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kingkeld的日记, 2012年06月16日

Guys, I want to thank you for all your good thoughts yesterday. They really mean a lot.

I even showed Wife how many comments you guys posted, and she is truly amazed with the support in this place.

Yesterday I went to the hospital for all the tests before my surgery. I gotta say I came home not knowing much more than when I left, but we did get some things done.

First of all, it was a LOT of waiting. A LOT. First, we got there one hour early, due to public transport. So we had some coffee and a little fruit, and just hung out.

Then we got sent to do blood samples. Of course, when I say "we", it's because Wife went with me - they didn't actually draw blood from her. :)

Then back to wait some more. Probably at least an hour for each of these waits.

Then, we went to talk to the anesthetic specialists. They basically explained to me what they were going to do to knock me out, how it will feel and how the after-effect will be. I've tried it a few times when having an injection in my spine, so I know what it feels like and I am in no way scared or intimidated by it, thankfully. We had a good talk, super nice dude.

Then we came back and had a little lunch. Sure, it was hospital food, but it really wasn't bad. White rice with a Chinese inspired pork stew. Not bad. We even got tiramitsu for dessert! Yum!

Then, the nurse who's been sending me places all day was up. She had to check blood pressure and other signs of life on me. She was also the nurse on duty, so she was really busy and had to leave me several times. It was okay, she was nice about it and very apologetic, and it was totally fine.

What was the real disappointment was that I was hoping to meet the surgeons. There are gonna be three of them doing the surgery. However, two of them are in Finland for a conference (that's something good surgeons do, so I don't mind) and the last one was stuck in another surgery. I suppose it'd be rude to demand that he leaves his patient midway to talk to me. :)

Anyways, the bottom line on that is that I'll talk to them all before they knock me out Monday morning. I really wanted to know more to go more comfortable through the weekend, but that didn't happen. It's okay. I think just going there and seeing where I'm gonna stay, meet the super nice staff, see that people seem to know what they're doing and all that has comforted me.

I was told that they will operate on me for about 5 hours. Damn, that's a long time.

I was told that I will be staying in the hospital for at least a few days. How many depends on how I recover. They're not in a rush to kick me out, but they don't want me there longer than necessary, of course.

So, I do know more than before we went. It's good. I just wish I knew a little bit more, and got to meet the surgeons.

Today, It'll be a nice calm day. It's grey and rainy outside, so we'll hang at home. No garden. Besides, I don't want to do ANYTHING that could potentially hurt my back as it has done before. Not before surgery. Taking it easy all the way.

Today is Saturday, and the time will be spent with La Familia.

I will write a little more tomorrow, and probably start a little bit on my video blog covering the surgery. I am still not sure if I can do it after the surgery, but I'll try. Let's see what happens.

Life is good!

