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kingkeld的日记, 2011年11月7日

It was a truly nice, quiet weekend. After a pretty hectic and stressful week, it was nice to have a weekend doing absolutely nothing at all. Well, "nothing at all" is not really true, but nothing that would demand that we get up and get going early, nothing that would demand us interacting with anyone else, and starting Saturday afternoon nothing that would require me to spend any significant amount of time wearing pants.

Friday, as always, I went to rehearse with the band. Our singer left early, so the rest of us guys had time to jam some new stuff, and we made a couple of fun recordings of new material. Not really finished songs, but more sketches that could become songs further down the road. I've embedded on in this posting a little further down, if you're curious to hear it. This is also recorded with our drummers new drums along with my new bass sound (which I have been working on for a while), a HUGE improvement on our sound. I really like the direction we're going on our sound and style.

Saturday, we went shopping for the week. We hit a couple of stores, and got what we needed. Then we went to our local little buffet for lunch. It was Indulgence Day, so we ate pretty much what we wanted to, though as always I was a little disappointed that I just don't have the appetite for buffets any longer. And of course, I was also a little happy that I just don't have the appetite for buffets any longer. It's a good thing that I can't consume 4000 calories in one sitting any longer.

So the weekend were had two missions:

1. Movies and tv-show catch-up.
2. Tamales.

We got caught up on most of the shows that we follow. Since it's been a crazy week with too many nights with me being away from home, we haven't really watched the shows that we like. So we lined them all up, and watched them along with a couple of good movies. What a nice, calm way to spend the weekend.

Then second task was so much fun. Since Thanksgiving is coming near, Wife wanted to make tamales! I love tamales, but have no clue as to how they are made. Wife thankfully knows, but haven't done them for years. It's hard to get the ingredients here in Denmark, but thanks to friends in the US and the internet we have managed to find it all, and we were able to make them. It took hours, and we ended up so SO many (16lbs)!! They are so delicious, and so bad for you - 100g is 265 calories according to my calculations. That is insane! One is about 140 grams, so I count about 400 calories per tamale. None of those for me on weekdays, please! :) They are worth it though - if I want something different for lunch, or as a snack when I have calories to spare, they'll be good. Also, at least in theory, once could have just a half tamale, right?

Sunday, was 100% free of ANY events, other than watching shows and movies. For once, I slept late. I usually wake up super early, even on weekends, but yesterday I woke up around 9, and got out of bed around 10:30. It was great. I made egg pie for Wife and I and we just had a great day doing not a damn thing. I need more weekends like that.

So what's in store for today? A VERY busy day at work. I have so many things to do today - it's crazy. I'm sure it'll still be a good, enjoyable day though. It'll pass by fast. I just have to hold on tight, and try to not let myself get pulled down by it. I can do this. I got this.

So how did I do this last week weight wise? I did okay - though not as good as I hoped for. I "only" lost 700 grams. It's fine, I was just hoping for a little more. Today I am at 87.4 kgs, not at all bad after Saturday's Indulgence Day. The gained weight is already coming off again.

So enough of my babbling for one morning. Here is the sound file I promised. Like I said, this is not an actual song, more a little look into how The Black Peanut jams. It's 100% improvised, and just us having fun. I find it very enjoyable to listen to, and I hope you do too. Comments are as always welcome.

<object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value="http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F27320802"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F27320802" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href="http://soundcloud.com/kingkeld/the-black-peanut-instrumental">The Black Peanut Instrumental Jam at Kalundborg</a> by <a href="http://soundcloud.com/kingkeld">Keld Fancypants Petersen</a></span>

Have a great week, everyone! Life is good!

87.4 公斤 最近减少: 67.6 公斤.    还有: 2.4 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.

查看饮食日历, 2011年11月7日:
1823 千卡 脂肪: 54.24克 | 蛋白质: 127.76克 | 碳水物: 195.07克.   早餐: ham, Rye Bread, Egg. 午餐: Cooked Summer Squash, Chicken Breast (Skin Not Eaten). 晚餐: Chili Con Carne. 小食/其他: kakaois, nordana. 更多的......
2898 千卡 运动: 站立 - 1 小时, 步行(中等的) - 5公里/小时 - 20 分钟, 睡眠 - 8 小时, 坐着 - 7 小时 和 10 分钟, 案头工作(例如办公室的工作,坐着) - 7 小时 和 30 分钟. 更多的......
一个星期减少3.5 公斤

Wow Kingkeld... Just listened to your track, and a couple of the others on there (have to admit didn't listen, when you posted the others before). Your great :-) 
2011年11月7日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
I second Sk1nny, you rock!! I could def jam to that!! Isn't it great that you no long have the need to eat a whole buffet? It just isn't worth it. 
2011年11月7日 会员:: jennmorris
Great sound! Very bluesy, in a little way similar to a Stevie Ray Vaughn song or 3. So true, Jenn, it's no longer even worth GOING to a buffet for me, I just can't eat $10 worth of food in one sitting. As for tamales, have you considered eating them for breakfast? They're great to get you going! We try to keep the bulky calories in the am, thinning the #s toward evening. My hubby is Mexican, sadly, his grandmother is just way too old to make her tamales anymore. Her cooking, in its day, was a pleasure to every single sense! Can't wait to hear more of the band... HAPPY WEEK!! 
2011年11月7日 会员:: ZippyDani
wow you guys are great!!!...I really like the transition at about 1.20. I play flute but not much of a jammer - wish I had the confidence to rock it. I never learned to play that way, I must confess I really on Vivaldi or Handel to do that part for me. Also had a similar experience at a buffet recently ..couldn't even finish a small plate of food...I used to go back for seconds. Just didn't enjoy it. Although I am still learning "how" to eat, I am already seeing changes. You are such an insperation - Thank you for sharing. and OMG can you box up some of your wife's tamales and send them over here please...sounds soooo good, so bad but oh so good.  
2011年11月7日 会员:: Joshsteeny
Wow, nice sound - I listened to it a couple of times already ;) 
2011年11月7日 会员:: SoLosingIt
NICE! Totally enjoyed it! Great relaxing rhythm. And if you're gonna box any up and ship to the US, I'll send my address as well!!! 
2011年11月7日 会员:: jsfantome
Thanks, guys! It means a lot reading your comments. It's a personal and nerve wrecking thing to put our music out there. I got a few little projects that I want to do on my own too, just fun ideas for my home studio. I'll post it when (if?) I get them done at some point. Music is so much fun, and I love that it can be shared in good quality these days. Back in the day when I started playing we didn't have options like this, and I so love having them! As for the tamales - I have considered having them for breakfast, but I'm such a cheap ass on my calories that I hate using them too early. I know this is the place to put 'em though - and traditionally my Mexican part of my family eat them for breakfast. As for sharing: They're MINE! :) 
2011年11月7日 会员:: kingkeld





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