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体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
77.5 公斤 0 公斤 9.4 公斤 100%
   添加评论 一星期增加0.1 公斤


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
70.6 公斤 6.5 公斤 2.5 公斤 合理的
   添加评论 一个星期减少1.9 公斤


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
75.6 公斤 1.5 公斤 7.5 公斤 合理的
   添加评论 一个星期减少0.1 公斤


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
75.7 公斤 1.4 公斤 7.7 公斤 合理的
   添加评论 一个星期减少0.3 公斤


What a freakin' week I've had! Things have been out of this world insane.

1) My birthday - which is always stressful, but fun. I spent Thursday at the spa - ate a delicious lunch and chilled the heck out.

2) Upon returning to my car from the spa, I had missed calls and texts from no less than 4 of my coworkers. Turns out there was a major re-org. And of course, no one says this in their VMs or Txts. Naturally, I think there's been a RIF and I've been fired.

3) Find out on Friday - after stressing out for a whole day - that I'm one of the only people who wasn't re-orged and I get to stay with my same manager. But I'm totally freaked out for my friends.

4) On Saturday, I ran a 5K and then went to a memorial service for a wonderful friend who died in an avalanche the previous week. I balled like a baby - and didn't eat enough all day, because things were so busy. Then I had a wonderful birthday celebration dinner (didn't over eat) with my BFF - followed by martinis. Emotionally SPENT!

5) Sunday, I still don't get to rest and have to run 100 errands - making up for celebrating and being busy the rest of the week. And I did a double hot yoga session. Yes, 2 hours at 105-degrees. Loved it and hated it all at the same time.

6) CRASHED yesterday. Think I went to bed at 7:00.

7) Today, I hosted a virtual booth at a virtual trade show. Yeah, I didn't know they existed either until last week. The other people who were supposed to help me bailed and I built and hosted the entire event by myself (of course, I made sure my manager knew about it). If it wasn't for my awesome co-worker who sat at my computer for a couple of minutes - I would've peed in my pants.

Well, I'm hoping for a much less hectic week coming up. I didn't lose weight this week, but I'm pretty sure it's just because I ate sushi two days in a row and very, very salty foods. I'm sure as soon as I purge this water, I'll weigh a lot less.

And on the plus side, yesterday I ran 5 miles!!! It's my first time running that far since I hurt my ankle. YEAH ME!!!


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