Good deal, Keld. Almost there. Good luck! 
2012年06月16日 会员:: Helewis
King, after surgery, unless there's something I don't know about your type of surgery that would alter this, they're going to want you to cough, deep breathe and turn...yes, even if it hurts to do so. They should also show you how to "splint" your incision (over your abdomen) to make coughing a little more bearable. It is very important that you do these things as they are to prevent complications such as pneumonia...with pain meds, decreased activity level, and different diet than you're used to comes the potential for constipation, so it will be important to offset that with whatever they offer you to prevent it. It's so good that you've been exercising, because you'll be able to get up and get moving when it's time...if the nurses are super-busy, your activity level may not be up to what is prescribed...my advice is the squeaky wheel gets the grease...I'm not saying to be mean or rude, just assertive :-)...hope this helps. 
2012年06月16日 会员:: Baxie
Yeah, coughing super sucks after surgery, but it is necessary as Baxie said. You sound like your in good hands King. And yes, hospitals are busy places. You will find the caring nurses, and I am sure with your lovely disposition they will take good care of you.  
2012年06月16日 会员:: posterchild66
I appreciate the advice - I will take it ALL in, as I can use it all. :) I'm happy to say that even though the hospital in general is busy, there is some quiet in the area that I will be in recovering, but of course I am aware that they have other patients but me. I'm curious how much I'll be aching - not ever having had surgery makes me uncertain of what levels we're talking - though I KNOW that it'll hurt and I'll have every right to be a whiny b**ch. :) I once was in a car crash, and ended up with a MASSIVE, deep purple bruise all over my stomach and chest (literally all over), and I clearly remember these pains. I assume we're talking something like that, as they're both the same area, only of course this is probably deeper. It's kind of what I try to relate to. We'll see Monday, I suppose. :) Still, I'm not scared any longer, just ready to go. But watch me Monday, I'll be awake at the hospital at 3AM, scared like crazy. :) 
2012年06月16日 会员:: kingkeld
I agree with Baxie's advice. The only surgery I've had was a caesarian section (twice) and my experience there is that if the doctors say you have to walk, turn, cough, defecate, whatever, then you CAN and SHOULD do it, even if you think you can't. Also the key to recovery is in your head and your attitude to it - if you believe you'll get well quickly, the recovery process will certainly be quicker than if you keep telling yourself you're in terrible pain and you'll never get through it. Since you get some results with tapping for cravings, see if you can find a tapping solution for pain before you go in on Monday, it may help you.  
2012年06月16日 会员:: Earthlady
King, I had surgery to remove the extra skin from my belly and reconstruct the stomach muscles. The incision was from just behind my hip bone all the way round to the other side. The thing I remember most, aside from the discomfort and bruising, was being unable to talk very loudly the first few days, due to being a bit breathless. The surgeon assured me that was normal. I also had to sleep on the couch or the recliner, as we have a water bed and getting in and out was impossible. I remember sleeping on the couch and being awakened by the feeling of something crawling on me. A wasp had gotten in the house and landed on me. I am allergic to the stings, so I couldn't swat it, and I couldn't get up to get away, and I couldn't yell for DH, as I had no wind behind my voice. Luckily DH has very good hearing and he came to my rescue. There is also the lack of feeling in the skin for the first few months, due to the separation of skin from the nerve endings. It was a major surgery...I won't lie, there was a lot of pain, but not as bad as I had expected, and the pain level decreased rapidly. I only had to stay one night, and then came back home. You will do great! Just be sure to give yourself plenty of time for recovery, follow all the dr's instructions (no matter how silly they seem), and don't try to overdo. :) 
2012年06月16日 会员:: ctlss
Earthy, Ctlss, Baxie, JP and Helewis, thank you. Ctlss, I really appreciate you sharing your experience. It's good to know a little more about how things possibly will be. Maybe I should get a little bell to call for Wife? :) I know this will be major surgery, I'm not trying to ignore that fact. I take the advice I'll get from the doctors VERY serious, in my line of work I often talk to people who did NOT do this, and suffer the consequences. Doc's order is law if you ask me. I'm sure they don't just hand out weird rules to follow just to be jerks. :) 
2012年06月16日 会员:: kingkeld
King, sometimes it seems like the things they tell us to do make no sense at all, but there is always a reason, even for the little things, like the body girdle I had to wear for several weeks afterward. Had no clue why, but I did it and later found out it facilitates the healing process after the skin is separated from the muscle layer. I am sure you will do just fine...as for the bell? Well, how does wife feel about that? lol ;) 
2012年06月16日 会员:: ctlss
Hi Kingkeld! Just catching up on journals and it sounds like you are ready to go "in". Wow! You are getting some sound advice from your buddies. I am so proud of you. You are going to do great! Just a bit of healing afterwards... then a new sexy bod! Woo Hoo! BIG HUGS!!! 
2012年06月16日 会员:: Mom2Boxers
So glad you have buddies that can share their experience! You are going to rock this surgery.. enjoy your family time this weekend!! 
2012年06月16日 会员:: erika2633
I really treasure having you guys "with me" in all this. So many tips, advice, and well wishes. I love it! You guys are the best. I am actually feeling more ready to go by the minute, I think I have mentally gone past the "scared" phase. It's a good feeling. I even had Wife take the "before" pictures, so I have something to compare to afterwards.  
2012年06月16日 会员:: kingkeld





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