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kingkeld的日记, 2013年09月3日

Good morning!

Yesterday was a great day!

The only "trouble" I had doing my food plan for yesterday was that I ended up 800 calories LOW. I think I can live with that.

I had a nice deficit, even if unintended, I had my proteins, I made my goal on steps, distance and calories burned. A good day.

Once again I see and prove to myself that if I don't eat junk then I will easily stay within my goals, no problem whatsoever.

I killed the sweet tooth with a couple of apples through the day, and also with a very nice chocolate protein shake that I brought from home. Large and fulfilling.

The result is clear: I am down 2.2 kilos of fluid since yesterday. Sure, probably a bit of fat too, but that's not the focus. I know I have gained fat over the weekend, as I ate a LOT, but it comes off again over the next few days along with the fluids. It's of absolutely no concern.

I really like that I am no longer really concerned about this. I see that what I'm doing is right and that it's working, only that I need to tweak a few things. More on that in a moment.


I'm planning on today to be pretty much like yesterday.

I have brought lunch, which is VERY light on calories - about 250. It's whole wheat pasta with a tomato sauce. Virtually calorie free. Sadly also protein free, so I need to do a little more compensating through the day on this. It's okay, though. I just need to have another shake (already in the fridge here at work), and a good chunk of meat with dinner.

Dinner isn't planned just yet - but I have something like 1800 calories that I COULD use for it, so I have no worries. I won't get anywhere near that, though.

A few days of low cal won't hurt me, as long as the other numbers are okay. 100g of protein per day, and 30% of my calories coming from fat.
This, of course, makes me ponder whether it matters that it's 30% of 1500 calories and not 30% of 2500 calories? How much does this matter? I honestly don't know. I do, however, think that I'll be just fine as long as I don't go super low every day. And these days, I think 1500 calories long term is "super low".

Once again, I am considering just dropping my Indulgence Day for me. It was a great tool when I was on my "real" weight loss journey, but in maintenance mode I see it becoming a bother and counterproductive - especially after learning how the high carb intake that I tend to have on Indulgence Days makes me retain water like crazy.

I think I'd be better off just going with my usual RDI, keep my numbers in the high end of the RDI (as I should be doing regardless) and then allow myself a few more treats WITHIN that RDI on those days.

I could do this.

Of course, there will - just like with everything else - be days where I can NOT do this, but I think that if I don't expect an Indulgence Day, then I won't be as likely to go nuts.

So, let's try it this week. This coming Saturday will NOT be Indulgence Day. It shouldn't be TOO hard. I'm working this Saturday, and I won't be home until 3 PM. This basically leaves 4 hours of my feeding window open and this is where I just have to do reasonably good. It shouldn't be too big a deal.


So, today will be an easy day too. I will have absolutely no problem fitting in my meals. I shouldn't have any problems fitting in my protein either, though I might have to do one more protein shake tonight - depending on our dinner choices.

I think I'll be the chef of the day, but I'm not sure what to cook just yet. I don't know what I feel like. I think I will just wing it when I go to the grocery store after work. Again, I have all the calories in the world to fit into my plan for today. I don't want to eat a LOT of food, but I want GOOD food. Most likely, it'll be meat and some veggies in some shape or form.


Today I "only" have work planned. There are no other things going on, other than going home, cooking and then relaxing. It's gonna be a nice evening.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Wife
- Having had a good night's sleep.
- A new client for my classes. Again. :)
- Dropping 2.2 kilos since yesterday. I feel better, less bloated.
- A good food plan for today. It's all good.
- Focus.

Life is good!
84.4 公斤 最近减少: 70.6 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.
一个星期减少15.4 公斤

Yeah for the 2.2 kilos... And for the new client :-). Things are looking good KK 
2013年09月3日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
Explain "Indulgence Day". I've heard many sides to it, but would like to hear your version.  
2013年09月3日 会员:: ClassicRocker
Indulgence Day is "my" diet, which I developed based on several other diets that I put together as a (successful) attempt to get out of a massive plateau. Essentially, you take some calories away from 6 days of the week to put them in a pile on the 7th day - the Indulgence Day. It is (more or less) a controlled "eat what you want" day, but still with a calorie restriction. It works a charm. Check out my bio page for the details. I'm happy to share and support anyone who wants to try it. :) 
2013年09月3日 会员:: kingkeld
Thanks Keld. Sorry if I confused your day with others I've read about.  
2013年09月3日 会员:: ClassicRocker
Hey, no biggie. :) I get a LOT of questions about it. A lot of people read about it here or the forum and are curious.  
2013年09月3日 会员:: kingkeld





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