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kingkeld的日记, 2013年03月20日

Good morning, Fatsecret!

It's been two intermittend fasting days back-to-back. I didn't skip any meals, but chose great solutions to have all meals within the 600 calories I am allowed on such a day. Well, okay, I went to 620 yesterday. I'm sure I pass go anyways.

I didn't eat a smaller amount of food either day, I think, I just ate MUCH more calorie efficient.

The result? Well, I am down 2.3 kilos since yesterday. I am down 2.9 kilos since Monday. Not bad. Of course, since the weight is down, the fat percentage is up. It's a given. If your body weight goes down significantly, your fat percentage will go up, unless I had a 2.3 kilo fat loss since yesterday. That'd take a 16,000 calorie deficit. I can't claim to have accomplished that. :)

Anyways, what is really interesting in this is that I have had absolutely no hunger. I have felt no fatigue. None.

I'm heading to the gym in about an hour. I am very curious as to how my energy levels are when I work out. I am at less than half the food I am "supposed" to eat for the last couple of days.

I did make sure to eat a good breakfast - the usual stuff, though just one slice of bread instead of two. I'm going for another low calorie day today, though I know I won't get to go as low as Monday and Tuesday, and that shouldn't be necessary either.

Going low makes me focus. At least it has done it this week so far. I wonder what it is that makes me feel like this? When I go low calorie, I feel more determined. I feel that it in many ways is easier. Maybe because I allow myself absolutely no wiggle room on bad stuff? If there is no wiggle room, then there are no optional treats, right?

So, today at work there will be a gathering. A leader from another team is retiring, and there will be served breakfast for everyone. I have to go - it'd be rude to not go. However, I will be very determined to NOT eat. I'll have some coffee, or bring my water bottle and just have ice cold water.

Many days, especially on workout days, I do bring a 2nd breakfast. But today, since I am on my little mission, I will not have a 2nd breakfast. Especially not since lunch is leftovers from the Wife and Daughter's dinner yesterday - oven roasted potatoes and a porkchop. It's way too heavy for my lunch today, and I really need to compensate elsewhere. A good place to cut a corner is that breakfast. It's fairly easy to do.


I really find it interesting that I am doing so well on such a low calorie count. I'm not gonna keep going like this - that would be crazy - but it'd be nice to be able to bounce my weight down to under 90. I was hoping for high 89's today, and seeing 88.8 just made me smile. It makes me feel that I AM accomplishing something.

Now, of course, I don't want the weight loss to be taken from muscle. I think I am doing pretty well in that depeartment. I make sure that I have quite a bit of protein in my diet every day. Today too. This is one of the reasons that I chose to put the two eggs in my breakfast. I was actually thinking about skipping breakfast, but I do want my metabolism going from early morning instead of starting it up at lunch. I also want the protein to help me feel full, and to help me energize for gym.

Wow. Did I just write that? LOL. Go back 18 months and see how freaked out I was even thinking about the gym. :D

Anyways, gym it is, and I am looking forward to going. A lot, actually.

My shoulder is feeling better, a little bit every day. I am pretty sure I have pinpointed the machines that hurt me. I am still gonna go less strength on them, just to make sure. Obviously, I don't want real damage to my shoulder.


I gotta say I feel great today. Losing some weight makes me happy, and I an FEEL that I am a bit lighter. I don't think it's just psychological. I could tell already when I woke up and was still lying in bed. I have that "thin" feeling today, and it's a great feeling. It makes me feel accomplished.

Today, work should be fairly okay. I have a few phone interviews to do, and a few letters to write, and then a lenghty afternoon meeting. It should keep me out of trouble for the day.

The meeting will not have any kinds of foods, other than little chocolates, and those kinda suck. I don't like them much, and I have no trouble resisting them. It's all good.

Wife is gonna cook minestrone tonight. She makes it SO well, and it's a joy to have it for dinner. Also, it's super low calorie, and that obviously helps me a lot.

