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kingkeld的日记, 2013年05月23日

Good morning!

It's Thursday, and it's a great day. The rain seem to FINALLY have stopped, and the sun is peeking out.

Yesterday was all rain, rain, rain. So much that I had to skip on my walk, as my pockets would have been full of cats and dogs. :) Instead, I spent 75 minutes on my exercise bike, so I am sure I have fully compensated. I feel good about it.

So, seeing the sun coming out this morning, I hurried and got going for my walk, get it done and over with, before bad weather might hit us. You never know these days. :)

In a way I did good yesterday, and in a way I didn't.

I had planned a Low Cal Day, but I actually ended up at 800 calories. The culprit? Well, Wife and I went out for lunch, and I was gonna have a salad, but the dish of the day was fried liver. One can not resist fried liver. I'm not even sure it's LEGAL to resist fried liver. :) So, I had liver for lunch, cut severely down on the sides and then compensated on dinner later on.

However, I didn't make it lower than 800 calories. This is 200 too high for Low Cal Day, but I'm gonna consider it a Low Cal Day regardless. I figure I burned a little extra on the bike compared to the walk, and I think it's all good.


I ordered the Fitbit Flex!

I gotta say I'm excited about this. I have been checking up on the Fitbit Flex and the Misfit Shine "pedometers" (I'm not sure they fully qualify as just that, but okay), and finally one is available. I was kinda leary in regards to which one to pick, but since the Flex is out first, and the Shine won't support Android smartphones initially, then they basically pulled out of the race, and only the Flex was left as a competitor for me.

Supposedly, they ship on the 27th - and it'll take a few days to arrive. I can't wait! :)


So, today is a calorie wise normal day. I have an allowance of 3000 calories, but I want to stay below 2100. That's what I feel best with today. I like setting goals and I like to do right. I know that if I consume 3000 calories today, then I won't feel comfortable.

So I won't...


Wife and I have no plans for today. We're catching up on tv shows. We're watching movies. We had AWESOME breakfast. I had a little rye bread. Sunny side up eggs. Beef sausage. Habanero mustard. Salsa. Not bad. :)

Lunch is (probably) more bread and sausage. It's really good, that sausage, and great quality/low calorie. 170 cals per 100g - which is EXCELLENT for sausage/hotdogs.


Other than that, I don't have too much going on today. Just gonna hang with wife.

Today, I'm thankful for:
- Vacation time.
- Getting my walk in early in the morning.
- Awesome breakfast!
- Wife!

Life is good!
79.5 公斤 最近减少: 75.5 公斤.    还有: 0 公斤.    饮食准则: 100%.
一星期增加2.1 公斤

Excited for you.... Shipped on the 27th. Keep your eye on that, as they have had issues with shipping - which caused lots of complaints. Hopefully, they have to it sorted now. I shall follow with interest, to see how you get on with it :-) 
2013年05月23日 会员:: Sk1nnyfuture
I am aware of that, Pam. I will keep an eye out. These are shipped from Amazon.co.uk directly, do I hope they got things organized. This means it's just one huge shipping to Amazon, then they take over. Hopefully this is a good thing. Also, I hope/assume that they learned from the previous screw-up to not repeat it. :) 
2013年05月23日 会员:: kingkeld
I'm jealous! I've had my fitbit flex on back order for 2 weeks now and still no sign of it shipping. Darn things flew off the shelves as soon as they were available here in the US - they must be great! 
2013年05月23日 会员:: Tmcaporale
I'm not sure ANYONE really know if they're great, but at least many customers - including us - are intrigued enough to put money on the table. The reviews are great though. I hope they're right. I hope you get your Flex soon. :) 
2013年05月23日 会员:: kingkeld
You will love your Fitbit. I feel naked without mine. It really has helped to keep me inspired and on track. 
2013年05月23日 会员:: Sherillynn





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