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Wow, really busy, stressful days are HARD on a girls goal of healthier eating. Miserable last few days in that sense, but I guess I did OK on the calories ... not that I'm proud of how I'm eating. I feel like it has been nothing but grab and go. :p Although, for breakfast this AM I was so glad to have just enough time to throw together eggs with a tiny bit of feta and some grape tomatoes. Wish I had spinach, I'd have tossed in a bunch and nixed another egg.

FatSecret seems to want you to weigh in pretty regularly. I've got to decide what feels right for me ... I'm actually not a big weigh-er! Weekly, monthly? Hmm.

My little realization for the day was more water focused: I get so dehydrated when I'm in the car for hours! I guess making an effort to pay attention and stay well hydrated made me stop and recognize it today. I need to find a glass water bottle to fit my cars cup holder. :p I mean, even my dog has water + a bowl in the trunk that I stopped to give him half way through the ride!


I am starting this journey, I don't want to call it a diet, today. Quite frankly, I am tired of being fat. I see pictures of myself and wonder who the heck that girl is, and how she got so heavy at her age. Some days I feel half my size, seeing a glimpse of myself in a mirror or a reflection startles me. Other days I feel every last ounce of excess weight on me. Either way, I want it to change.

I have really, really turned to food in the last five years or so. It has comforted me through awful relationships/breakups, through family illness, etc. I have a serious problem with carbs, sugars, and fats because they are my cheap addiction that improve my mood. No cigarettes, barely any alcohol, etc - food is definitely my drug. But you can't go cold turkey from food!

I've been thinking of how I want to make this change. I watched a family member recently loose a lot of weight, and they look and feel amazing. I'm happy for them, but I want a taste of that SO badly. Another family member wants me to start a low carb thing with them, to support each other. I have halfheartedly agreed, because for me I feel a full on low carb diet is wrong. I have never followed through on a strange diet, not long term. The only way I've ever lost weight in the past (35lbs) and kept it off was by limiting and counting calories, and trying to be more active.

So here I am ... going down that road again. Except I am trying so hard to keep a good attitude about it. I want this to truly be a long term change, not a diet. I want to be the girl who says "More ice cream? No thanks, I've had enough, it was delicious!" Not the one who refuses to take a bite because it's "bad", or the one who has thirds. :p I just want a good, healthy relationship with food. Yes, it fuels my body. Yes, it tastes good! And that's OK. Or ... I hope it will be.

If you're following this, I can tell you that there will be a struggle seen in my journal. Cutting back on carbs and sugars is my first general goal, what I want to become more conscious of. Although, I think I'll begin with one very specific goal ... water. WATER! My goal is to make myself choose water over soda, sweetened teas, etc. I will have a very specific provision to this: coffee. I hate "normal" coffee with a passion, but need the caffeine and love a sweet latte type drink. So until I find a suitable alternative, or could possibly wean myself, I'll allow that.

So ... try not to be too harsh on me, FatSecret community! I'm trying. Like you, I imagine. My journey will NOT be perfect, I am sure of that. But I really hope it will be successful overall, and I'm hoping this will be the right solution to keeping me on track.


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
97.5 公斤 0 公斤 34.0 公斤 不选择


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