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kingkeld的日记, 2013年06月7日

Good morning!

Geez... I was hoping that I would reach a new low today, being just 200 grams away from it when I weighed in yesterday morning.

However, I am only 100 grams down, and have 100 to go. Hopefully I'll be 100 grams - and then some - down tomorrow.

Wow, yesterday was a LONG day, but essentially a good day. The dreaded interview went surprisingly well. The rest of the day was relatively smooth sailing all the way.

After work I went working at the gym. It's always a nice way for me to wind down, and make some money while doing it. The only downside to it is that I really want to do a full workout while I'm there, but obviously I can't just pull out 30 minutes to do that, as there will be customers and all kinds of other things going on.


Wife and I will be going to the gym when I am out from work. I am all excited that she's coming, and that we're doing this together. And I gotta say that I don't mind having an extra hour to myself in the mornings.

At the same time I do miss my Monday/Wednesday/Friday workout schedule. Wife is still getting her grip on the workout days, and we're still trying to figure out what days work better for us, but I think we're getting there. I think it's generally gonna be Tuesday/Friday/Sunday that we're going. This way there is nothing blocking, and they're pretty accomplishable days.

Later in the year I'll be working on Tuesday evenings, so we'll have to shift things around then, but we'll take that challenge when we get there. For now, it's much more important that Wife gets in the habit of going - but I don't think that'll be a problem at all.


So, Fitbit Flex update:

The thingy registered my sleep last night. I did NOT end up turning it off in my sleep. :)

I could write all the stats again, but it's actually easier to show:


I am happy to see that I am reaching the goals I set for myself by quite a bit. It's good to know what kind of activity level I am at, and actually getting some numbers on it.

I do wonder about the calories burned bit. It claims that I burn 3200-3300 calories per day so far. Sure, those days have been very active, but still. I have my calorie counter telling me to consume 2700 calories when I am in maintenance mode, and I am wondering if I should have it at a higher activity level than I have currently.

I'm not planning on changing it though. I have plenty of calories available for myself, and I am very happy with where I am. It's just a thought.

What IS interesting is that what I see on a day like yesterday (and the day before) is pretty similar to the Fatsecret exercise counter, which everyone here believes records too high numbers.

Personally, I don't really think the FatSecret counter is all that bad. Comparing numbers with other websites usually gives me something in the same general range.

That's all I need.

But of course it makes me think: Should I essentially be at a higher level? And of course, should I also up my goals on steps and distance for the Fitbit? I'll give it some more time and see where I am. I don't want to set the bar uncomfortably high, but I want it to motivate me to move just a little bit more, and make sure to do what I should be doing.

I think that if I set the bar too high, and it gets unaccomplishable on a regualar basis, then I'll stop caring about reaching the goals, and it'll be pointless. I think it's much better to set goals that I can reach with a little effort, and make sure I reach them.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Gym with Wife later on today!
- The Fitbit motivating me!

Have a great weekend! Life is good!

78 公斤 最近减少: 77 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.
一个星期减少0.7 公斤

I've been looking at the Fitbit. It looks cool :) A fun new toy. I totally missed that you are now working at a gym. What do you do there? 
2013年06月7日 会员:: coachcj8
Hey Coach. It's the easiest job in the world, really. I "stand guard" at the door, welcoming people and help around when people need a hand with something. I introduce the circle training system to people, and help them getting a grip on the rounds there. It's super fun. Everyone at the gym are so positive and happy. Even when it's crazy busy, it's super fun! 
2013年06月7日 会员:: kingkeld
Looking at your fitbit stats, you are amazingly active KK... You make me feel really lazy, as I am sure I wouldn't log a quarter of what you are achieving. I can't wait to get my hands on a new 'gadget', I'm still hankering after the misfit shine, because of the swimming function. I know they 'sometimes' say the fitbit flex is 'waterproof', but they don't seem to push it, so I am suspicious. Glad you DW is going to the gym with you ... It will be motivational to have some company:-) 
2013年06月7日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
Attainable goals are the way to go. I could let myself get bogged down with the magnitude of how much weight I have to lose, but instead I know I'm more effective if I'm looking at 5lb at a time. Of course, maintaining is a beast of a different colour, but I think you're on the right road. :) 
2013年06月7日 会员:: mrsgamgee
mrsgamgee, it's funny - these days the only trouble I have with maintenance is that I can't seem to get to eating enough to not lose weight. LOL. From what I plan to eat today, and what the fitbit says I burn, I am 2000 calories under. :) 
2013年06月7日 会员:: kingkeld





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