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kingkeld的日记, 2013年03月21日

Good morning!

It's early, 6 AM, and I'm at work.

I have a class to attend to at 8 am, and I wanted to do a few things here first, to catch up and to save up a little comp time. Oh, and to write my journal. :)

My weigh-in today is pretty much identical to yesterday. Exactly the same weight, and the fat% registered at 10.5%, which is 0.2 up since yesterday. I'm pretty sure this falls in the "scale inaccuracy" category, when it comes to the fat, but that's ok. I can easily live with hat.

Yesterday, I did my 3rd Low Cal day in a row. I ended up at 630 calories, and that is definitely good enough for me.

I feel great. I feel satisfied, with no hunger at all.

I think I will keep going like this for the weekdays this week - which means today and tomorrow too. Saturday I will do my Indulgence Day (but a little more controlled than usually), and Sunday I will revert to the 1600 calorie RDI, unless something tells me not to.

These last days have been pretty interesting.

Like I stated, I have NO hunger. None. I feel that I have been able to comfortably spread the little calories I allow myself over the course of the day, and it really hasn't been hard to do for me.

Sure, it requires a LOT more planning and arranging than going 1600, but it's not impossible, as long as I get to choose my own foods. Here is where the true challenge is. I'm glad that Wife can deal with my crazy food antics.

It's remarkable how energized I feel. After three days I would have thought that I would feel famished and tired, but that is in no way the case. Actually, it was a lot easier to get out of bed at 4 am this morning than it has been for a while.

Also, it hasn't been tougher going to the gym. I do the same weights (still lower on the shoulder ones because of my strain), and it's about the same exhaustion I feel afterwards. I don't need to wuss out on any machine. Not more than I usually do, anyways. :)

I do realize that going 600 calories is not in any ways a sustainable diet. I do realize that if I do this for a longer period then things will mess up.

However, I don't think that a week (or even two) will get me to that point. Our bodies simply don't react that fast, I believe. I just want to get rid of a little extra fat, and all the excess water, that I feel that I have in my body.

I feel big changes over the last three days. I feel that my face (actually, my whole head) is thinner. I feel my cheekbones more pronounced. Last night, I woke up twice because I turned around and pinched the skin between my shoulder blades. This has NOT happened in quite a while. Months, I think. I feel my little belly (what's left of it) sagging more - and that is EXACTLY what needs to happen. That is what the surgeons are looking at and evaluating.

Which reminds me - I was asked yesterday how they measure things at the hospital. Essentially, they don't. They feel their way. They touch and pull and grab my stomach and other relevant areas to see how things are. They ask me for numbers, but they don't check them.

So, when I am told that I need to drop 10 kilos, then it is because they can see that there is too much fat in the wrong places for them to perform the surgery. If I don't lower the fat in me, then they can't operate. Ten kilos is their estimate of what it'll take for them to be able to do their job.

Of course, things can change. Like me working out pretty intensely (for my standards, anyways). I have built up so much muscle, and dropped so much in fat percentage that they find it worth checking it out to see if they can do the surgery already.

There is no panic though. If I am not quite there yet, then we'll set a new date and check again. No biggie.

Of course, the "real" challenge for me might be to actually maintain where I am when I qualify, to make sure that it's all good when it's time to bring out the butcher knife. :)


So, today will be a day of challenges.

I have a class to attend. A boring one. All day. 8 hours. Booo!

They start with the most AMAZING breakfast. All the food is ecological. All is absolutely delish! Bread right out of the oven. International cheese selection. So much good stuff.

Then there is a super-ridiculously nice buffet for lunch. Best in town. Everyone LOVES it.

Trouble is, everything is high in calories. Everything is mixed, so it's pretty much impossible to really tell what is in it. It's impossible to register my food if I eat there, and a 600 calorie day is über hard to do.

However, the decision is made. 600 calories for Keld today.

So, I have had a small (2 eggs for protein) breakfast this morning as usual. I will SKIP the breakfast offered. I'll just have a large glass of ice water, and some coffee.

Then I'll go sit at the meetings, and make sure to throw away the little chocolate they always put on the cups in there. Which, by the way is a little piece of heavenly Belgian chocolate. Oh yes. I remember. lol.

