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yogamama3的日记, 2010年01月30日

Still at 176. But I feel better. My stomach is getting flatter. Yesterday I had a really crappy day which could be why I held the weight. I was way too stressed. The one adoption agency said they were going to stop and not approve the homestudy which devastated me. Then our sw talked to us from the homestudy agency and made things all better but that wasnt until right before bed. During this time I had a crying headache, you know the ones..man did that hurt, then I had an ulcer attack bloated up to 2x my size and was very very sick.

I have been doing a few of the 10 min workouts a day everyday. Today is yoga I think. I decided not to do it til later bc I have such a busy day. I have to go get some new props for a shoot I have tonight, twins! I have to coach bball today and drop a gift off at a bday party.

I am 20lbs away from my goal. So close I can freakin taste it ya know! Hoping to be down that much when I go to Russia or at least feeling better and looking slimmer. Back in my sz 10's would be nice. I am in 12s now. Although they are getting more loose I dont feel comfy in the 10s yet.

Anyways have a blessed weekend everyone.





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