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Djburney的日记, 2012年09月28日

It feels so good to know what to do, and then DO it! I relaxed my discipline for a week, failed at my experiment of only eating when I'm hungry while I'm on vacation, but then came home and got right back to it. Now I'm just over 2 lbs from my pre-vacation low weight, and ready to blast right right past it.

Good things are coming my way, and I'm treating those events and people with love and care and appreciation, because they feel like a gift. There many coinciding events that find me in the right place at the right time. It's happening so frequently, that it can't be an accident. I'm not a religious person in any way, but I was raised in a religious home, and I do believe in God, maybe not in the biblical exactly, and I certainly don't think I'm a puppet. But I do think that the positive forces and energy that I have projected are attracting the same back to me, and a higher power could be involved. (Deep for 7am, I know) But I've seen it in my professional life, personal life, and weight loss journey. Here are a few examples:

I agreed to do something nice for someone I used to work with, and when I showed up to do it, the contact I've been trying to reach for months was right there at the table with the person I was helping. Now we are moving forward with the sale. Totally weird coincidence.

I was meeting a girlfriend for happy hour, I was about a half hour ahead of her, and at the last minute I changed my mind about where we were going to meet, and met a wonderful man that I'm starting to date.

I've already written about this one, but flying home from Oregon I met the weight-loss doctor on the plane. She definitely had an influence on how hard I jumped back into losing weight when I got home. Talking to her brought up all of the feelings and excitement of reaching my goal, thoughts that had sort of taken a back seat while I was vacationing.

There are a bunch of smaller ones, but these stand out in my mind as having a larger impact on my life. It's fun to watch for them, then celebrate it!
89.8 公斤 最近减少: 22.5 公斤.    还有: 15.4 公斤.    饮食准则: 合理的.

查看饮食日历, 2012年09月28日:
130 千卡 脂肪: 9.00克 | 蛋白质: 12.00克 | 碳水物: 0.00克.   早餐: Chicken Breakfast Sausage (Uncooked). 更多的......
一个星期减少8.9 公斤

Sometimes God (or the Universal Life Force if you aren't religious) works in small ways that doesn't become apparent until you step back and connect the dots. Have faith in yourself, do good things for others and your life will be blessed. Its all about keeping goodness in your heart. You are doing great...keep at it. 
2012年09月28日 会员:: Hildi72
Law of Attraction!!! In the last year or so I have been reminded to live a gratitude filled life. I say 5 things I am grateful for when I go to bed at night, bless the people that are not necessarily good or nice to me and try only to speak in a positive light. I am religious or should I say more spiritual than religious and thank God every day for the blessings that I and my family have received. So happy you have met the right people that can add enjoyment to your life! Keep up what you are doing because it is obviously paying off in a good way!  
2012年09月28日 会员:: Neptunebch
Ah yes, I am a big fan of Law of Attraction, at least the way Michael Losier teaches it, more that The Secret. I have seen Michael Losier in person, talked to him on the phone, I love the idea that positive thoughts attract positive things to your life. Of course, the opposite is true as well, so I do my best to keep positive vibrations flowing! As far as goodness in my heart...yes, it is mostly good, but sometimes I get vain and self-centered and judgey and all of the things we humans tend to do when no one is looking. I really do my best though, 90% of the time :-) 
2012年09月28日 会员:: Djburney
I'm going to have to Google Michael Losier. I came home tonight and did nothing...except eat dinner and play on my computer. I skipped my usual afternoon snack so I was too hungry to go to the gym. So now I need a little positive attitude to get up and go work out in the morning. :) 
2012年09月28日 会员:: Neptunebch
Oprah calls Michael the "How-to guy" for the Law of Attraction. He has very specific and logical steps to get it working in your favor. The biggie is to remove doubt that it really works. He shows you how to do that! 
2012年09月29日 会员:: Djburney





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