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ReveNoir的日记, 2011年08月8日

For the last year or so, my weight has really bugged me. Not because I look bad, but because I don't look *awesome*, and because I want the fit, toned stomach that it seems I'm not meant to have (though I'm not a "heavy" individual). I want that type of body that will turn heads in a bikini! This is mostly something that bugs *me*...my friends always tell me I look quite good. So really, it's just a desire to get healthier.

I dabbled in a program starting last August, called U Weight Loss, but once I got to the "maintenance" phase, it felt like the employees stopped holding me accountable and being supportive...I even purposely told them I had been eating like crap to see what they'd do, and they didn't seem to care. The U Weight Loss thing ended in January or so, and since then I've gained the weight back that I lost, and have fallen into a routine of poor eating.

I'm at the point now where I want to start losing the weight again - and this time keep it off. I feel that I need the support from an external source to help motivate me, as too often I slip into the "I don't really care" or "I'll just eat poorly today" mentalities that end up going on for far too long. Which is why I'm here. My goal is to log on here at least once a day and either check out the forums, or at the very least log my daily food intake and exercise. Hopefully, it'll help me develop a more permanent healthy lifestyle, and I'll get to where I want to be!





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