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Happy New Year! Woke up new years day thinking I was hung over from the champagne but after laying in bed for a couple hours my bf came in to check on me and as he kissed my forehead he came to the quick realization it wasn't a hangover (yay! I didn't drink too much)I was burning up with a fever :(...
So, I created my account almost a week ago planning to kick it off on News Years and now, finally, after days off feeling like crappola it's time to get my butt in gear!
Let's start by stating I manage a restaurant. You would think I'd be burning plenty of calories running my butt off everyday at work but that's not the case. I'm constantly surrounded by all kinds of yummy food and I get to eat for free at work. Imagine going out to eat every day. It may not be fast food but that doesnt make it better for you. Although I live in Arizona our corporate headquarters and a majority of our restaurants are in Cali. Due to this our restaurants here are obiding by Cali laws and requirements about posting nutritional info and we now use all real butter in our foods, no margerine allowed. This creates continuity between all the locations even though we aren't required to by law. On New Years day we recieved new menus that list calorie counts for each dish.... WoW!!!! I was suprised to see most of the dishes were very near what should be my calorie intake for the whole day! Everybody knows restaurant portions are insane but I never really thought too much about how bad they really were until I saw the numbers staring me in the face.
We do have some healthier items though on our fit and lively section of the menu. That section actually has my favorite Greek Feta salad on it... It's HUGE and only 310 calories :), so I think that's what I will have for dinner tonight. Also, since I work late hours I can't usually get to sleep at a decent time. Gotta wind down from the craziness! So, I'm gonna thake that opportunity at night while everyone is asleep to get in my work out sessions and wear myself out, hopefully!
Alrighty, LET'S DO THIS!!!


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
78.0 公斤 0 公斤 14.5 公斤
   添加评论 一星期增加2.1 公斤


体重: 最近减少: 还有: 饮食准则:
76.2 公斤 0 公斤 12.7 公斤 不选择


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