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kingkeld的日记, 2012年10月10日

Good morning, friends!

Well, I'm down 1300 grams since yesterday. I've lost these same 1300 many times recently, but let's hope that this time is the last. Let's hope that my added exercise is making the difference. I'm on my stationary bike again this morning, and doing better than I did yesterday. Yesterday morning I got on the a clear intention of going for an hour, but I barely lasted a few minutes.

I guess my legs needed a rest after biking significantly more than what I had done before.

I had plenty of other things going yesterday though. I took my bike to work. I want to get into biking on a regular basis. I forgot my phone at hine, so I had to go back and get it, thus doubling my short commute. It's only a few minutes each way but hey, it all counts.

I was standing up at work all day. I this burns about 300 extra calories alone.

And on top of this, I started teaching music again. It was the first Tuesday of winter season, something I've been looking forward to.

I decided to bicycle to the school. It's probably about 1.5 miles, nothing bad. The kicker is, though, that the ENTIRE ride is up hill. No mercy. It's a pretty steep hill too, and most bikers will get off and pull their bike to the top. I have never made it further than about a third of the way up. No even as a kid.

Well, until yesterday. I got hard headed and pushed through as it got harder and tougher, and I made it! Trust me, this is quite an accomplishment.

The class went well, but things will be different, and very interesting. There are ONLY bass players signed up! As a band teacher, I'm a little worried. As a bass player, I'm frickin' excited! We've agreed to do an all bass rock band. I've had an idea to do this anyways, just for fun. It'll be the same thing, only I get paid to do it. Nice!

Today, I'll be in a huge meeting at work. All day. You guys know how much I hate these things, because the food is so Damn unpredictable.

I know they'll be serving breakfast. It's gonna be all white bread, cheeses and salami, in some shape or form. I know I'm gonna want something, but I gotta stay focused on my mission here. I'll see if there is anything truly acceptable, or skip.

I'm NOT gonna wake up the carb monster at 830 am. Are you kidding me? I'll be eating snacks and junk all day if I do that.
I had two eggs for breakfast, to get my metabolism going, to get protein, and to simply have my "mandatory' two eggs.

Wife is cooking meatless tomato sauce for whole wheat spaghetti tonight. This leaves about 900 calories for food through the day. I should be fine.

Today I am thankful for:
Back on the bike for a full hour!
Success yesterday.

Life is good!
89.4 公斤 最近减少: 65.6 公斤.    还有: 4.4 公斤.    饮食准则: 合理的.

查看饮食日历, 2012年10月10日:
1567 千卡 脂肪: 49.03克 | 蛋白质: 88.39克 | 碳水物: 201.78克.   早餐: Cucumber (with Peel), Salami, Brie Cheese, Swiss Cheese (Low Fat), Whole Wheat Bread, Egg. 午餐: Red Lentil Dahl Soup, Lettuce Salad with Assorted Vegetables, Falafel. 晚餐: Tomato Sauce, Whole Wheat Spaghetti. 小食/其他: Brown Sugar. 更多的......
4096 千卡 运动: 自行车(中度的) - 21公里/小时 - 1 小时 和 30 分钟, 自行车(快速) - 24公里/小时 - 15 分钟, 站立 - 1 小时, 步行(中等的) - 5公里/小时 - 20 分钟, 睡眠 - 8 小时, 案头工作(例如办公室的工作,坐着) - 7 小时 和 30 分钟, 坐着 - 5 小时 和 25 分钟. 更多的......
一个星期减少8.4 公斤

Your Scandinavians and your sausage and cheese breakfasts! I had that at Epcot once, it was kind of nice. Good job on that uphill bike ride. I often get off mine on my way home coming over my "hill". I always remember the quote "Even the best (Or Lance) walk their bikes up the hill sometimes". Have a good day keld! 
2012年10月9日 会员:: posterchild66
I always remember...."Im glad I spent that hour with my ass planted here on the couch instead of working out" said no one EVER! Its only hard until you get moving- then its almost finished! Cheers my friend, and Im glad your feeling motivated! Keep in mind, if your sore, your muscles are retaining fluid to heal and recover! You will go up on the scale with new instisve work outs- and it will drop off in a few days if all other variables are in line. Keep it up and keep it changing! Dont make me come there and chase you up that big hill!  
2012年10月10日 会员:: NewSarah!
I love that quote Sarahduke. I think I will have to post it on my mirror. Good luck with keeping the carb monster asleep kingkeld. Hope you all have a wonderful day :) 
2012年10月10日 会员:: Adrienne54





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