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NowIunderstand的日记, 2014年07月4日

They can send a man to the moon, but can they come up with a recipe for liver that'll make it taste good without dousing it in Ketchup.

Does anyone have a healthy recipe for beef/pork liver?

If you ask others, they'll ask why you're eating the organ of an animal that filters waste from the body. Comment I got from my chiro. However, being the lover of chicken livers (chicken liver subs with lettuce, tomatoes & mayo with a smattering of onions), when I used to make it, I smothered it onions.  
2014年07月4日 会员:: ClassicRocker
Hubby and I love beef liver and when I make it I start with cooking lots of onions then I salt and pepper the liver then drag in flour and fry. Do not overcook, keep using your fork and turn the liver over a lot and then I add onions to mix with the liver drippings and put lid on and let set for awhile. We do not have it a lot but once every 2 or 3 months. We love it smothered in onions and its tender and oh so moist. Never heard of putting ketchup on it. I have seen it done with bacon and onions but we like just the liver an lots and lots of onions. All good for you, lots of iron, onions are good for the heart I suppose the flour not the best but I just lightly flour liver. But lots of people will make comments about how can you eat an organ, etc....But I say to each their own.  
2014年07月4日 会员:: MomjjjaLou
Wish I could help. My only recipe for liver begins with "discard liver" ;-) 
2014年07月4日 会员:: Vickie 5966
Hi new buddy... Here is a link regarding Liver... You may want to reconsider liver ... http://www.everydayhealth.com/high-cholesterol-pictures/ten-high-cholesterol-foods-to-avoid.aspx#/slide-10 Mardee 
2014年07月4日 会员:: mardee57
Lots of onions browned and brown the liver in butter. Let simmer really low so the liver gets tender.... I don't have it too often, because hubby doesn't like it. I think you kinda have to actually like the taste to begin with.. The onions don't really disguise the taste.... I may have to go to the store now... 
2014年07月4日 会员:: dboza
Odd, the only recipe for liver is frying it with onions and bacon. As I said, they can send a man to the moon. @Mardee/ I'll read the article, it'll probably be another thing to give up? lol @Victie / you're so cute!!! lol @Dboza / It's true, it's a taste that either you like it or you don't. most don't. I can endure it, and it has happened that I've cooked it and it tasted pretty darn good! I try to eat especially during 'Ladie's days' for the iron.  
2014年07月4日 会员:: NowIunderstand
thanks for your responses. Let's head into the weekend. And continue our journey! Blessings! 
2014年07月4日 会员:: NowIunderstand
Mon, sorry… I know my earlier reply was anything but helpful ;-) Obviously I'm not a fan, but doing a search I found a thing on Livestrong.com that talks about preparing it by baking or braising. Hopefully this link will work: http://www.livestrong.com/article/547511-how-to-cook-liver-in-the-oven/ Since you talked about ketchup, I wonder if you could concoct something with a tomato based sauce? I applaud you for eating it for the iron!  
2014年07月4日 会员:: Vickie 5966
nope... I can't even do it with ketchup.. ;)  
2014年07月4日 会员:: lisacockayne
cut it up real small, deep-fry it, and then toss it in the bin and eat tuna instead!!! 
2014年07月4日 会员:: puhpine
2014年07月4日 会员:: lisacockayne
@puhpine/I'm getting a vibe that you're not a fan. Tuna's good, to a point, because of the mercury.  
2014年07月4日 会员:: NowIunderstand
ok, but who needs a brain anyways?  
2014年07月5日 会员:: puhpine
Have you tried grilled or broiled Liver Kebabs? Some people marinate the liver in salt, pepper, and spices for a few hours before cooking. Other people say grill or broil the liver first and then sprinkle with salt, pepper and spices to keep the liver from drying out too much. If you are tired of eating liver with ketchup, try something you normally like. If you love lemon juice or lime juice, try a bit of it. If you love balsamic vinegar or steak sauce, try a little bit of it. You will never know if you like something until you try it. 
2014年07月5日 会员:: Deb_N
ps: funny how chicken is again the foodsource that helps your liver create the stuff needed to get the pollution out of your system... another use for chicken :) 
2014年07月5日 会员:: puhpine
finally: The liver is a metabolizing organ, meaning it is there to filter out the toxic substances that enter a body. Sometimes these toxins remain in the liver and so as a result when you do eat animal liver you may be ingesting some leftover residue of any drugs or hormones fed to the animal. *** sounds healthy enough! go for it! 
2014年07月5日 会员:: puhpine
@puhpine/do you really think all drug and toxins only remain in the liver of the animal? I'll bet you they're everywhere there's blood circulation. And do you think it's not in the manure fed to the plant. If there's one thing I'm fairly certain about is that nothing created vanishes. It shows up somewhere. Life recycles everything.  
2014年07月5日 会员:: NowIunderstand
Liver cooked gently with bacon is absolutely delicious - the trick is to cook it pink, not until it resembles leather, and make a good gravy with the juices.  
2014年07月5日 会员:: Bibinano
The longer we are on this journey the more educated we become and letting go of foods that don't pack a valuable nutritional punch we typically decide to let them go. I was talking to my sister today and she mentioned eating some Fried Chicken. It dawned on me that I haven't eaten fried chicken in over 10 years... We tend to give up a lot to eat healthy... Even knowing everything I know I still have Cake, Ice Cream and Brownies from time to time. That was apparently much harder to give up... ; ) 
2014年07月5日 会员:: mardee57
This one's awesome and it's really simple. You take a cedar shake that's clean (no paint please) and you put the liver on it. Shake on some seasoned salt, a little garlic and then put enough bacon over it to cover the top of it. Bake it in the over for 35 minutes (if it's sliced like steak) and remove it from the oven. Set the bacon aside for whatever use you may have for it later. Now the important part. Throw out the liver and eat the cedar shake. 
2014年07月5日 会员:: northernmusician





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