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I've been "hiding out" for awhile-- went off diet until i get one of my books-- i finally received the reg fat smash book yesterday- was hoping to get the efs book first in case i decide to that one instead-- i'm eating well mostly, well most days-- today not so good but i have been working out alot more--

tues-- i did 30 min cardio on the gazelle and a 50 min winsor pilates extreme fat burning wkout(whew)

wed-- i did again the winsor pilates 50 min wkout

thurs-- no workout

Fri-- 30 minutes on the gazelle and 50 min winsor pilates

today-- i'm wiped out- didn't get alot of sleep and i don't won't to overdo it

Sunday-- not sure yet

if i only will get my rear in gear and get the diet and exercise going at the same time-- that has always been an issue for me-- i'll probally re-start diet by monday at the latest-- back to detox.

have a blessed weekend!


3 pd loss-- i woke up yesterday (my official weigh in) and it showed 219 and i was so upset that i ate off diet yesterday-- i think i jumped the gun though-- I'm thinking i need to basiclly stay on phase 1 (modified) until my book comes in-- maybe i wasn't following as closely or correctly as i thought-- hopefully my book will be here by Friday--

i'll eat mostly as before but with some meat -- i'm afraid if i continue eating only veggies/fruit/rice/oatmeal that when i start over i still won't show much of a loss--

i get an email from celebrity fitclub.com and here is a portion of it.

"Here's the bottom line, we don't expect anyone to be rigid--that wouldn't be any fun. If you are at a party and you want a piece of cake, go ahead--just make it a small one. If you are craving some chips, have a few or get a 100-calorie pack--just don't eat an abundance of them. If you are having a night out, go ahead and have a glass of wine or a beer--but just one, not a six-pack or an entire bottle. If you do these things in moderation, but still have your head on straight about eating right 95 percent of the time, and you still exercise like Harvey says then yes, you can still lose weight.

I always told the cast of the show, and I will say the same to all of you--don't make yourself crazy trying to be perfect. That's too psychologically stressful, and tends to make people rebel or hate the plan (any plan) altogether. Be realistic, this is your life we are talking about, and you should have some fun some of the time. Look, let's be honest, sometimes fun can be found in a slice of cake or a handful of chips. It just becomes not fun when you eat so much that you are physically or psychology in jeopardy.

If you take one thing away from this article it should be this: Extremes are never healthy, psychology or physically. Strike a balance in everything you do- including this plan."

that helps me alot-- wished i would have gotten that before yesterday..

have a blessed day!

hugs, Christy


Hey ya'll!! Followed plan yesterday- no cheats and still no exercise--thanks for all your support-- it really does help:o)

yesterday--( day 8 of detox )

meal 1-- fruit/yogurt smoothie

meal 2-- refried bean with green salsa, pico de gallo and a veggie bbq riblet (ok, i don't think these are 100% legal but oh so good)

meal 3-- watermelon

meal 4-- same as meal 2

meal 5-- cucumber with hummus

I realized last night i haven't been keeping track of my water intake because i've always drank water primarily but i realized my water intake was low and probally has been the last few days since i've not been feeling well so i made up for it and got in 68 ounces-- so i need to make myself aware of that-- i'm going for at least a 5 to 7 pd weight loss for my weigh in so-- i'm standing on that and will let you know once i weigh in -TYJ!!

hugs, Christy

p.s. today is day 9 of detox-- i'm so HAPPY to get some meat this week -YAY!!


I followed plan again yesterday-- i had some running around to do so i relied on smoothies for a couple of meals and got no exercise in again- <<sigh>>

Meal 1-- fruit/protein/oatmeal smoothie

Meal 2-- fruit/protein smoothie

Meal 3-- veggie fried rice with broccoli, zucchini, onion, red & green pepper, scallions and mushrooms

Meal 4-- watermelon (alot)

Meal 5-- leftovers from meal 3

I know i'm not supposed to weigh in until Sunday but i've always been a slave to the scale-- the day after i "cheated" with the chicken i showed a loss of 3 pds and i weighed this morning and the scale went back up 2 pds-- I don't get it-- Even not exercising everyday-- my cals and eating habits are at least 75% better than before as i was attempting to eat healthy pre-fatsmash-- after a week on phase 1 i would think i would have faired better considering-- i love meat and potatoes and not sure it it's worth a 1 pd loss to have eaten nothing but grains, fruits and veggies when i can do that just counting calories (which i hate) sorry, feeling grumpy about this today-- not sure what to do-- out of curiosity i plugged in roughly what i ate to fitday and it was between 12 and 13 hundred calories when previous diets recommended i eat around 18 hundred-- i'm staying on plan again today - just second guessing myself--seeing everyone else's great numbers is getting me down on myself:o(

sorry for the rant.



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