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kingkeld的日记, 2014年02月27日

Good morning!

How are you guys?

I'm feeling good this morning.

Even if my Fitbit claims that had a lot of restless minutes through the night, I feel well rested and feel that I had a good night's sleep.

It's a good feeling.

I already went for a walk. I don't really need it today - I will have plenty of exercise later - but I felt like it. So I walked Wife to her train, and did a nice long detour back to the apartment. Total walk of about five kilometers.


Yesterday was great. I walked a LOT - 24,000 steps. It wasn't intended at all, it just "sorta happened".

I had my usual morning walk, to move a bit and to listen to my audiobook. Then I went to the gym for my training. Here I met a good friend and we spend the most of the day together. He's lost a LOT of weight too, and likes walking, so we went for another walk, talking a way like a couple of little old ladies. :)

We went for lunch. I had pizza. It was all acounted for in calories and macros.

I came out of the day with an 1100 calorie deficit. Not bad in a day's walk. ;)

My total calorie burn was 3800, and my intake 2700. Perfect.


Today is equally active. I'm going to the large main hospital in Denmark, to talk to a doctor about the next step in fixing my heart.

They might have to do surgery on it. I'm scared sh*tless about that.

I'm curious about it, what he says. I have a lot of questions about it, and I want to be able to put my worries aside on this. Hopefully today will help.


To go to the hospital, we take the train to Copenhagen. I'm meeting Wife on the train, and we'll go together. From the station in Copenhagen and to the hospital is about 30 minutes walk, and we'll walk it, stop for lunch somewhere on the way, and walk back - possibly doing a little shopping on the way since we're already out and about.

It'll be a good, fun and hopefully enlightening day.


I don't have my foods planned at all. I am bringing some bonus protein shakes just to ensure I get enough. They don't need to be cooled and can easily sit in my backpack all day. I might buy a SKYR on the way too, to have extra. I know that if we dine out, I might not meet macros unless I add a huge protein kick.

200g of protein at restaurants it next to impossible.


I didn't drop any weight today, but I did drop body fat. I see that the trends in my numbers are no longer going the wrong way, but slowly turning around. It takes a while for the numbers to turn around, since I measure over 4 full weeks. A few days will do little to nothing, but consistency will - and I am aiming for consistency.

Once again I see that when I don't under eat, I am much more satisfied and less hungry, and have fewer cravings for bad foods. It works.

So, today I have an allowance of up to 2600 calories. That's my goal. I will most certainly burn more than 3100 calories over the course of the day, so I will be sure to have my goal of 500 calories deficit.

I might have more.

My body can handle up to 970 calories under my burn, so if I end up lower than that, I'll have to eat more. Let's see. I probably won't burn 3600 today. That's more than fine.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Wife!
- Early walk!
- Morning coffee!
- A day out!

Have a great day, everyone! Life is good!
88.6 公斤 最近减少: 66.4 公斤.    还有: 3.6 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.

good to see you back to your cheerful self and on track again, and 24000 steps? Im impressed. 
2014年02月27日 会员:: Kingstephen
A meat only dinner. That's your protein kick. Hehehe :) 
2014年02月27日 会员:: iamachristianjesusfreak
Love the 24000 steps, I still have to work at getting in my 10,000 on some days. Good for you! 
2014年02月27日 会员:: Lynn1958





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