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Djburney的日记, 2012年12月26日

I did NOT want to enter my weight today. I am hovering so close to that cliff, and I'm not going over! I didn't want to enter it, but the only way to keep from going up and up and up is to be honest about it, and where is a safer place to be honest than here? Some of it is water because of the increased carbs, but really, I just ate a lot of food and chocolate.

It's over now, at least somewhat. I'm heading to San Diego this afternoon for more celebrating with my California family and friends, but I'm done with the sweets. They are the path to gaining all of my weight back, and I don't want to go down that path! I know we'll have a lot more drinking, which I will probably indulge in, but the over-eating thing has come to an end. I sure did enjoy those twice-baked potatoes yesterday though!

I'm taking my scale and my computer to keep me accountable. This was really hard today to enter that weight. I don't want it to go up anymore.
90.4 公斤 最近减少: 0 公斤.    还有: 16.1 公斤.    饮食准则: 合理的.
一星期增加4.4 公斤

Good for you - taking scale and plan to track to keep you accountable. I was looking at mine this morning thinking 'if I ever DO travel, I wonder if that would be allowed in the carry-on'. Have a great time! 
2012年12月26日 会员:: FullaBella
Entering gains is always so difficult. It's like we can pretend it isn't real until the moment we press that "enter" key. But congrats for having the courage to do it and for renewing your commitment to keep trying. I'm in the same boat with the food temptations being pretty much over now. I've only got New Year's Eve to deal with but that will involve mostly liquid calories :/ Try to step up your activity to help counteract some of those extra calories. There must be some wonderful places to go for long walks in San Diego. Enjoy your trip :) 
2012年12月26日 会员:: evelyn64
I totally understand! Let's ALL agree we will kick each other back on track next week, OK? 
2012年12月26日 会员:: HCB
Just a gentle nudge will do it for me...no kicking! Be kind to yourselves this week, and we'll all be on track to hit our goals in 2013. 
2012年12月26日 会员:: Djburney
I totally understand. I drink and ate before I could weigh this morning and don't want to see it but will do so tomorrow morning. That has been my downfall in the past...when I don't weigh I can 'trick' myself into thinking it is okay. Same thing when I don't log. 2013 WILL be a year of a healthier us and many successes!!! Have a great trip! 
2012年12月26日 会员:: jaime30024
You are so brave. I haven't dared to get on the scale in days. I am looking forward to working with you in the new year to regain lost ground and push beyond. I hope you have a lovely time with your family! 
2012年12月26日 会员:: Eringiffin
Yikes! I hope I didn't jinx you! I've never travelled with my scale, but going days without it (or on a borrowed friend's scale at their home) messes with my head. I need the constant security of daily weigh-ins. whethter to punish or reward myself. 
2012年12月26日 会员:: JessWhatINeeded
You are not alone. I am so ashamed of myself! Had a stomach virus the last few days which kept weight down despite the gatorade, soda crackers and rice (carbs galore) Woke up today feeling great so started out with yogurt and bagel and didn't stop until now. I have now eaten all the candy and cookies I missed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Have a wonderful time in SD and enjoy your family and friends there. My SD family will be up here Saturday for our extended Christmas. 2013 will be a great year of weight loss for us all!  
2012年12月26日 会员:: 2toofat





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