Tomorrow is gonna be a whole different story.

We have an all-day class. It's not in-house. This means breakfast AND lunch on the premises. This means "I-have-no-frickin'-clue-what's-in-this-food" day. I think I'm gonna simply consider eating breakfast from home and then skip lunch. I'll be better off doing that, considering my mission.

Today, I have 16 days until I meet with the surgeons. It'd be nice to at least be able to show SOME weight loss result, other than me putting on muscle. Of course, I can't do 16 low calorie days in a row, that'd be insane. But I can be very aware of my intake, and do my very best.

I will still allow myself my Saturday Indulgence Day, to make sure it doesn't make me stall. I'd say I have saved up PLENTY of calories for it. :) The importance that day will be to reach 2xRMR, and leave it at that. I can do this!


Today, I'm thankful for:
- 2.3 kilos down since yesterday, and bodyfat at 10.3%! Wow! That't not bad at all.
- A good night's sleep. I slept like a rock!
- FULL focus, and staying on track for days, and for days to come!
- Wife and daughter.
- The damn cat. :)

Happy Wednesday! Life is good!
88.8 公斤 最近减少: 66.2 公斤.    还有: 3.8 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.
一个星期减少16.1 公斤

Great focus - at last! Don't go too long on the super-low calorie, though, like you say - at a certain point you'll stall and then (you didn't say) there's usually a rebound! That empty, successful, determined feeling brings you close to euphoria, though, doesn't it? I love it. 
2013年03月20日 会员:: Earthlady
I sure do like the feeling. It's strange that we - when we're obese - can be TERRIFIED of hunger. Now, it's really not that big a deal. I make sure to eat plenty of food, but focus intensely on the calories, and whether "I'm actually hungry".  
2013年03月20日 会员:: kingkeld
Great job Keld.... You have certainly worked out what makes you successful and can implement it.... Half the battle :-) 
2013年03月20日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
Terrified of hunger is true, but I also think that the huge majority of people in the western world have absolutley no idea what hunger feels like or that we are supposed to feel it (underline the last 6 words). We were never meant to feel permanently satisfied, hunger is supposed to be the body's way of telling us we need to take on fuel. 
2013年03月20日 会员:: Earthlady
Have a good day buddy and enjoy the gym. I apologize - which surgery are you having? 
2013年03月20日 会员:: FullaBella
Bella, I'm dropping fat percentage to qualify for a minor adjustment to my previous excess skin removal surgery. I had a belt lipectomy last summer, to get rid of all the loose skin. Now it has all settled, and the surgeons feel that they can make it look even nicer. Jury is still out for me on whether I want to take it or not. But while I think, I might as well work on qualifying - it's not like it's gonna be a wasted effort no matter what. One one hand I really like the way I look and feel, and the surgery is pretty damn nicely done. On the other hand, I find that it makes sense to finish what I started, and have things done as nice as absolutely possible, even if it means a slight adjustment. They have assured me that it is in absolutely no way as big a surgery as last time. This is minor. The thing is, of course, that I am supposed to be ten kilos lighter than I was in October. I am not. I am about 2-3 kilos lighter - but a LOT lower in fat. :) 
2013年03月20日 会员:: kingkeld
Well done, Keld! 
2013年03月20日 会员:: Helewis
You are really doing great! Yesterday I had a lunch meeting and I brought my own - nobody seemed to notice or care. Not sure of your situations but it is always my motto to "take care of me". 
2013年03月20日 会员:: Neptunebch
What a great motto! I just might bring my lunch. Thank you for reminding me. You're absolutely right.  
2013年03月20日 会员:: kingkeld
Do they also measure your body fat when you go in for your appointment so they can see the difference?  
2013年03月20日 会员:: iamachristianjesusfreak
Oh ok - thank you tor explaining.  
2013年03月20日 会员:: FullaBella





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