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kingkeld的日记, 2014年03月25日

Good morning!

I slept great - and a little longer than usual!

I was up at 6:30 - three hours later than usual. I usually get up and send Wife off to work. That requires us to wake up at 3:30.

So, I feel pretty good this morning.

The weight is UP, but it isn't a biggie. I'm up one pound, and this is most likely due to a heavy dinner. I only had 1900 calories yesterday, and burned 3200, so there is a fat loss whether it shows on the scale today or not. It doesn't matter. I'll even have a nice, large bar of chocolate with nuts! It's all in there.

Actually, the chocolate helps me get my fat intake up, along with me not being too low in calories. This is what I love about IIFYM and weight loss.

I know I haven't seen GREAT results with it yet, but that is simply due to me not doing it right. I know EXACTLY where the problem lies, and it's being fixed.

The problem has been the candies. Just like so many other here, I am DEFINITELY having a hard time keeping my hands out of the candy jar.

I like that I can incorporate some, or just leave it alone, eating this way.

I get to eat "normal food" and don't have to avoid all the good stuff.


Today, I'm having a nice, large whole wheat pita with ham for lunch. I'm having SKYR to bump up my protein intake for afternoon snacks, chicken breast in tomato sauce with basmati rice for dinner.


I feel that I am doing much better in general. I can tell that I still drop down in a hole, mentally, now and then, but it's all getting better. I'm sure it will all settle once I am fully done with my former job. We're still working out papers on my release from the, this is negotiated with the union, who wants me to get the best deal possible. It takes a little while, and I have to be patient. It's hard, though.

It's nice to know that there are people looking out for me there.


So, today I have no real plans.

I'm gonna do a long walk, I think. It looks like the weather is gonna be amazing, and I feel like I could use some fresh air and some time to just clear my mind.

I'm very confident that I am heading in the right direction now, though, and it's all gonna get better and better day by day.


I had a great workout yesterday. I actually LOWERED the weight on most machines, to try something out. I wanted to make sure that I used proper form on ALL the machines, and I could tell a difference.

I read a little line somewhere in a blog, and it struck a chord with me.

"Don't lift with your ego".

Basically, make sure you lift as heavy as you absolutely can WITH GOOD FORM, but don't push so hard on the weights that you can't do things properly.

It's very tempting to lift TOO heavy, simply because it's fun! I know I am guilty of that sometime. I like pushing myself, and this is something that I can see that I could do without noticing.

So, I took a step back, and what do you know - I did a few extra reps on all the machines and it was equally hard, but with much better form. I feel just as "used" and exhausted afterwards and it's all good.

I'm certain that I will soon be able to up the weight again, but with good form, and see actual progress.

I haven't seen progress since surgery, so this will be very welcome. Mind you, the surgery and recovery is OBVIOUSLY progress, just not on the weight lifted.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Feeling better.
- Sleeping better.
- Morning Coffee.
- Wife.

Have a great day! Life is good!
92.1 公斤 最近减少: 62.9 公斤.    还有: 7.1 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.
一星期增加3.5 公斤

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to protect good form i learned to first do a quick set on half the weight, kind of a warming up. because the first set is so easy you can fully concentrate on form. Goodmorning my friend. About the munchies, it helps to put the cookiejar in a different place... it also helps to put the cookies in a different jar and label them with the name of your wife, then if you take one, it feels like stealing... 
2014年03月25日 会员:: puhpine
hey Keld, Ive been away a couple of weeks fishing and holidays so missed your updates. The last I read you were having a hard time so Im really glad things are looking up for you and you seem to be feeling a lot better with life. 
2014年03月25日 会员:: Kingstephen
The candy jar calls to me . . . all the time. We have one at work that I used to always be in. Then, when I got serious about losing weight I stayed away from it. I haven't touched it in 15 months, but when I get home at night I am opening drawers and cupboards looking for candy. Last Friday night I couldn't find any candy so I ate an entire package of chocolate chips that my wife had bought to make cookies. How sick is that? I feel like I'm losing my motivation a little and need a kick start. There are weekends when I go overboard and do not even record what I eat. 
2014年03月25日 会员:: jwill77nc2
Sorry to hear, jwill. That sugar urge is so frustrating, isn't it? I've had a day like that today. I'm craving sugar like crazy, and I am really looking forward to having that chocolate bar that I incorporated into my plan later today. It's been calling me all day though.  
2014年03月25日 会员:: kingkeld
I know exactly what you both mean, Im thinking its part of the 'sugar' addiction, at least that's how I think about it when I crave chocolate at night time the most - it helps me to think Im slowly beating an addiction  
2014年03月25日 会员:: Kingstephen
I remember coming across a CrossFit strength-training program that incorporated backing off your top lifting weight by design. You started the program at 75% of your 1RM, doing 1 set of 5-8 reps and another at 95% of that. For 2 cycles, you would increase your top working weight steadily, then for 1 cycle drop it back. Kind of a 2-steps-forward-1-step-back thing. It worked great. So I think there is a lot of merit in dropping weight and focusing on form.  
2014年03月26日 会员:: zebdavison
Love the 'addiction' idea, Stephen - maybe we can combine that with Puhpine's idea: label the cookie jar "Heroin" or "Cocaine" or something :) 
2014年03月26日 会员:: zebdavison





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