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JMA312的日记, 2010年10月25日

my mom went on a 'walk-about' yesterday and we had to call the police to help find her. They did find her about 2 hours later only a mile from her home walking around in a parking lot behind a gift shop.
I passed right by there on my way to their house and didn't see her, but the police said she might have been elsewhere at that time. They even drove by there a couple times before seeing her.
Today is Monday yuck and I hate my job. This week will be very stressful and I was hoping to take next Monday off for a long weekend out of town, but may not be able to. So now I'm not really 'pumped up' about getting away for the upcoming weekend and I haven't finished my costume (Halloween party with friends), so I'm not even sure I will go out of town.
I'm down, weary, tired and my back hurts. I know I shouldn't complain there are others out there worse off then I and I should be thankful for what I have, BUT I'm just very, very tired. Things I've planned, beyond just a silly party or time away, aren't working out. I didn't think I would be in the position I am in at this time of my life. There is so much unsaid and so many inner feelings I can't get into right now. I just want to go back to bed and put the covers over my head, but I have to go to work.

there have been times in my life when I have felt like you do today! I am so grateful your mom is found and ok. That in and of itself is such a huge stress and anxiety for you internally. But the other things, relationships, work, family, just you individually not being where you want to be in life...it is definitely exhausting you, which is what stress will do to you. Joyce, you must make the decision to start your day with something wonderful for you. Find a devotional, or an inspirational book of quotes...something...that you can meditate on while in the shower...pep talk yourself and your mindsets into having a positive day - regardless of what else is going on at work. Who cares really? You don't own the company...it's just a job. And you have said so yourself...you're grateful to have one...so until you change that, just go in there with gratitude. Do what you have to do, and get out of there. REFRESH your attitude on the way home. Plan something - like walking the dogs...that you can LOOK FORWARD to upon arriving home...something that helps you destress and brings some little bit of joy back into your spirit. It will help to ease your overall mental stress for the rest of your afternoon/evening. Take control of your time, your efforts, your energy...what you are doing with your free time...make it about you and your happiness!!! And let some other things take a back seat for awhile. Love Ya, Girl...oh, and make sure you are overall - taking your vitamins, getting your sleep, and pushing yourself to exercise a few times a week (even a little at home)...will help to revamp your energy level...and clean up some of your mental energy! DO IT!!! It will help you! (a whole lot more than staying in bed and avoiding life :) 
2010年10月25日 会员:: jsfantome
Thank you again Paula, you just seem to know what to say to make me wake up and look at things in a different light! Oh and yes, I have slacked off my vitamins in a couple weeks! EEEKKK I'm going to go take them right now! 
2010年10月25日 会员:: JMA312
Wow that's alot I hope you find better days ahead and get some rest.... you have to put yourself ahead of others sometimes... 
2010年10月25日 会员:: thecoach
You are soooo welcome! Finding our groove (when we have seemingly lost it), is not an easy thing to do...but it is Do-Able!!! Get your groove on, girl!!! 
2010年10月26日 会员:: jsfantome
getting my groove on! 
2010年10月28日 会员:: JMA312
oooohhh, I am so happy to see you! And even happier to hear the smile in your message!!! tell me more... 
2010年10月28日 会员:: jsfantome





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