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RoseFlorida的日记, 2015年06月27日

My free day of food is over. The ice wine was very good. I'm not logging for today but only because I do not want to add all the recipes I made today. The nutella brownies were okay but I couldn't tell the difference between them and plain ones. Oh well. The Alfredo chicken broccoli stuffed shells went over like wildfire. I don't like Parmesan so I didn't eat any. The meatballs were almost all gone, I had a few. My standard BBQ sauce and grape jelly sauce. I love crock pots for parties. The veggie tray was almost gone but I always have more of that in the fridge. Cookies, cupcakes, and almost all the other food went. Only a few leftovers so I won't be too badly tempted. All the carbs I had today made me super sleepy so I long nap. May have been the all the wine also.
The turn out for the party was kind of pathetic. I'm not crazy about her (yes, I threw her a shower but as a favor to my uncle) she's young and VERY stupid. I guess I'm not the only one who feels that way, almost no one showed up. Invited 25+ people and almost no one showed. Some family did, none of her "friends". I'm not surprised almost no one rsvp'd. I do not like her, she didn't thank me for throwing her the shower. My uncle did but not her. It wasn't my fault the none of her so called friends didn't come.
I'll most likely so back and delete this entry later, just in case. i love my uncle and do not want him pissed at me but I needed to vent somewhere. She is a spoiled brat.
Funny thing, I have amazon echo and before everyone left 2 people ordered one from amazon. The hit of the party was Alexa. People were calling out Alexa play _____ and it was pretty funny all the changing of the music. I had it set to play lullaby's for the party until they changed it.
Also I've seen this girl at a lot of family functions and couldn't figure out how I knew her. Today I found out today. She's my cousin's step-sister.
My cousin had some rough times growing up and used to show up at my house whenever she needed to get away. Her brother would also. I would call her dad/step-mom and let them know she was okay and let her crash with me. Her step-sister used to be around also. I would also go over to her house and hang with my cousins and her. She's grown up a lot. I didn't recognize her for the longest time until she told me and then it was oh my gosh! She now has 8 kids. Alrighty, time for me to go to sleep for real now. Night all!





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