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体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
103.2 公斤 0.2 公斤 37.9 公斤 合理的
   (1 条评价) 一星期增加0.2 公斤


Sorry I haven't logged on in forever. My daily routine is: drop of Jazmyn at pre-k around 8:15, come home and watch hubby play video games or get caught up on recorded TV shows, take a nap from about 1 until 4:30, pick up Jazmyn around 4:40, come home and hang out with her until daddy wakes up from his nap (he's on the graveyard shift). I'm nauseated all day long. I wasn't this nauseated with Jazmyn, so I'm starting to think it's a boy. I haven't gone to workout because I'm sleepy in the afternoon. I went to apply for Medicaid today (to help cover what our insurance doesn't) and was denied. I just got done paying $200 at my OBGYN appt. on Tuesday because of labwork and the $25 co-pay. They're going to figure out how much I have to pay for my hospital stay when I deliver because I have to pay that by the time I'm six months. I'm almost 9 weeks right now. So yeah, I'm stressing out. I just hope we don't have to move back in with my in-laws to get by. Yup....good times.


Holy Freakin' Cow! I found out this morning that I'm pregnant with baby #2! It wasn't planned, but we weren't being careful either. The positive tests (I took 2) explain a lot. I've been more scatter-brain than usual. I've been having hot flashes at night even when I sleep in a t-shirt & undies and that's with the AC set at 73 degrees and the ceiling fan and oscillating fan on. I haven't had any cravings. I have had foods that I HAD to have. For instance, yesterday, I HAD to have tacos for lunch. I'm usually not like that. A few nights ago, I wanted a snack. I went the the fridge and I stood with the fridge door open for at least 4 minutes just staring at what was in there. Then I open up the cabinet and look in there for another 4 minutes. Finally, I decided to grab a bag of raspberry-flavored yogurt covered pretzels. Well, I get the the bedroom and I don't want them anymore. My DH ended up eating them. So, I went back to the kitchen and got a serving of applesauce and a serving of pineapple. I get to the bedroom and I don't want the pineapple anymore. I just eat the applesauce. My DH ate the pineapple. I have my OBGYN appointment on Friday morning. Funny thing is, my next appointment with her was scheduled for July. Looks like I'll be seeing her sooner than expected. LOL


Monday was AWESOME! I worked out at the gym for 2 hours. I ended with the treadmill like I always do. Well, Monday was the first day that I did not hold on AT ALL! There were times that I wanted to hold on, but then I would hear Jillian's voice in my head "Don't you dare hold on!" I think that makes me a Jillian junkie. LOL Seriously though, I felt the difference compared to when I used to hold on. You feel the burn more when you don't hold on. I chose profile 6 on lvl 1. I'm not in good enough shape to choose lvl 2.

This is the lowest weight that I've been at since I started my journey to a healthier and happier me. I had actually weighed myself on Tuesday, but forgot to input it here. I can change the date on Jillian's site, but not on FatSecret.

Oh, funny story before I log off. We went to Home Depot late last week. I wore some nice black capris with a "cleavage shirt" and a tanktop underneath it. I had on my Croc wedge shoes. When we're leaving, there were some older men outside and according to my DH, they checked me out. I don't know why it grossed my out. It might have something to do with what happened to me when I was really young. Anywho, he then tells me "If it makes you feel any better, the younger guys at the entrance checked out you ass." That made me laugh because I don't think I have one. He of course says I do.

Okay....I'm done rambling...for now. :)
体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
94.5 公斤 8.9 公斤 29.2 公斤 合理的
   (1 条评价) 一个星期减少0.8 公斤


I think I'm done with tattoos for a little while. I got my memorial tattoo for my Mom a week ago. I got it on my right arm. I want to get back on track with my weight loss journey. I've been slacking on not keeping track of what I'm eating. I haven't had any fried foods though. I'm going to start going to the gym again on Monday. I actually miss working out the way I used to. I can't do much upper body work because of my tattoo. It's still scabbed up, so I can't sweat very much. Looks like the stationary bike and treadmill will be my best friends until the scabs fall off. I'll also workout out my lower body until the tattoo heals. I'll start keeping track of what I eat and how much calories I burn working out starting on Monday. I'm trying to figure out how to sync the calorie counter on my Blackberry with my fatsecret account. I was trying to post my weight yesterday, but it kept saying that my goal weight was too low and for me to contact a medical professional ASAP. Obviously it's not synced because I have my goal weight set at 150, which is about 10-20 lbs over my "ideal" weight. I'll check back in again this weekend. Oh, and as soon as my Mom tattoo is healed, I'll take a pic of it and post it.


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