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kingkeld的日记, 2013年12月30日

Good morning!

Wife and I are spending all our free time watching the entire run of Breaking Bad and we absolutely LOVE it! Why didn't I watch this before?

To honor the show, here is a great playlist with all the rock music from the soundtracks! Enjoy!

<iframe src="https://embed.spotify.com/?uri=spotify:user:1141241474:playlist:0ctyHM6vEsiS6voQ500HLO" width="300" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>


I'm up half a kilo and I don't care!

Boy, it's so NICE to not have the load of that damn weigh-in sitting on me any longer. I am absolutely loving that I can experiment further with my calorie intake, and that I am much more focused on other numbers than body weight.

83.2 kilos - as I weight today - is fine though. If this was a focus point, I would still find it fine.


Yesterday's weigh-in was so weird. ALL numbers were WAY off course.

Today is a lot more reasonable.

I'm back in my normal range on every single number. Of course, the numbers yesterday "ruined" my 7 day averages. The 28 day averages won't be affected much.


Today's allowed calorie intake is the lowest yet on my new system, and it'll keep getting lower for a couple of weeks or so, if the trend continues.

If I keep my general activity level and calorie intake, my calorie allowance should see its lowest around January 8th (give or take) and then start rising to meet my "real" numbers that match my current calorie burn. Hopefully I'll be even more active at this point, and thus up those numbers.

Today, I can consume 2589 calories, and I can't go lower than 2330 without tapping into muscle.

There is SO much sense in this way of counting calories for me.

It's easier than compensating all the time. Everything is spread out. It's less likely that I over-eat. I feel more satisfied and full. And, to boot, it's a lot for forgiving when I DO mess up. It takes it into account, so I don't have to spend days under-eating to catch up, and I don't have to just "forgive myself and move on" either. It's all accounted for, as long as I follow the numbers.

Obviously, there is NEVER room for too many severe slip-ups. No matter which way we count calories, the body will react the same to the same amount of calories. That's a given. The counting just makes it easier to control.

For me, control is ABSOLUTELY key.


I'm getting more and more excited about SKYR. It's a GREAT product. It's kinda like Greek Yoghurt, same low fat and carbs, but the protein count is sky high! 12g per 100g. This is actually almost as dense as my protein powder, and a LOT tastier - especially with a little fruit blended in. I could easily be addicted to this. :)

The only thing, as I mentioned yesterday, is that it needs to be in a fridge. I wish it was more portable, to bring on day trips, etc.


I'm slowly getting a little attention building my new company.

I hope that I one day soon - SOON! - can go full time in my own weight-loss/health business. I know I have mentioned it before, but nothing all too serious.

Well, it's still pulling at me, and I am trying to situate myself to do it right.

I have created a facebook page to support my business and weight loss philosophies. If you guys wanna take a look, you're more than welcome. I would greatly appreciate a "LIKE" on there, even if the site is in Danish. I'm considering doing an English version also, but I'm not sure how profitable it is compared to the Danish one. After all, the primary target for my business is Denmark.

Then again, is this how it should be?

Is there a good foundation to actually go international?

I have been pondering on this for a while, and I'm not sure if there is a business in it at all, or if it would be a realistic business compared to the energy that has to be poured into it.

One of the important things about a facebook page in this game is to "gain respect" in the community. The more "likes", the more people pay attention.

My gaining of Likes have gone relatively slow. I was at 100 likes for quite a while, but after posting a before/after picture, and putting more effort into posting opend-ended questions and more photos, the number rose to 150 this last week. It's amazing how fast that went.

Still, in the big picture it's not all that many.

I would like to reach 1,000 or more. I would like for people to log on to my page and see that I'm a serious player in the game. The "fan" number needs to be high to show general approval.

It's all a psychological thing. When we see that others like something, we tend to want to like it too. The more people that see the page, the more will comment. The more people commenting will add more comments in THEIR facebook feeds, and thus generate more traffic to my page.

Makes sense?

Again, I'd appreciate a "Like", but I'm not sure how useful the page will be for non-Danes.

What do you guys think?


Today, I'm thankful for:
- A good night's sleep, even if I woke up at 2 AM again. Wife and I went to bed early, as she is working today - I'm okay with being up. She's waking up in two minutes, so it's perfect timing on finishing my journal.
- A MUCH better weigh-in. Funny. Just realized that it's a strange term to use. I don't care what I weigh. I care about other numbers. Should I start calling it a "status check"? :)
- Morning coffee.
- The cutest kitty in Denmark, sitting in my lap, purring like crazy. She's a great little companion on too early mornings.
- Wife. I love her so.

Have a great Monday! Go do something unexpected today. Take a different route to work. Talk to a complete stranger. Something that shakes your day out of the usual rhythm. It's fun, and healthy to do now and then.

Life is good!
83.2 公斤 最近减少: 71.8 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.
一星期增加3.5 公斤

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For me it's still the night before the 30th...Boy you are up early! I think the facebook is definitely the way to start. Then there is twitter, pinterest, and whatever else. I personally don't get into it, but I KNOW everyone is. My 80 year old mother is on facebook - she has 2 pages. I used to own a business and I could see that the social media is playing a more and more important role. I sold my business mid 2013 - one of the reasons was that I did not want to get into the social media thing --- I realized it is definitely something you must do. Unfortunately, I won't be able to "Like" your page, but I think it's a must to do. (And I have the cutest kitty in Canada) Cheers 
2013年12月29日 会员:: Lynn1958
Cheers right back at you, Lynn.  
2013年12月29日 会员:: kingkeld
Keld Id like to check out your facebook page but can't do it from this PC which is my work one and the net nanny system won't allow facebook so the link you have provided wont' work for me. How can I find you and I am happy to like and share 
2013年12月29日 会员:: Kingstephen
2013年12月30日 会员:: kingkeld
Love, love, LOVE breaking bad. I think I've watched that series about four times and each time it just keeps getting better. 
2013年12月30日 会员:: FullaBella
WE're defnitely hooked too, Bella. It's a brilliant show. Great story, great acting, great production. Can't ask for much more. Maybe more seasons, but that's all.  
2013年12月30日 会员:: kingkeld
Hey, you're still "weighing in"... with your thoughts. And there is serious weight to your thoughts. (That's a good thing :D) 
2013年12月30日 会员:: zebdavison
Keld I liked your page, unfortunately cant understand a word of it, not speaking your language but I wish you every success with it. Steve 
2013年12月30日 会员:: Kingstephen
LOL, you were warned, Steve! I appreciate the like, though. Also, this is the perfect opportunity for you to learn Danish! :) Truth be told, you get a LOT more out of reading my journal than you get from the Facebook page. I reveal ALL my secrets here, on Facebook not to much.  
2013年12月31日 会员:: kingkeld





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