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kingkeld的日记, 2013年09月16日

Good morning!

Wow. What a morning.

First of all, I think I completely missed the meeting where everyone seems to have agreed that summer is over and that it's time for rain and darkness in the mornings. Not cool. Not cool at all.

I had to find my winter jacket just to be able to go walk. I just barely made it to the gym before the rain started HAMMERING down. Phew. I'm glad I made it.

Gym is over with for now, and I am at work. Drenched from walking about 7 minutes. :/ My shoes are drying on the radiator, and my jacket is hopefully dry in a couple of hours.


I am heavier than expected today, though I did expect a gain.

I could tell yesterday that my body wanted to retain water - probably because of my food choices Saturday still, as I had crazy many carbs.

Yesterday's food choices were better. Much better. I mostly had "proper" food, but also a few minor indulgences. I had one of the new protein bars, and I had a little sugar free ice cream. Not a whole lot.

This was when I came back from rehearsal with the band.

Later, as it turned out, Wife had changed the menu a little, and it ended up costing me a little more calories than I had expected, so I went over just a notch, about 100 calories. Nothing that would justify a weight gain.


I have started - today - tracking some more things since my Über Smar Smartscale tells me so many details about myself. I might as well register them, and track my progress.

All the info is saved on an SD card, but I kinda like entering things in my phone and just adding it to my spreadsheet at work too.

Then, once in a while, I can do graphs and stuff like that, should I feel like it.

I'm not gonna post ALL my numbers constantly, but as a starting point and reference for later, today's stats are:

Weight: 83.6 kgs
Bodyfat%: 11.7
Muscle weight: 70.2
BMI: 27.0
Daily Calori Intake: 3776
Water%: 64.0
Visceral Fat: 5
Body age: 28

I'd say the numbers are great - but there is still room for a little improvement. As with all starts, the initial numbers aren't really ALL that interesting - it's the PROGRESS that makes it worth tracking all these things. I have my spreadsheet set up so I can track all the data (though I skip the body age. It changes to rarely that I don't really care about it - hasn't changed in 6 months!) and see the averages over the last 4 weeks. I think average numbers are a WAY better indicator as to how we REALLY are doing.

Sure, I can have a bunch of HEAVY weigh-ins for a week, or I can weigh nothing, but if I look at averages over the course of 4 weeks, I feel that I get some numbers that are much more honest.

I always felt that it was weird to say "Mission accomplished" when my weight dips down to goal weight for one day. That day is usually Indulgence Day, and I end up several kilos over on the following day. I almost feel like a fraud.

My goal weight is still set to 80, but I'd be happy for this to be my AVERAGE weight. I'm not convinced that it is at all realistic, though.


I just had a nice, long talk with a physio therapist here at work. She was asking me about some of the basics in weight loss. Not for her to lose weight, she doesn't need it at all, but more to have a deeper understanding for her clients. I'm always happy to spread knowledge, as you know.

This made me - again - think more about goals.

It has REALLY made life easier and less stressful for me to realize that I will probably never weight 75 kilos again. I probably won't weight 76, 76, or 77 again either. If I reach 78 or 79, then it will only be temporary, just quick dips in weight.

I'm really fine with this. Of course, it also begs the question of, whether I can ever count on an average of 80? For ths to be, I'd need as many days UNDER 80 as OVER 80, at least. I'm not sure this is feasible. I will keep it as a goal, but I am in absolutely no rush to get there, and I don't panic if it doesn't happen.


Generally, I'm really happy with my weight, my strength, and my progress these days. I'm VERY comfortable with it, and I really couldn't rightfully ask for anything to be any better. Life is indeed good for me.

It's a long, fun ride for me these days. I like my jobs, I love my band, and I love my own little business - which is booming - and it's just all super nice. Whether I weigh 75, 80 or even an average a little higher is not important. The only real kicker in this is to satisfy the hospital, so I can get my surgery done.

This is why I am still super focused on this number, and probably over-nerding my numbers, and tracking everything. That, and of course, I need to know to maintain my levels and reach new goals. I don't want to ever give this up.

Anyways, back to my scale and numbers...

What I'm mostly gonna focus on is weight, bodyfat and muscle. The rest is just added topping. Of course, the water% is interesting too, especially on those days where I gain weight.

I wonder how well this scale will handle things that simply doesn't fit in the categories. I am mostly thinking of food being processed in our stomach/intestines, or a full bladder. If we get all the facts, how does this compute?

I think I need to do an experiment on this, just to see what happens. I figure I can wait until a day where I REALLY need to go pee, and then weigh myself, record ALL data, go pee, then weigh in again. Just to see the differences. In a perfect scale, nothing should change other than the body weight, right? I find it hard to believe that this will happen, though. I am sure all numbers are affected by it.

Let's see. :)


So, my walk is done.
Gym is done.
Reaching 10,000 steps and 8 km is done.
Work is easy.

It's a good day.

I'm teaching my weight loss classes tonight. I have 4(!) new clients starting up today, maybe even 5(!!!). Not bad. I'm looking forward to it - I like starting new clients up.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Wife!
- The weather clearing up.
- Coffee.
- 4 or 5 new clients today.
- The strength to keep doing good (on average!).

Life is SUPER good. :)
83.6 公斤 最近减少: 71.4 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 合理的.
一星期增加11.2 公斤

Yep, summer is gone, for me too in Ontario. It is dark and cold when I leave in the morning at 6am. Not cold as in freezing but dang chilly! Sorry you got soaked but nice to have a radiator to dry your shoes on. Glad you are enjoying the scale. Is it for home use only or are you going to use it for your clients too? It's the same one as the gym has, and that's where your classes are, right, so I guess you weigh them on that scale? Just curious.  
2013年09月16日 会员:: sarahsmum
Good question, Sarah. Actually, this scale is for home use, and I do NOT use the gym scale for the clients. The reason is that the gym makes a profit from people selling weigh-ins on the specialized scale. Even if my class get a free ride on it monthly, I find it a good idea to simply go with a regular weigh-in from week to week, and have a good talk about what's going on when we gain weight instead of losing it. And of course I encourage everyone in my classes to have the LOOP Check (as the full weigh-in is called at the gym) done monthly, since it's included in the price. Also, a full weigh-in would be very time consuming - especially with a 9 person class - so it's better that they get the finer details on their own. Another thing is that you need to not have slept, not have exercised, not have eaten or had anything to drink 3 hours prior to weighing in on the Gym scale. This is NOT compatible with my class - many enjoy to do their workouts before class. It just works better this way. I usually tell people to go have the Check done first thing after they sign up, this way they have numbers to compare to later on.  
2013年09月16日 会员:: kingkeld
You were given the ultimate compliment on your weight loss accomplishment. A thin medical professional came to you for advice. Awesome. Your scale sounds wonderful. I do a bodpod every 6 months to measure BMI, muscle weight, bodyfat, etc. Paying $50.00 a session. I would probably save my pennies just to buy one to see it tell me I had the body of a 28 year old. Peeing barely assists weight loss. For me anyway. I've tried it several times. One time, someone told me to weight in before I went to bed, then the middle of the night when I got up to pee then when I finally got up for the day. You'll drive yourself crazy. Very cool share today. Thank you. 
2013年09月16日 会员:: ClassicRocker





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