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Serendipity. Were living in our new home while it's being renovated and our things, like furniture and the bathroom scale, are in storage. Were calling this sparse living (using camp chairs in the licving room and sleeping on floor mats) "camping". Camping has brought a new insight about weighing myself. Since I don't have a scale I can't weigh myself and that in itself has been very freeing. I have no idea how much I weigh or how much I've lost. Instead I feed my sense of accomplishment by seeing the physical landscape of my body in the mirror change.

This not weighing myself seems more organic to me. I feel less pressure and anxiety, and I'm not in a position to be hard on myself (as I have In the past) if I haven't lost anything in a day or two or actually put a pound back on.

At some point I'll not be able to stand it and demand to know what I weigh. For now this is a much more peaceful experience so I'll commit to holding onto this peace and be gentle with myself.

And so it is!


While meditating I received an audible message, which doesn't happen often so I pay attention. I heard "My compass is surrender."

Reflecting on this insight I focused on Trust. Trusting that I may not know what to do, but that something inside of me does. That something is Spirit.

managing a reasonable weight has always been a battle. I've struggled with discipline and behaviors around food and drink. It's easier to surrender to instant pleasure and most often when I'm upset or stressed. So I've a behavioral pattern of surrendering to old and established patterns of behavior. Right? Like being on a hamster wheel.

I am surrendering, in faith instead. I'm relaxing into the process and in doing so finding peace. From this verity I operate more wisely. I see Spirit present in the abundance of beautiful, nutritious fruits and vegetables our Mother Earth provides, and am so grateful to her for providing for us as an amazing expression of the divine.

Thank you, God, thank you!!


It's been almost exactly a year since I've been on FS. I was dating and in the year I put back on 10 pounds. Now I'm plannng my wedding! A wonderful gift at the age of 55:)

This came on the heels of doing the Dream Builder program with a Mary Morrisey trained Life Coach. When I first wrote out my dream life I deliberately left out the relationship part. My Coach told me I had to include it and to focus on the qualities of the person I would love to be with. She added that the reason I didn't want a relationship is because I hadn't experienced a healthy, supportive, loving relationship and that not only is it possible but that I deserved it!

At the heart of this truth, and still is though lessened, was a struggle many overweight people have with "worthiness". That's the keystone. Working with Spiritual Law has helped me so much!!! When we truly believe we are here by divine appointment and that we are divinity incarnate, we no longer view ourselves exclusively from a human stand point steeped in egoic experience.

We deserve love, peace, joy and that in itself is beautiful.

14 weeks to wearing a wedding dress😍


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
90.7 公斤 20.4 公斤 18.1 公斤 合理的
   (24条评论) 一个星期减少1.1 公斤

You are lovable的体重历史

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