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JMA312的日记, 2020年08月18日

oh well, another morning maybe I shouldn't have stepped on "IT". Shows an increase in number (back to 170?) I didn't post it (to depressing). I was in my woe & wol......WHY does this happen? In the past this would have really set me off the deep end and I would just put up my hands and say "why bother" & "Okkkkk now I'm going to eat just whatever" and go on a binge. Which, afterwards I would be in a depressed, numb state, drink & eat more & more. OR starve myself for a day or 2 and then binge, OR go on one of those diets that "SAY" you will loose X amount of pounds in 4 days and after I don't loose those X amount I would binge. Oh, what a pain sometimes. But nah, not this time. I'm going to just keep on keeping on and deal with it that way. At least I got up & out for my walk this morning before the heat set in and I do have food made that is in my woe and no other tempting food or beverage around and really can't afford (dollarwise or poundwise) to go buy some. So I'll keep on keeping on. We shall see what tomorrow brings.
Hope ALL is well & Take care to ALL in FS-Land

Good for you JMA, you should be proud of yourself. I too get discouraged when I do everything right and then show a gain. And sometimes I self-sabotage, which, of course, just makes things worse. But, when I'm patient and stay on course, I am always rewarded. Stick with it my friend, that drop will come! 🌈 
2020年08月18日 会员:: shirfleur 1
We are not defined by any number up or down and as we move forward this is what I am dicovering. Weighing in is just a marker for me to asses what my body shows how I am functions phsically, just that and nothing elese. When I am on my fast days I weigh less and when I am eating my normal meals it shows more. I know it is a good way to understand why things work inside of me! Being over the speed limit it is a realistic view to understand I will not have the body of my past but my body of the future includes my mind body and spirit, a whole lot more to work with and I am so grateful. When I listen to what I am saying inside to me I first and formost try to be kind and gentle, to love what I am and where I am, to embrace this moment and be excited that this is a journey I am on and will be till the end of days! Try to enjoy the view and all that goes with it as it can be an awesome ride with so many others along the way. We are not alone and we hold one another and share the ups and downs so it isnt so glum or lonely:) 
2020年08月18日 会员:: Morninglory1121





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