @wifey9707 that wishes she hadn't read it: I appreciate the support, and I'm sorry.  
2021年03月7日 会员:: Snowwhite100
I agree with Katsolo phone number and Kenna’s answer. This world is full of good people! seek them out. 
2021年03月7日 会员:: Shrewdness
oh Jesus! fuck that old bastard! let him fuckin die alone...he doesn't deserve to have ANY EMPATHY for his illnesses! christ, he deserves NOTHING! HE'S A CRUEL, EVIL PIECE OF GARBAGE! TO PUT THE, SO CALLED WOMAN YOU LOVE THRU YEARS OF SYSTEMATIC ABUSE, WELL YOU DESERVE THE HELL YOU BELIEVE IN...ROT DOWN THERE  
2021年03月7日 会员:: jsantaniello63
You can get a restraining order as well against your husband. 
2021年03月7日 会员:: Judith Yeagley





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