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kingkeld的日记, 2013年08月29日

Good morning!

So, I cut out the post-dinner snacks, the sugar. Well, all of it except for a protein bar. The bar was cut into little snack-sized pieces and it was thoroughly enjoyed whilst we were watching an old Star Trek movie. :)

It was a good alternative to chocolate, and I NEEDED more protein to meet my daily goal. Not a bad solution to fix a minor case of the munchies.

Sure, there is (most likely) some processed sugar in it, but it really didn't affect me much, I think.

I had great food all day too. I had the leftover schnitzel for lunch. You'd be claiming that I shouldn't be eating like that - the thing was breaded, fried in butter, had potatoes and thick gravy on the side. It was, however, all calculated and fit perfectly into my calorie intake.

Dinner was very very nice slow cooked ribs, drenched in BBQ sauce, with a baked potato with garlic dressing (low cal) instead of garlic butter. Also, a side of coleslaw. Not bad.

The snacks all day were fruit. Apples and bananas.

And then, of course, the protein bar after dinner.

Wow. So much great food, and I was actually more than 500 calories under my RDI.

It's absolutely no trouble staying under RDI when I don't eat junk. It's actually VERY easy, to the point where I really don't think I would need to count calories. I'm not gonna stop, though. I like the focus I get on my food, meal sizes, etc. - and of course I need to count my protein for my workouts. I gotta make sure I get enough.

So, what is the result on the scale this morning? I am down a FULL KILO!

It's surprising. Obviously, it's not fat that dropped since yesterday, but I think fluids are a big part of the equation. I have several times been writing a little about whether sugar makes you retain water, like salt does. I'm not sure. I'm not even sure if Google knows.

It does, however, seem that this happens when I cut out the junk. It then takes a few days, and my weight comes down fast.

I'm gonna do it again today. Today should be easy to do, for several reasons:

1. I will be working literally ALL day. It's a fairly busy day and I will be kept occupied.

2. Cake Day Break will be held with a huge staff meeting (nothing out of the usual, we do this once per month), and the cakes are only available when you go in. It's just a matter of 30 seconds of focus to walk by them and it'll be too late to get any. And even if I choose to have something (which I won't), then there is no chance to refill.

3. Food is all planned out.

4. I am hoping to work out tonight, insted of tomorrow morning.

According to Mike O'connel, who wrote "2 Meal Solution", our bodies are almost done recovering from workouts after about 36 hours. This can be measured by looking at how our bodies take in protein and nutrients post-workout. After 36 hours, everything is pretty much back to normal.
I read this as saying that I could choose to work out 36 hours after my previous workout, and my body should have recovered from Wednesday morning's workout. Does that make sense?

The thing is that it would fit my plans so much better to NOT work out tomorrow morning, but I don't want to miss out on a workout. I won't be home Saturday either, so I can't postpone it a day. Then I would have to wait until Sunday, and I am hoping to work out then anyways. I would be missing a session if I did that. Not good.

So, since I will be working at the gym tonight, I figured I'd spend the last 30 minutes of our opening hours doing my routine, depending how busy it is. If nothing else, I will do it after I close. It'll be better than doing it in the morning.

According to the "2 meal solution" book, there are some advantages to work out while in the fasting period. This will obviously not be the case if I work out tonight. However, most of those benefits should be obtainable if I don't eat for several hours before the session.

I plan on eating dinner before going to work at the gym, so at around 4:30PM today. I will work out around 8:30PM. That should be enough time, I think. It'll have to do, anyways.

This will of course also motivate me to NOT have anything to eat after my dinner. I have a purpose to NOT eat, and that makes it a whole lot easier.

So, let's do this.


It really was pretty easy reaching my goals yesterday. I had no hunger, no real sugar pangs, no real anything. The trickiest part of the day (in relation to food) was to figure out what I wanted for dinner.

I see these days that I could really eat what I want, in moderation, as long as it's not junk. I can even eat it without worrying whether it's fried in butter or baked in the oven. I can do that with no worries - AS LONG AS I DON'T EAT JUNK, and as long as I DO MY WORKOUTS to keep my RMR/BMR high.

It's amazing to have reached this point, where this is actually possible without too many worries. Life is slowly getting easier.

Sure, there are challenges now and then, here and there. I don't mind giving in to them on occasion, but I do see that I tend to let go a little, then a little more, and then kinda lose it. I then need to work harder to reel it back in. Too many bad things become "okay" to do, when I let go.

The solution is - obviously - to not let go as much. The trick is to remember a day like today where I dropped a full kilo and did NOT eat junk the day before. This is what I need to remember when the going gets rough. This is what I need to remember when I get bored. This is what I need to remember when I am hanging with buddies that are eating too much junk.


Today is easy, work wise. Long, but easy.

I have a meeting at 9am, and three hours on. Then lunch at noon, meeting again at 1:30 pm, and done with that and back to work at 3:30. I then work another hour, have dinner and go to the gym at 5. Home from there at 9 or 9:30, depending when I can do my workout.

Long day, sure, but an easy day.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Dropping a kilo!
- Wife!
- Morning coffee!

Happy Thursday! Life is good!
83 公斤 最近减少: 72 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 合理的.
一个星期减少7.7 公斤

Protein bars were evil addictive killers for me. My mouth said 'mmmm sweet like candy bar' while my brain cheered on 'and they're healthy too!' and all moderation went out the window. I'd get up in the middle of the night and fall asleep chewing. Isopure makes a high protein drink without as much sugar - the one I get at the health food store is zero carb and is like juice (instead of a powdery shake) and I've been able to survive sundown with them in the house. 
2013年08月29日 会员:: FullaBella
"I have several times been writing a little about whether sugar makes you retain water, like salt does. I'm not sure. I'm not even sure if Google knows." --- All carbohydrate will tend to increase water balance, but not by the same mechanism as salt. It's glycogen. Dietary carbs can end up as circulating glucose in your blood, or when that level gets too high, they can be shunted into storage - and the first "storage locker" is liver and muscle glycogen, which can be accessed and broken down to maintain circulating glucose levels. Each molecule of glycogen, however, is affiliated with 3 or 4 water molecules. So...if you're glycogen-depleted because you haven't been eating much (or not eating much CHO) lately, and/or have been active, you'll liberate a lot of water along with that glycogen. Have some carbohydrate and you'll start refilling that glycogen - and dragging 3x its weight in water along with it.  
2013年08月29日 会员:: Nimm
Thanks, Nimm. You're better than Google! I appreciate the input! :D And it does make a LOT of sense for me - I was pretty certain that the water retention could happen this way (without knowing all the fancy words), as I see one happen when the other does. And since you're mentioning activity to go hand in hand with it, it makes even MORE sense. :) 
2013年08月29日 会员:: kingkeld
Bella, I see your point 100%. Protein bars are tasty. TOO tasty. Can we do a sauerkraut flavored one? LOL. Actually, I do think it's a great alternative when I DO want a chocolate. At least it's not a total waste of calories. However, I also agree that shakes are better. I'm not really into the juice thing much, but I do like milk with a flavored powder. The ones I use are sugar free, typically sweetened with Stevia. They do me good, but they don't kill a chocolate/candy craving as a bar does. THen again, it doesn't awaken the carb monster. On the wrong day, a protein bar has been know to be doing that.  
2013年08月29日 会员:: kingkeld
***I see these days that I could really eat what I want, in moderation, as long as it's not junk.*** We need to create an avatar that says the above, exactly. Words of wisdom.  
2013年08月29日 会员:: ClassicRocker





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