Then, at lunch, I will pull out my lunch box. Everything I have in there is recorded and registered. I can NOT over-eat. I will simply ignore the buffet and do my own thing.

I'm bringing eggs (for protein, to make me feel full), along with spinach, bell peppers and tomatoes. This should easily fill me up.

Then, I have an apple or two for the afternoon, if I needed it.

...and for dinner, leftover minestrone from yesterday. I'm really grateful that we're having this again today. It's only 100 calories for a huge bowl, and that'll keep me satisfied for the evening.

Planning is KEY! :)

I'm mentally 100% set on this plan, and I am very sure I will stick to it. I want to. I need to.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Planning ahead!
- Feeling amazing!
- A good night's sleep!
- A day doing something different.
- Wife supporting me doing this all week.
- Avoiding cake day at work! Yay! Wife is doing donuts again, and they are pure evil, so I am more than happy to NOT be here. :)

Happy Thursday! Life is good!
88.8 公斤 最近减少: 66.2 公斤.    还有: 3.8 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.

Focus will be EXTRA needed. The breakfast served at the class is extra cranked up. Dammit. Doing good, though. I sat as far away from the buffet as possible, and am enjoying a cup of coffee. I'm doing this. :-)  
2013年03月21日 会员:: kingkeld
So interesting. Amazing that your energy level is still high and you aren't feeling hungry. You seem to be really thinking about the protein, carb, fat level; as well as the calories. I would imagine this will mean you have a far better diet, that sustains your body and gives you everything you need to keep going. Well done....I say if it's working keep going. If you suddenly feel tired, stop, and eat more. I would imagine the worse thing you could do is, suddenly binge on carbs and sugar... I think this would cause sugar rushes and lethargy.  
2013年03月21日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
I agree, Pam. I'm very focused on NOT giving in to the bad foods when I'm doing this. I know that one little candy can knock it over. This problem is obviously solved by not having any. Besides, this isn't too hard if I want to stay under 600 calories. There is virtually NO wiggle room for snacks and sugar and high calorie food.  
2013年03月21日 会员:: kingkeld
I had my morning apple. It killed the little feeling of being peckish with no hassle. I can easily to until lunch in about 100 minutes. No worries.  
2013年03月21日 会员:: kingkeld
Had my lunch. It was REALLY deliscious! I'm full, probably even more than I need to be. Very nice.  
2013年03月21日 会员:: kingkeld
You are the boyscout of woe today :-) prepared! 
2013年03月21日 会员:: FullaBella
Hope your doctors are happy with your fat loss. Don't forget you will tear down your muscles if you keep eating in such a calorie deficit especially while still working out. I pray the best for you Keld! 
2013年03月21日 会员:: iamachristianjesusfreak
Thanks Iama. I think I'll just call you Iama from now on - your name is too long! :) Anyways, I am aware of the muscle thing. I won't go like this for ages, don't worry. This is just as much a test of will power and a test of discipline as it is anything else. I feel that I need to prove to myself that losing weight is NOT hard at all. And it isn't - once your mind is in the right place. Determination is definitely key, and I'm doing it. Tomorrow is my last 600 calorie day for now. Then comes an Indulgence Day. 3500 calories! I'm curious how my body will react to THAT! Then, next week I might decide on another go. Then again, I might not. I have two more weeks until I see the surgeon. I might like to do a 600 calorie week up to that - and that would mean a week's break from it next week. I can't justify going for three weeks in a row, I think. I know. I tend to overthink things. :) 
2013年03月21日 会员:: kingkeld
So, it's 6 PM (well, almost) and I'm gonna call "Mission Accomplished" for the day! I had all my meals. I have NO hunger or urge for any foods. I stuck to my 600 calories, including going to class and fighting a breakfast buffet AND a lunch buffet. It wasn't even all that hard. Life IS good! :) 
2013年03月21日 会员:: kingkeld
You are doing great, I think the low calorie for a week or two will be great especially since you feel well. It might help you jumpstart the downward turn again and kick the last few bounds off! And just think, many of us little (short) girlies eat less than half of your diet day HEHE... You can do it! Whoot! 
2013年03月21日 会员:: Lizzygracemusic





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